Race Escape

Northern Lights

Supposedly the Northern Lights will be visible tonight in our sky, the brightest since 2003. We can't see it here because of "light pollution." Boyd and Courtney went over to Browntown Road. They turned their lights off but still couldn’t see it. People are saying you need to use your phone to see it, you can’t really see it with the naked eye. Jasmine took some pics with her own phone. She and Dwight went somewhere on Browntown Road. Boyd and Courtney tried to go to the overlook but it was jam packed.

On the weather Channel they were talking about how unusual it is for the Northern Lights to be visible so far south. They were saying it would be all weekend. I thought it was only for one night, last night. After seeing how some people were freaking out about the solar eclipse, thinking it was a sign of the end times and whatever, I'm surprised I haven't been seeing folks making posts about the Northern Lights being some king of sign.

Some people managed to get a few pictures


What's going on over there?

Reporter: Becky Heiden

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May Stories

The Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection:     Dwight and Boyd are the sons of Becky and Dave. Jasmine is Dwight's girlfriend and Courtney is Boyd's girlfriend.