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Hey Did you Notice This

On VH1's Story Tellers, it is so funny (apparently)! You can see Tay twist his microphone because the cord was twisted around the stand and he puts the microphone up where he can sing to it and then he hits it with his mouth. Then the microphone starts flipping around in circles and Tay is trying to fix it and play his keyboard at the same time.

On Story Tellers, they were singing a Minute Without You after Tay says "Oh… yeah " you can see Zac in the background giving him a dirty look and then they focus the camera on Ike and he is too... maybe Tay messed up ..i dunno

These next three are from: (thankyou!) -In MMMBop, the guys are on that street and they're standing in a line or something and first Zac looks at the camera and walks away and then Tay looks at it and makes a motion to the camera as if to say, "Forget it." It's kinda hard to see but playing it slow-mo helps.

-In Where's the Love, when Tay sings, "Not enough, not enough." Towards the end, he makes a motion with his hands that look like he's indicating that there's not enough on a girl's chest area. (I hadn't noticed that until now, but it really looks like that!

-In the Tulsa, Tokyo & the Middle of Nowhere movie, when they're playing the concert at the Beacon, I'm not sure what song, but someone throws water on Ike while they're playing. He just looks to where it came from and walks back to protect himself from the next shower.

On Smash Hits Poll Winners Party, Zac is wearing a long sleeved black tee shirt that says 'active' in shiny blue material on the arm. Also, when Tay is receiving his 'Most Fanciable Male' Award Zac makes a face at him. It's soooooooooo funny! Oh yeah and everyone mimed at the concert so it was so funny watching Tay lip to the record version of MMMBop because he has no hope of ever being able to sing that high again! Oh crap one more thing: Zac barely lips at all, when he does it's usually in the wrong spot, and he starts playing his part too late. And the camera never goes on Ike! And I mean never!

When the guys were on Australia's Hey Hey It's Saturday! their dad was allowed to film it all on his home video camera (that's not usually allowed). And when they're talking to the host, Darryl, Tay's voices cracks a little and Darryl says something like "was that your voice breaking or have you got the flu?" and the co-host kind of guy, Dickie Knee, says "Nah, he just smokes 50 packs a day!" I guess you had to be there but Tay went really red! Oh and at the end because the show is sponsored by Cadbury Chocolate the guys got to throw out heaps of chocolate bars to all the girls in the audience.

On Ugly Phil's Hot 30, Phil give the guys all the presents. Zac opens one which says "Sender: the Unabomber" and Zac makes beeping noises and blowing up noises, but everyone just ignores him.

Also on Ugly Phil, in another interview Zac and Phil were talking about how they would start a rap band and you can hear Walker Hanson talking to Tay in the background.

On Good Morning America, (I haven't seen it) everyone is telling me it looks like Taylor was checking out the chick who was interviewing them. He was giving her 'that' look apparently. It's most obvious right before they go to commercial break.

When Hanson was on MTV's Oddville, and they were singing MMMBop, Taylor almost finishes the song a little too early and actually stops playing his tambourine. Isaac turns his head away from the microphone and quickly says something to him so he keeps going.

Also on Oddville, when Zac burps while saying 'yep', he looks at the other guy and when he goes back to his position Tay elbows him. Oh yeah and one more Oddville thing: when they go up to the stage Ike picks up his gutiar and almost or does hit Zac in the face! Ow poor Zac! You can't quite see if he does hit him or not though.

Okay these Z100 ones are thanx to Jennifer: On Z100 (100.3), whe the fans were asking questions- this girl called in and asked, "Would you ever date a fan?" Zac said something about how the fan you dated would probably be more like a friend. After that, Tay says, "Well, you know, I wouldn't just walk up to a fan and say 'Hey, nice to meet you' then, you know, tongue & all." Then everyone is goes, "Ewww, Tay!" He's goes, "Sorry, I just had to explain." Then Zac says, "Thankyou for being so graphic."!

b) This other girl calls up and says them she can't hear them. So Cuby (the radio announcer) tells Tay, Ike, and Zac to talk louder and to 'get those tongues moving'. Tay goes "Oh man, that doesn't sound to..." But he doesn't finish what he is saying!

c) Cuby says Zac is playing Tic Tac Toe with his Twizzlers and Tay says, "Oh, that doesn't sound to good either! Don't talk about this anymore, Cuby, its taking us somewhere!"!

d) This girl calls in and goes "First of all, I'm a really big fan! And I want to ask: what kind of music did you listen to?" and Tay says "Are you sure a really huge fan? Because the answer to that one would be, you already know!"

e) Ok I promise this is the last one: After a commercial break Cuby says "OK, we're back to a Hanson special. Then Zac says "And you are on Loveline!" in a sexy voice! Then he's pretending that he is a caller on this Loveline thing and say in a weird voice "Oh, my baby's leaving me and, oh I think he's going out with my girlfriend!" Then he says in a different voice, "HEY GIRLFRIEND!" (like on Ricki). And then Taylor goes in a funny voice: "What you need to do is you need to talk to that man!" The whole interview was really funny!

On Nick Kids Choice Awards, Heather Locklear came in a Hanson tee shirt. She told the press that she loved Hanson and that she wanted everyone to know!

Oh and another thing: you know that Amanda girl (I think she's from All That or something…) anyway does anyone else think she's got a crush on Zac or Tay or something? Because when she's presenting their second award she's like really happy that they won and when they guys were leaving the stage and Zac and Tay do that funny face thing in the camera, she copies them after they do it. No offence to her but she is soooooooooo annoying!!

On Saturday Night Live, Zac is chewing gum through the whole of MMMBop and he sneezes twice during MMMBop. Zac almost falls during their skit and Taylor lip syncs Isaac's lines. At the end, Taylor rolls his eyes at Zac.

Ever noticed Zac almost always seems mad when he is playing the drums. Maybe he's just concentrating really hard or something! Also Taylor can NEVER stand still when they are performing live. Meanwhile, Ike always looks cool calm and collected!

At the World Series, Taylor was laughing because someone said 'I love you Taylor!'. Also at the end, it sounds like the audience is 'booing'. I've just got it on good authority that the audience was booing and apparently Zac was really upset by the end. I thought they sang really well!

On the Rosie show, when they trade autographs, Tay asks for Heather Locklear's. Oh my God! I've just been going through all the tapes I have of Hanson and almost always when they have scripted lines, Tay lips them!! Examples: SNL, in TT&MON when they are doing those blooper things for the Taiwanese music shows and European MTV Movie Awards.

Tulsa, Tokyo and the Middle of Nowhere Video:

At the very start when they are performing Thinking of You: after Tay gets thru that little instrumental/piano thingo he looks really relieved.

When they are waiting backstage at Paramus Park Mall, you can hear Walker say "They're screaming your name!" to Tay and Tay goes, "Oh my God", and he looks really embarrassed!

When they are in the sound studio talking about Paramus Park Mall, look closely at what is in front of Zac on the table. I'm not quite sure but it looks like he's drawn the word 'Hanson' in different coloured markers.

One more thing about Paramus: when they are leaving Zac is clutching onto Ike and Tay's backs. Very nice person, Erica, told me that Zac got his hair yanked out and his shirt ripped. Gee, are you trying to mortally wound them or something??

Just before they go, "We're going to walk down the side walk… etc" when they are filming MMMBop, Tay is doing a funny dance in front of the camera.

When they are in the sound studio talking, check out the TV screens behind them: at one stage there is footage from their concert in Melbourne, Australia.

When they are in France: the camera focuses on a sign saying, "Meteo France Prevoit, a Paris demain: un temps varible tempratures: 11 a 22 degres" this means, "French Weather Forecast, in Paris tomorrow: temperature at various times (this is a very literal translation remember!): 11 to 22 degrees".

Everyone is saying that the Italian DJ spat on Tay's arm and that's why he wiped his arm but if you look really closely you can see that he is only pushing up his sleeve over his elbow.

When they're hailing a taxi is England, Tay says something about rollerblading.

In that English interview: if you look above Tay and the interviewer it really looks like they are sitting in a wardrobe hmmm…

When they are filming Where's the Love: what are Ike and Zac doing on that turning thing? Have I missed something? Very nice person, Erica, told me that if you look closely you can see that it is in that white room (that was actually light blue but anyway…). But that still doesn't explain why they are filming it. Or why they have pictures of Hang Kong and some other place on the wall behind them.

Hanson Doing Stupid Stuff: when they are on the theme park ride, at first it is Ike and a young Tay and they is changes to Ike and a young Zac-- you have to look really really closely!

Hanson Doing Stupid Stuff: when Ike and Zac run into the Beacon Theatre doors, Zac's door opens.

Thanx Crystal: When they are arriving at the Tokyo Airport, Tay (and I think Ike is as well) is holding a computer bag. (I just checked that and low and behold, Tay was holding my computer bag, well not mine of course but you get my drift!)

Taiwanese Music Channel Ads: At the very start it sounds like they are singing "Taaaayyyyllllloooorrrr" in opera voices. If anyone can work out exactly what they are doing- I'd really like to know!

Taiwanese Music Channel Ads: Ike says 'Da da hao' that means 'Hey how are you'

When they are in the bus in Jakarta: the driver guy is saying 'Dros, dros, dros' which in English means 'Continue'

When they are on the sea plane in Oz: Tay says 'Zac we're here' (or something to that effect) and Zac says something about Dramamine-- it's motion sickness medicine--- poor guy I know exactly how he feels!

When they are saying they are Melbourne and they will be playing in a 'car park': just for the record, Australian people don't speak with English accents- English people do- der!

When they are in the Monkey Forest: they do really swipe your wallets-- I went there a while back and also if you go into any of the temples all the guys have to put on these sarong things… I wonder if the Hansons went to any temples-- now that would have been a sight to see!

When Ike says, "If you're not careful, they'll bite you" he's talking to Mackie, not Zac, because a woman says "Mackie if you jump at them, then they'll bite you" I don't it's Diana talking though.

MMMBop Video Clip:

When they are 'planting a seed, a flower and a rose' Zac has got 'Hi' written on his hand.

When they are playing in the house, there is someone walking around outside. Very nice person, Erica, read in a magazine that it was their brother and sisters playing out there.

Tay sings 'Yeah' while Isaac is doing his part when he's not supposed to.

Where's the Love? Video Clip:

I'm sure everyone knows by now that you can see Tay's red and white boxers at the start of this video.

Oh yes and everyone also knows that in that 'Dark clouds.." bit you can see the spot light guy behind Zac.

When Zac jumps in front of Tay, it looks like Tay saying "Shit" or maybe something a little worse, if you know what I mean. Thanx to whoever told me this: Tay said in an interview that there were rumours going round that he cusses a lot but there is a rule in his house that you can't swear, and he said he wouldn't want to disobey his parents. Although, it was really obvious at that award show when they were getting out of the boat that he swore, and I mean majorly obvious.

Zac sings along to Tay's part a lot of the time.

When they are sitting on the steps, there is this woman in a pink dress and a green hair wrap- she goes past them like 80 times! I have a picture of the guys with their Dad on a break in the filming and she's in the background.

Okay I'm not sure if this true: A girl won a competition in England to kiss Taylor in the video clip. It was either edited out or Tay said he no. I've heard stories that she tongued him and it was kinda unpleasant for him cos it was his first kiss and all. Don't quote me on that though- it's probably just crap. Okay, I've just been told by Amanda (she's from England), that it is totally untrue, and can you imagine the guys allowing that??

In the TT&MON edited version, there is a something on the pillar behind Tay blurred out. In the normal version, you can see it says "Session: Everything" I think... someone told me it said "Middle Of Nowhere: Hanson's New Album" but I don't think it does.

I Will Come To You Video Clip- London Version (Australian Version)

Okay well there's nothing really out of the ordinary here so ummm... what can I say? This would probably have to be my favourite clip- oh wait maybe Weird is... oh I don't know!

I Will Come To You- Beacon Theatre

There isn't much to say about this one either. Cept when Isaac plays his guitar really close to the audience, he is smiling a lot when camera goes on him when he is back behind the microphone.

Weird Video Clip

Oh I just love this clip! But there's nothing really dodgy about it though. Umm... oh wait yes there is: When they are in the subway car with all the business men holding newspapers, look closely at the ads around the walls. There's one for Zac Jeans!

Oh yeah when they enter one car there is an ad near the door saying something about faith.

Oh yeah and one more thing: rumours are circulating that Tay chopped off some off his braid. Apparently you it looks like he has in the Weird video. Or maybe not, cos ppl have been telling me in that bit when they are in Times Square and they pause before saying Weird: you can see the braid flying in the wind (haha that sounds funny), and it looks the same length as before.

When they jump back out of the water you can see Zac's boxer's. (thanx to whoever sent this one to me! I lost your name!)

Thinking of You Video Clip

Yes, I can hear you all going- "...but Thinking of You hasn't been released" Oh yes it has! It has been released overseas but don't worry you're not missing much- they just took it straight from TT&MON. It's better than I Will Come To You at the Beacon Theatre because they are actually singing live.

Middle of Nowhere Pictures and Songs

In the pictures of the guys in the studio, they all put one earphone over an ear but put the other one behind their other ear. It helps because you can hear what you're singing.

The pic of Tay banging on the door- did someone lock him out??

Okay this may be a stupid question but there is a pic of the guys in a black tiled room- are they playing in a bathroom?? Very nice person, Erica, has told me that they are.

I love the pic of Tay singing and Zac looking at the camera.

Hey I just noticed something: Tay isn't wearing his chokers in any of the pics.

At the end of Look at You, Zac is doing a James Brown impersonation with that 'one eyed purple goose' stuff.

Snowed In Pictures and Songs

Well personally I love these pics! Both MON and Snowed In record covers were designed by ® Patrick and the art direction by Margery Greenspan.

3 Car Garage Pictures and Songs

All the pics were taken by Walker Hanson and Stirling McIlwaine, Hanson's co-manager.

On the front cover Tay is wearing the same watch as in the MMMBop video clip.

I love those shoes Tay is wearing on the back cover… just thought you'd like to know!

On the bit where the CD goes, the picture in the left bottom corner is of the Hanson's living room where the drums used to go.

In the lyrics bit, the picture where all three are looking up at the camera, is it just my imagination or is Zac holding a red beret??

At the very start of MMMBop you can hear a man going 'We're recording', I've been told it's Ike--- trust me I've listened to it heaps of times--- like seriously over and over just to prove my theory and I'm sure it's not him! Okay, I've just been told by a very nice person called Erica that it was the producer- NOT IKE- so ner! Haha gee I'm being really mature! Ike, Tay and Zac said on Z100 that it was and they left it in cos they thought it sounded cool.

Oops, I got it wrong! Mackie isn't talking at the start of Soldier, it's either Jessica or Avery or both. Thanx to all those ppl that told me!
