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Silent Hill.

Konami of America, Inc. introduces Silent Hill, an
action/adventure thriller for the Sony PlayStation.
Gamers risk exploration in the town of Silent Hill
as they search for their missing daughter. The
plot leads gamers to discover Silent Hill's alter
ego world. Actions in Silent Hill affect events in
this dreamlike world and vice versa-the mystery of
how that exactly happens is another key in this
game. Interactions with other characters become
blurred throughout as gamers must decide whom to

While driving into town, there is a car crash,
leaving the player unconscious. When the player
realizes his daughter is missing, a search of the
town reveals that most of its inhabitants have
also vanished. Their location, and the
simultaneous appearance of an other worldly
kick off the bone-chilling action.

"The CGI movies found in Silent Hill are the best
Konami has ever done," notes Jon Sloan, Konami
marketing manager. "In fact, they are easily on
par with the best that this industry has seen.
Used to advance the amazing storyline, gamers and
horror fans alike will love the look of this game."

"Similarly, the lighting effects in Silent Hill
are some of the most cleverly executed elements
I've experienced," continues Sloan. "Certain areas
are completely dark and can only be viewed with
the assistance of a flashlight, giving plenty of
opportunities for a player's light to pan over
gruesome finds! Monsters can jump into the light
from nowhere-almost onto the player's

Konami is known for quality software, especially that of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Wild Arms. Now, the company responsible for some the PlayStation’s greatest games is out to capitalize on the success of Capcom’s Resident Evil games, with Silent Hill. While Silent Hill and Resident Evil share many common elements, they also differ. In Resident Evil all the backgrounds were pre-rendered which gave them a photo-realistic look, but lost some of the 3D feel to the game. In Silent Hill, however, the game’s backgrounds are completely comprised of texture-mapped polygons, giving Silent Hill that extra sense of 3D that Resident Evil sorely lacked. The similarities lie within the camera angles and the overall mood of the game. Silent Hill will be viewed from the third-person, cinematic view which helps give it more of a scary mood.

While playing through the game you will collect various weaponry to keep your skin alive. You will come across items and investigative tools to help you solve the mystery of Silent Hill. Silent Hill is the city and there are strange things happening. The inhabitants of the town are going mad. There is evil everywhere to be found. And, to top it off, your daughter has been kidnapped.

The FMV sequences are to be the best ever on PlayStation so far. People who have witnessed the FMV say that it looks almost real. The FMV should help progress the story line as well as provide the gamer with a little break in between the tense gameplay.

So far, Silent Hill looks to surpass its predecessor, Resident Evil, in every way. Graphics, darkness, FMV, everything seems to be done better. But there are still few details on the gameplay. I’ll keep you all informed as I get the info on this soon-to-be-hot title.