

It was an awesome day for our final CBI this year to the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and Museum. Major props to Ranger Zach Hopple for his educational guided tour.

The final CBI of the year was to Ponce Inlet Lighthouse. The Park Ranger, Zach, is absolutely amazing with them. His wife is an ESE elementary teacher so he understands my kids quite well. It was a beautiful day. Not too hot. We were all very happy it wasn't so hot when we climbed up the lighthouse. Zach has offered to visit our classroom next year and even read to the kids. I think that is amazing! I am hoping to work something out to make that happen.

Reporter: Tom Robinson

That's all for this time. Come back next month.

May Stories

the Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection:     The visitors to the lighthouse are the children in Tom's class.