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Shriners Halt!!


Whatever happened to the good ol’ Sailormoon combo page? Ya know, the ones with image galleries, basic info, sound files, and webrings up the wazzu! Well now the rage in Sailormoon webpage is the shrine. Shrines are like combo pages, only they’re directed towards a single character. They normally consist of images, in-depth information, and fan fiction based around that one character.

No big deal huh? Wrong, shrines, believe it or not, are growing in quantity, but not quality. I’ve seen shrines recently that only consist of an image gallery, and links (most not even related to the shrine’s character). Sure there are some good shrines (Normally 1-3 per character), but they’re few and far between. So what separates the "Ultimate Sailor Mercury Shrine" from sites like, "Bow to the Glaive"? Two words, in-depth information. "Sounds simple" you say, (watches you slap a generic stat sheet on your site.), "All done! ^_^ ". I hate to burst your bubble but when I say, indepth information, I don’t mean for you to reach into the depths of your hard drive, and pull out that generic stat sheet. What you really need to do is take a good long look at the character you want to do a shrine on , and then dive head first into the depths of his/her character. You need to pick apart his/her personality, and then don’t be afraid to put in your own opinion. Ahhhhh, opinions, it’s the one thing that separates one page from another. Your opinions could open up your shrine’s character to a whole new audience, and all it takes is a little courage. Other things like image, fan fiction, and fan art shouldn’t be ignored, but always remember the most important part is the information.

Good luck on your shrine.. ^_^ Shriners Go!!