Gator Days

Gator Days

4-7-23 – Another Excellent week teaching the best students a teacher could ask for. My Easter Gator Gang this week wishes everyone a happy and blessed Easter Weekend.
4-15-23 Busy week wrapping up our FSAA testing while maintaining our academic progress approaching 4th Quarter interims next week. The Gator Crew this week wishes you a happy and blessed weekend.

4-20-23 My ever faithful Gator Girls ALWAYS wear a Gator Shirt on Friday.
4-28-23 - Everyone was wearing a Gator Shirt today. Even Mrs. Emmons in the back blocked by two students.

4-28-23 - peace!
sitting in the cab of the DeLand Fire Department fire truck

Reporters: Tom Robinson

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April Stories

The Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection:     The Gator fans are the kids Tom teaches.