Jon Canmore as CarterCanmore as Castaway
John Castaway, aka Jon Canmore entered the city with his brother and sister. They were hunters. All descendants of Canmore with one main goal: Kill the demon (Demona).

Jon had an alias last name of Carter and took on job of a reporter. He had to drop that job after it was revealed that he and his siblings were the ones who destroyed the clock tower above the 23rd precinct.

He originally believed that Goliath's clan were good but lost that belief when he thought Goliath killed his brother. When He and his sister tracked down Demona and the other gargoyles showed up Jason tried to reason with John. Jon fired a shot at Goliath and Jason jumped in front of the clan leader.

Jon changed his name to John Castaway and started the Quarrymen. He recruited citizens who feared and hated gargoyles as much as he did and gave them their uniform and hammers. Their goal is to destroy the clan.