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Our before and after pics!
I've Lost 125 pounds in 13 months and still loosing!

Connie lost 60 pounds and has kept it off for 18 months!

If you want to find out how we did it, click the blue button!

Email: Brian Shanks


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corner of the net!

My update.....1/28/2000!
It's updated
5600 Hits!!!!!

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Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Florida Sportsman
Gulf Coast Fishing
Historical Pensacola, Ships and Stuff
My Favorite Kentucky Wildcat Basketball Page
Gerry's Juke Box "It Rocks" The Sports
A fantastic SHARK site!
The Freer World!
The wonderful world of GOO!
Lanman's Big Blue Parrot Head Page
A great midi resource!
Check out your house from outerspace!
Penny's Page!

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Brian Shanks