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So, you want to add a little sound to your email or WebPages?? We shouldn't have too much trouble doing that right here and now!!

There are two ways to go about this and I'll show you the easiest one first.. but, check both of them out. Both work fine for WebTV but they have their differences when it comes to what your 'puter friends have to say!!

Here's the first....!!!

<bgsound src=" . mid">

This will load the .mid, .wav, or etc. and play it through one time then stop. If you want a little more we can add the "loop" attribute and get a little more. Here's how we do that....

<bgsound src=" .mid" loop="2">

Adding the loop="2" will cause the sound to be played through twice!! You can change this number to anything you want... To make the sound "loop" infinitely use loop="infinite" or loop="-1"...

The <bgsound> HTML tag comes from the microsoft clan and works well with Internet Explorer (one of the two major 'puter browsers) and WebTV. However, it may not work real well with Netscape (the other major browser)...

Now here's the second way to get the sound we're after. This is what I use because it works with WebTV, Netscape 2.0 and higher, and Internet Explorer. I think that the majority of PC users use one of these two browsers....

<embed src=" mid">

This will put a clickable speaker "icon" on the page. When this "icon" is clicked it will play the sound file through one time. This probably isn't what you're after so let's add a couple of attributes to this one to make it automatical!!! Sheeeesh, is that a word??

<embed src=" .mid" autostart="true" hidden="true" loop="2">

The autostart="true" attribute and value make the sound start as soon as it's loaded. The hidden="true" thingy makes the speaker icon go bye-bye!! The "loop" attribute works the same way here as it does for the <bgsound> HTML tag!!!

And that takes care of that!!

Let the tunz play on...!!!