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"SOULS" is one of the most popular and oldest bands in Bangladesh. The contribution of this band in the field of band music in our country is noteworthy."SOULS"came into being in 1972 and celebrated its Silver Jubilee in 1997. ( It completed its 25 years in 1997 ) "SOULS" is the only band which is survivng for such a long time. The self composed songs and music of "SOULS" attracted a large number of audiences and fans from the 80s which has continued well into the 90s.

"SOULS" had to face a lot of problems in its long venture in the last 25 years. Inspite of so many obstacles, the activities of "SOULS" are remarkable. Many of the members of "SOULS" are now well established in their respective fields both at home and abroad.

"SOULS" has so far performed about four thousand shows, some in the remotest areas of Bangladesh. More than one hundred songs have been recorded by BTV. ( Bangladesh Television ) Its first program was telecast in 1975 in BTV. Eight volumes of cassettes of "SOULS" are now available in the market. The first cassette was released in 1982. Lastest Album was released in January 2002.

  • 1st vol : Super Souls
  • 2nd vol: College er Corridore
  • 3rd vol : Manush O Matir kacha kachi
  • 4th vol : East and West
  • 5th vol : A Amon Porichay
  • 6th vol : Aj Din Katuk Gaane
  • 7th vol : Aushomoyer Gaan
  • 8th vol : Mukhorito Jibon, (Unplugged)
  • 9th vol : To-Let
  • 10th vol : (Coming soon)

On an invitation by Bangladesh Shipping Corporation "SOULS" made its first foreign tour to Singapore and Malaysia in 1979. It performed in the UAE in 1988. In 1997 and 1999 it took part in an open air concert at the University of Jadavpur, Calcutta. And in December 1997 "SOULS" performed two open air concerts in KL Malaysia.

Members of "SOULS" :

  • Naseem Ali Khan :
  • Partha Barua :
  • Masoom (Azad is in USA) :
  • Naimul Hasan (Tanim) :
  • Iftekhar Uddin (Sohel)Not Playing now :
  • Ashik :
  • Lead Vocals
  • Lead Guitar and Lead Vocals
  • Keyboards
  • Bass Guitar
  • Lead Guitar
  • Drums

Some Pictures are here. Click here

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A brief resume of the Band's former members and Souls' birth:

Starting from Sajid, who with some of his friends got together and formed a fledgling musical group calling themselves Surela. In time this band changed its name to SOULS as they had decided to make music which reached the hearts and souls of all.
Sajid, Ronny, Lulu, Tajul, Nawaz, and later Rudy, Lorenzo, Tapan, Naqib, Shahed,Rouf from its inception. Then Pilu, Bacchu, Gerard, Raleigh, Ali, Khokon, Jewel all contirbuted in one way or another to the Band through the years making it what it stands for now.

A few of the former members are now in various places such as: Sajid is now in Sweden, Tajul in the States, Ronny still contributing as the current Manager, Lulu and Nawaz in business, Rudy, Gerard in Canada, Lorenzo in Australia, Raleigh in service in Bangladesh, Nakib and Pilu have formed their own Band, Bachhu in the music business (he has a Band of his own), Ali is in Government service, Khokon is in Private service and lastly Jewel has recently left the band and has joined another. And Fanty has joined Souls as drummer in Nov 99. He left the Band after a few Months. Now Ashik is playing Drums with SOULS.

A few words from "SOULS" :

" Our musical trend is bringing in a fusion by combining the music of the east and the west and thus creating a melody of its own new dimension.

If we are yet to fly the blue skies then the love of our audience will be the wind beneath our wings "

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page updated : 6th Feb' 2002
page updated : 19th May' 2005