Snowed In!

We stocked up on food when “bad weather” was predicted for the week of January 14th. We not only had a lot of snow, but also record low temperatures. I was glad we didn’t lose power – until it was over! Even then we had power but no heat! I had to use small radiator heaters until it could be fixed.

On the first day, I thought I would do a load of laundry but the drain pipe had been blocked with ice so the water backed up into the utility room and the sinks in the kitchen. I ended up with a flood! What a way to start the day! It took several days to get the water bailed out of the sinks. But I couldn’t leave the house or go anywhere anyway so it was something to do to keep me busy.

I thought it might be a good time to sit and watch TV. But snow on the satellite dish resulted in “no signal” so that didn’t work. I spent a lot of time just sitting and working crossword puzzles in the Bible puzzle book that Boyd and Courtney had given me for Christmas.

I had bills to pay but we couldn’t get out to mail them. So now there will be late fees. We had been snowed in for over a week! I’m so thankful that through it all, we never lost power and still had water.

Reporter: Linda Robinson

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