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UPDATES     2-16-00

I  have just put in a Front Mission page, and set a new link on my FFVII page, that is all for now I will be updateing this page dayly so check back in a day or so............snake


I just added the new FF8 page but the links wont work because I havent connected them yet but I will some time today or tommorow......snake


Today I added The FF8 characters page you should check it out, and a midi on the front page...more to come in the next few days..


The Syphon Filter and Parasite Eve 2 pages are not yet ready, They will be up sone time over the weekend.....Anyone intersted in joining the staff, e-mail me at You must have experince in useing HTML or HTML editors, please send a link to a page that you have made. I will return you request in less than 24 hours.


Today I did some on the walkthrough page and the cards page, sorry about the card page I know it doesnt give much info but in the near future it will have detailed information on the cards stats and where you can find them at.The walkthrough page for FF8 will be finished sometime this week.