
Lexington's Lexicon

Hey welcome to the Lexicon. Since I am busy with RL
Lexington: Wait a second are you saying I don't have a life?
Spacebabie: No, no no no. I'm not saying that. It's just that I think this is something you should do.
SB: Well there is the name of a lexicon, sounds like your..and you are good at this sort of stuff.
L:Why now?
SB: Cause I decided
L:Oh fine.

Hi folks and welcome to MY lexicon. This is where you will finds the names of people, places, and things found in Spacebabie's Fan fics. br>

Canon characters
Updates of how the canon characters had fared.

Original Characters from the stories

The names of the places

This is where the other things will go, names of cartoons, candy, pets and other things.