
Christmas Photos

Again this year we have received so many beautiful pictures of our R.R. friends and family that we would like to share them with our readers.

The Hawkey family: Anna, Angela, Kimberly, Samuel, Jeff, Teri and Stephen

Hannah, Abigail and Jacob at Disney World
Diane, Sawyer, Wyatt and Jim, with Santa

Monica, Nicole,
Caitlin, Jessica, Melanie,
Hailey and Ryan
Taylor and Matthew

Tanner and Hannah
Connor and Aidan

Brooke and Ashlyn, with Wyatt


Reporters: RR readers and friends have contributed photos

That's all, folks - until next month!
Don't forget to check out our "virtual photo albums" and "bright sayings." You'll find the links HERE

January Stories

The Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection:     Melanie, Monica, Caitlyn, Jessica and Nikki are Bev's grand children. Ryan and Hailey are Nikki's children (Bev is married to Linda's brother, Bob.) Wyatt and Sawyer are Becky's nephews. They are the sons of Dave's sister, Diane, and her husband Jim. Matthew and Taylor are children of Laurie's friend and former college roommate, Laurie and her husband, Jim. Tanner and Hannah are the grandchildren of Evan's brother, Ron and his wife, Carol. They are the children of Ron and Carol's son, Steve and his wife Gina. Nick is the son of Evan's nephew, Dave and his wife, Cathy. Dave's mom is Evan's sister, NormaJean. Brooke and Ashlyn are the children of I.D.'s son, Tony and his wife, Jessica. Connor and Aidan are the children of Jane's son, Wayne and his wife, Lisa. (Jane is Linda's sister.) Hannah, Abigail and Jacob are the children of Mary Jeanne's son, Danny. (Mary Jeanne is Linda's cousin.) The Hawkey family are friends of the Robinson family. Tori, Taylor and Cameron are the children of Tom and Heather's friend, Gary.