
In Tennessee

Solar Eclipse Survival Kit

Well, the eclipse was kind of a bust for us today, since it was overcast and raining at the time of peak coverage. (We live just outside the totality zone, in the 90-95% area.) But then, to our surprise, the clouds parted briefly and gave us a quick glimpse of this amazing phenomenon!

Lily, Courtney, Becky, Rose, Laurie and Boyd
Boyd, Lily and Courtney
While it was raining we pretended to view the eclipse with our special eclipse-viewing glasses. Because we’re goofy like that.

In Florida

Enjoying the moment with Ms. Tiffany Williams — at DeLand Middle School.

So very VERY cool today. Our class was able to view the Partial Solar Eclipse this afternoon. Absolutely spectacular!!!

incredible view of our sun
sunglasses, please
outstanding shot via Tiffany Williams

Wear your Eclipse approved sunglasses please!
Jay’Von and Ms. Williams had a blast
Jay’Von was mesmerized with the process

Reporter: Laurie Paulsen     and Tom Robinson    

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April Stories

The Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection:     Boyd, Rose and Lily are the children of Becky and Dave. Courtney is Boyd's girl friend. JayVon is one of Tom's students.