Sailor Moon - Kingdom Come Part 2 - Touch of Death
Sitting on the steps of Rei's temple, Dijin sleepily watches the clouds as they pass by. His body is peaceful and at rest, but his mind is filled with a million thoughts. Thoughts of Ami, Queen Beryl, Cydonia, and the Neoverse clutter his mind as he ponders life. His quiet time is interrupted as his pager goes off causing him to jump.
"Hmmm It's from Usagi's house.." Dijin says as he looks at the number on the pager.. "Must be important I better go get Rei.." Dijin says as he stands up, stretches and walks into the temple to find Rei.
The flames of Rei's fire leap endlessly towards the ceiling of the temple as Rei watches them patiently praying ever so often. She watches them silently as they move about in an unrehearsed dance. The silence however is quickly broken as Dijin slides the door open and kneels down next to Rei.
"What is it Dijin?" Rei says softly as she slumps down and rests her head on her hand. Not being one who likes to be disturbed Rei impatiently awaits Dijin's answer.
"I got a page from Usagi's house. I think something important is going down.." Dijin says as he watches Rei carefully. "We should get going right now."
"So because you got a page from Usagi's house you think we should just jump right up and go over there?" Rei says as she sighs quickly then stands up. "Well we might as well go, it's not like I can salvage anything here.." Rei says as she looks at the fire and crosses her arms angrily. "And while we're on the issue of important business maybe you want to tell me more about what you saw on the other side of that portal?" Rei asks as she walks over to the door and slides it open and waits for Dijin to stand up.
"Well." Dijin says as he places his hands down so he can have leverage to stand back up. "For one thing it wasn't the magical land of OZ." Dijin says as he pushes his hands down and uses the force to stand up. "It looked like the Negaverse, but it sure as hell wasn't the Negaverse." Dijin says as he walks over and stands in the doorway with Rei. "Far as I can figure it's a.. um.. It's a Neoverse.." Dijin says as he stumbles for words..
"Sounds appropriate.." Rei says as she grabs Dijin's arm.. "Now let's get going.." Rei says as she starts to walk to the entrance to the temple..
A little shocked at Rei's urge to get going Dijin comments by saying "Shesh you got a red hot poker stuck up your---" but Rei quickly cuts him off with a menacing look. "Never mind, let's just go.." Dijin says as the two exit the temple and head to a bus stop not to far from the Temple.
As Rei and Dijin rush off to Usagi's house to see what's wrong another gathering is taking place at a local bar. No, it's not a gathering of evil, it's a social gathering of sorts. Sitting around a bar single men and women order glass after glass of beer, and make successful and failed passes at each other. One woman in particular who has been gaining the attention of most of the men who sit by her quickly runs her hand through her soft blonde hair then quickly sips her beer.
"Hi.." A middle aged man says politely as he sits down next to the woman and orders a beer. "So are you from around here?" he asks politely as the bartender fills a glass with the usual draft beer and sets it down in front of the man.
"No, not really." The woman says as she runs her finger along the rim of the glass and then playfully looks at the man.
"So what's you're sign?" The man says uncertainly as he fumbles for words. "That's a good one.." The man says to himself places his hand on his forehead in embarrassment.
"I'm a Scorpio.." The woman says as she takes her hand off glass and places it on the man's leg. "What's yours?"
"I'm a....." The man starts to say but stops when he suddenly feels a tingling sensation on the spot where the woman's hand is rested. The tingling quickly changes into a sharp searing pain as the woman removes her hand revealing a hole that goes through the man's pants and into the first half an inch of flesh.
"It's been a pleasure talking to you.." The woman says as she places her hand on the man's cheek burning more flesh from his body.. "Don't ever change.." She says as she quickly kisses him on the lips. "But you should since you'll be dead in a few minutes.." She says cheerfully as the poison from her kiss beings to flood the man's blood stream. After quickly flashing a smile to the bartender the woman makes her exit.
After watching the gruesome events unfold the bartender decides to take action, and quickly calls 911. After placing the call he hands it to one of the patrons and then leaps over the bar and chases out the door after the woman..
"Officer!!" The bartender shouts as he goes running across the busy street that the bar is on. Flailing his arms madly the bartender is nearly hit by passing cars but finally makes it over to the patrol car as the officer steps out..
"What's wrong?" The officer asks the bartender as he stares oddly at him...
"That woman she placed her hand on a patron in my bar and burned the flesh from his bone!!" The bartender shouts wildly as he points to the woman who is now casually walking down the street. "You gotta stop her!"
"I'm on it!!" The officer shouts as he draws his gun and rushes across the street, and then jumps onto the sidewalk.. "Freeze!!" The officer shouts as he runs down the sidewalk until he is face to face with the woman.. "Get down on the ground and place your hands behind your head!"
"You wont shoot me.." The woman says as she runs her hand through her hair then places it over her mouth as she softly yawns. "So why don't you just put that silly toy away?" The woman says as she starts to walk towards the man with her hand stretched outward.
"Who are you?!" The officer shouts, his hands and the guns shaking wildly as the woman draws closer.
"My name's not important.." She says as she stops within a foot of the officer.. "All that's important is...." She says as she places her hand on the barrel of the gun causing it to dissolve.. "Thy kingdom come.." She whispers as she vanishes from sight..
"Wow.." The officer says as he drops what remains of the gun and slowly backs away. "Just like the guy on the news.." The officer murmurs
Still inside Usagi's house Ami and Usagi sit and watch the TV and wait for Dijin to arrive.. They need not wait long because the bus Dijin and Rei were riding on has just stopped at a nearby bus stop..
"Come on.." Rei says as she walks off the bus followed by Dijin..
"I'm coming I'm coming.." Dijin says as he follows Rei up to Usagi's house.. "Ya know I didn't have to tell you, but since you are one of the Senshi I had too.."
"Your point?" Rei says menacingly as she knocks on the door, and waits for a reply from someone inside..
"If it was my choice I wouldn't have told you.. You always seem to be more happy when you're just sitting in front of that flame of yours.." Dijin says as he places his hand behind his head nervously then smiles slightly. "Nothing personal.."
"Sometimes I don't even know why I bother talking to you!!" Rei shouts at Dijin as someone opens the door..
"Oh hello Rei, Dijin..." Usagi's father says as he pops his head out the door.. "Usagi and Ami are upstairs in Usagi's room." Usagi's father says as he opens the door so Dijin and Rei can enter..
"Thank you Mr. Tsukino.." Rei says politely as she enters. "Come on Dijin.." Rei says as Dijin walks in and smiles at Mr. Tsukino.
"I haven't seen you in awhile Dijin, were you sick?" Mr. Tsukino asks as he closes the door and looks at Dijin with a puzzled look.
"I went on a trip.." Dijin says as he flashes a quick smile then follows Rei up the stairs.. "With my mom.."
"Hmph didn't even know he had a mom.." Mr. Tsukino says to himself as he walks off to the kitchen. "At least I've never seen her or even heard of her.."
"I really hope this is important.." Rei says seriously as she reaches the top of the stairs and knocks on Usagi's door..
"I'm sure it is.." Dijin says optimistically as he walks up next to Rei. "I mean would Usagi have us come all the way to her house for nothing?" Dijin says then Rei gives him a look of surprise.
"Hey guys!!" Usagi shouts as she opens her door up and raises her arms above her head then hugs Rei and Dijin.. "Quick get in!" Usagi whispers as she grabs Dijin and Rei by their arms and drags them into her room and shuts the door..
"Hello Rei, Dijin." Luna says as she slowly stands up from her spot on the floor and stretches her paws. "Let me explain to you what has just happened downtown.." Luna says as Dijin and Rei both sit down next to Ami and Usagi on Usagi's bed.. "Roughly an hour ago a mysterious man appeared in the skies over downtown Tokyo and uttered the words.. Thy kingdom come.. " Luna says as she walks back and forth in front of the four. "He was wearing a generals uniform that was very similar to the ones worn by the generals of the Negaverse, and he appears to have the ability to control fire.." Luna says as she stops and stands in front of Dijin.. "Does anything I've just described sound familiar Dijin?"
"The, Thy kingdom Come, part sounds familiar.." Dijin says thoughtfully to Luna as he leans back on the bed.. "Before I followed Queen Beryl, and Orthanix into the portal, Beryl kept referering to the Neoverse as her kingdom.. Where's Mako and Mina?"
"They're coming I paged them just like Ami paged you.." Usagi says as she grabs the remote to her TV and turn it back on. "Hey look!" Usagi shouts as she points to the TV screen.. "Another attack.."
"This is a special news bulletin.." A female news anchor says as she stands up straight in her chair and looks directly at the camera.. "Another mysterious attack has occurred, this time in a singles bar in downtown Tokyo, this time involving a woman who burned the flesh from a man by simply touching him.." The news anchor says as she maintains an aura of seriousness.. "And once again the words, Thy kingdom come, have been said linking this attack to the previous attack over downtown Tokyo.."
"Two attacks in only two hours.. Wow..." Dijin says as he watches the TV blankly.. "I hope there aren't anymore..."
"Hey guys.." Mako says as she walks in followed by Mina.. "Sorry were late traffic has been a little crowded ever since that attack downtown.."
"Well we had another this time it was in a singles bar downtown.." Dijin says as he grabs the remote and turns the TV off..
"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven.." Ami says as she quickly stands up in front of everyone..
"Huh?" Everyone says in unison as they look up at Ami with confused looks on their faces.. "Say again?"
"It's a part of the Lord' Prayer from the Christian Bible.. Think about it. Beryl referred to the Neoverse as her kingdom.. The Neoverse is a separate place from Earth, and to Queen Beryl it's probably a Heaven. So basically she's saying Earth and the Neoverse are one in the same, or she plans to make them that.." Ami says trying to explain it so everyone can understand.
"But they haven't been saying the, Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven, part." Mako says as she tries to understand what Ami means..
"They've been saying in a prophet like manner.. They're not praying they're warning.. They're giving a message to someone.." Ami says as she sits back down..
"Well she has to be warning us.." Rei says as she turns to Ami.. "Who else would she be warning?"
"It can't be us because they've all said the word, thy, which means it must be one person.." Mina says to everyone as she sits down on the bed. "She's only warning one person.." Mina says as she looks at Dijin..
"It can't be me she doesn't want me dead.." Dijin says as he stands up and walks away slowly from Mina..
"Well we wont know for sure for awhile but I'll bet we're gonna see five more generals from the Neoverse before Beryl will even think of showing her ugly head.." Luna says as she jumps up on top of the TV.. "She thinks she's God, she must want to merge the Neoverse and Earth into one Kingdom, and instead of doing it in seven days like God made Earth she wants to make it by sending seven warnings to Earth via her generals.."
"And now we have to sit here until Queen Beryl decides to show up. This is going to be Hell on Earth.." Rei says as she rests her head on a nearby pillow..
"That's exactly what Beryl wants.. A Hell on Earth.." Luna says as she lays down on the TV and waits with the senshi for another attack from the Neoverse..