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    News | Oct 18, 2000

    It was confirmed today by Nikkei Business Publications of Japan that Square has been enveloped into the raw power that is Microsoft, developing their future PlayOnline-driven title to be released in the summer of 2001: Final Fantasy XI: Online Another World.

    Though there has been some hurdles along the run of this development, mainly due to the unfinished technical aspects of Microsoft’s upcoming console and its completely English-based foundation, Square did receive a complete development kit from Microsoft in order to make the game compatible. Development of this project started in June.

    Naoto Yoshioka of the X-Box Division’s Advanced Technology Group said, “Although I can’t confirm or deny any stage of development, the acquisition of a killer title such as Final Fantasy would be an enormous benefit to Microsoft. We’d be more than happy to announce any kind of work like that for the X-Box.”

    However, this doesn’t rule out the release of Final Fantasy XI for the Playstation 2. Square’s “online world” is expected to be released and compatible for both systems, allowing a much larger audience to participate in the PlayOnline service without the limitations of a single gateway. This is simply fuel for the fire in Square’s attempt to create a powerful worldwide gaming network. Square and Microsoft have both yet to officially confirm through any press release the development of Final Fantasy XI for the X-Box.

    PlayOnline launches early next year with its opening Playstation 2 title Final Fantasy X.

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