St. Luke's

Christmas at St. Luke's

There was an angel set next to the tree. Her wings moved.

We celebrated a siblings Christmas on the Sunday before Christmas with Mom at St. Luke's. We did our normal routine of breakfast first. Ian, Kristy and Simon were in town and staying with Jane, so they joined us.

Mom checking out the bottle of lotion from Lindee
Gene trying to figure out how to fill the reindeer with Jelly Beans, then not sure IF he wanted to eat them.

Kristy and Cloyd watching and listening to all the fun.
Kay peeking at her present.

Mom trying a piece of chocolate from Sandy
Simon kept busy checking out all the decorations around the room.

Jane admiring the tower of goodies she and Cloyd will be feasting on before it is diet time.

Reporter: Bev Bergey


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January Stories

The Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection:     Kay, Jane, Bob and Gene are Linda's sisters and brothers. Stella is their mom. Bev is Bob's wife. Cloyd is Jane's husband. Ian is Jane and Cloyd's son. Kristy is Ian's wife. Simon is their son.