

Note: This not the exact timeline according to Greg Wiesman. This is a timeline for my ficverse.

1 Ancient history
4975 BC Perseus, Helicon and Pegasus rescues Andromeda. Perseus and Andromeda marry.
4974 BC Andromeda becomes pregnant. The sister of Medusa curses all Galgori to become stone from sunrise to sunset.
4973 BC Bellepheron is born
4953 BC Bellepheron slays Chimera. His blood falls on enchanted stones
2844 BC Odin looses his eye
112 BC Britons using Mating stones perform special ceremony with gargoyles
4 BC Cu Chulin defeats Bin Sidhe
10 AD Master Magus performs modesty spell
Dark ages
490 Ad Arthur is Born
504 Ad Arthur pulls out Excaliber. Becomes king
508 Ad Arthur marries Guinivear
512 AD Under magic Arthur and Morgana have an affair
513 AD Mordred is born
536 Ad Arthur is slain and taken to Avalon
636 Ad Illuminai is formed
725 Ad Hybrid Village founded
878 AD Hudson's rookery hatched
938 Ad Goliath's Rookery hatched
958 AD Trio's Rookery hatched
970 AD The Magus is born
971 Ad Construction of Wyvern Begins
974 AD Construcion is complete. Angel befriends Holly. Holly makes Angel's tiara.
975 AD Demona, Goliath, Fox, David, and Petros Xanatos travel back in time. Malcom and Elena marry. Angel and her love become mates
976 AD Princess Kathrine is born
978 AD Bronx's rookery hatches
982 AD Elena dies
984 AD Archmage is defeated and rescued by his younger self. Mentor looses sight in his left eye. Goliath becomes leader
986 Tom is born
991 AD Malcom dies
994 AD Wyvern Tragedy. Angel scratches Gilcomgain. Gilcomgain swears to destroy her and all her kind.
995 AD Kathrine, Magus, and Tom flee to Avalon with Wyvern rookery
1001 AD Duncan is born
1005 AD Macbeth is born
1020 AD Fidleach is killed by Gilcomgang
1031 AD Malcom Canmore is born
1032 AD Gilcomgang is killed
1033 AD Luach is born
1034 AD Duncan becomes king of Scotland
1039 AD Lady Godiva starts the Sorority
1040 AD Macbeth and Demona are magically bonded. Duncan is killed by Macbeth. Macbeth becomes king of Scotland. Canmore is banished.
1057 AD Canmore stabs Macbeth. Luach becomes king of Scotland
1058 AD Canmore slays Luach. Canmore becomes king of Scotland
Renaissance to 20th Century
1494 Renaissance Hunter "Borrows" Devinci's Flying machine to hunt Demona. Demona takes Medici tablet
1580 Rabbi Lowe creates the Golem
1620 Spanish ships set sail for Florida carrying gargoyles
1652 Seamus Flannery is born
1750 Seamus and Eleora fall in love. Angelica is born
1769 The last of the Irish gargoyles are destroyed. Angelica curses both Demona and The Hunter
1771 Angelica marries Liam
1809 Liam dies
1828 Angelica marries Sean
1865 Sean dies
1873 Adrian saves Angelica
1878 Sean and Angelica marry
1888 Jackson and Fiona Canmore are born
1889 Kaelin is born
1895 Mace Malone is born
1898 Griff, Leo, Una, Albert and Daytona's rookerys hatch
20th Century
1902 Dominique Dracon is born
1915 Jackson Dane is born
1916 Adrian dies, Kaelin becomes a nurse to treat WWI soldiers
1918 Obsidianna and Zafiro hatch
1919 Kaelin marries Patrick Dougherty
1920 Demona has crosses paths with Fiona Canmore and team Atlantis
1923 Patrick Dougherty jr. is born
1927 Bailey Doughety is born
1928 Halcyon Renard is born
1931 Petros Xanatos is born
1938 Jade, Turquesa, Yama and Quentin's rookeries hatch. Joseph Bluestone is born
1940 Goliath using the Phoenix Gate transport's Griff to 1990's. Robbins, Miriam and Barry Mulligan are born
1942 Peter Maza, Stanley Bluestone and Moira are born
1945 Gretchen Sevarius and Susan Bluestone are born
1946 Diane Maza is born
1947 St Augustine clan splinters off. Smaller clan relocates in central Florida after rescuing Mr. Mcormick's daughter. July: something has landed in Rosewell New Mexico
1949 Anton Sevarius is born
1955 David Xanatos is born
1953 The military base marked 51 begins to test alien space craft.
1956 Wolf is born
1958 Sora's rookery hatches
1959 Harry "Dingo" Monmoth is born
1960 Rayne's rookery hatches. Alice Bluestone is born
1962 Margot Yale and Brendan Wellignton are born. Peter and Diane marry.
1963 Vinnie Gregarino is born. Barry Mulligan marries Moira Dougherty.
1964 Matt Bluestone and Jason Canmore are born Gretchen marries Masterson
1966 Janine "Fox" Renard and Robyn Canmmore are born
1968 Elisa Maza, Lisa Bluestone, and Ryan Mulligan are born
1970 Fang, Daniel Bluestone and Trevor Mulligan born
1971 Derek Maza, Tony Dracon, Kitty Masterson, Hyena and Jackal are born
1972 Jon Canmore is born
1973 Lorrie Mulligan and Gregory Leahs are born
1975 David Xanatos recieves ancient coin worth $10,000. Beth Maza, Donny Mulligan and Mars Bluestone are born
1976 Reginald Leahs is born
1978 James Mulligan and Janell "Jam" Harper are born
1979 Corbin Leahs is born
1980 Flo Danes dies. Demona retrives praying gargoyle. Charles Canmore falls to his death. Nasa's rookery hatches.
1981 Brett Yale is born
1982 Jodi is born
1984 Margot and Brendan marry.
1987 Owen begins to work for David Xanatos
1989 The Eyrie begins to being built. The Pack airs on TV for the first time.
1990 Twins Mandy and Sandy are born
1991 Tina Chavez is born
1992 Eyrie is complete
1993 David meets Demona. Grimorum is purchased
1996 October: Hunter's Moon and the Journey. November: Maria meets Golaith's clan
January Morgan is introduced to Goliath's clan
June Castaway tries to get evidense of Dominique Destine turning into a gargoyle. Places bombs inside Your Name Here, confesses and is sent to Elumore. Demona and Sevarius devlope robotic bees and weregoyle serum.
August Demona steals steel Clan robots. Matt Bluestone becomes a weregoyle, and moves into Wyvern. Demona becomes pregnant with Matt's child.
November Demona tells Matt that she is pregnant
December Weregoyles celebrate first Solsitce. Demona is allowed to live in Wyvern
February Demona lays her egg
March Matt is temporary seperated into two forms. Matt and Demona become mates. Goliath and Elisa become mates
May Charlemang Bluestone-Destine hatches
August Jeremy Houston destroys Demona's mansion. Thailog and Houston are captured and put in prisons. Delilah and Sevarius begin to create Samson
September Matt and Demona marry. On their honeymoon they kill Leonard Albus
October Houston, Fang, Jon Canmore, and Thailog escape. Kitty Masterson is hired to help with Xanatos's Halloween celebration Samson is finished. Jon Canmore becomes a weregoyle. Houston becomes 80 percent gargoyle. Mars Bluestone and Beth Maza travel to Xanatopia. The last of the robitic seprents created by Prometheotech is destroyed. Puck and Alex cause Halloween party goers to believe they are their costumes. Kitty Masterson's secret is revealed. She and Owen begin dating.
November Pamela is born. Clones meet college students. Lexington and Xanatos family travel to Orlando Florida and meet Rayne and her clan. Rayne relocates to New York. Frank meets Jam during the clan's Thanksgiving. Robyn and Jason see Jon's transformed state for the first time.
December Jon is released to house arrest with his sibilings. Prometheotech hires the pack. Lorrie helps Jon escape.
January Tina Chavez is kidnapped and returned. Lil Mutt's vocal cords are permantly damaged. David and Fox create Pride Force Reggie Leahs and the Pack meet with Thailog's clan. Jon Canmore and Lorrie Mulligan marry.
February Pride Force begins rehearsals. Jason meets Christine Fitzgerald. Nightstone developes implant that mends spinal injuries. Demona sacrifices herself to the Hunters. Jason and Robyn learn that "The Demon" is dead.
March Maggie relocates to Wyvern. Owen propses to Kitty. Goliath offers to give Elisa a wedding. Demona uses a spell that will prolong the ages of weregoyles and their children.
April Jerry and Gloria marry. Brooklyn and Marle become mates. Theodore Maza is born. Eleanore seduces several people, gets captured and put in rehab. Female clones join Labyrinth clan. Sevarius is fired from Nightstone and hired by Prometheotech. Jason Canmore goes under surgery to have implant put in.
August Thailog goes to Avalon and tricks clan into letting one of them join his clan. The vampires and werewolves beseige New York. Brendan Wellington is changed into a werewolf. Margot is changed into a vampire temporary and returns to normal.
September Skiff lands in Oregon. Fang, Cecilia and Mercutio discover the Circus clan. Nolan Glendale 's life becomes threatened Ambrosia Leahs recieve threats to her life. Detective Diggory is murdered. Glendale is tortured. colin Canmore is born
October Reggie Leahs uses his mind control abilities on Jon Canmore and Demona, gets fired, and is beaten to near death. New York hybrids are summoned to Hybrid temporarily.. Matt askes for special mating stones to give to Elisa and Goliath.
November Rayne and Gloria are kidnapped by the Pack and sold to a sex slave ship. Rayne returns to Florida. Seneca Sevarius runs away and joins up with Reggie Leahs. In Atlanta Brode tries to steal the Corazon Del Sol. Jack Danforth is killed
December The Redemption Squad is formed
January Robyn joins the Redemption Squad. Rayne returns to New York
February Goliath and Elisa, and Owen and Kitty, and Eleanore and Brentwood have their wedding. Goliath and Elisa have their honeymoon aboard Renard's Fortress, use the mating stones
April Balthazar, Colette, Horatio and their vampire clan attack the Labyrinth on Teddy's 1st birthday. Trax is freed by vampires and joins Balthazar.
May Broadway befriends Cookie. Jon hunts gargoyles,as the Hunter.
June Thailog strikes a partnership with the chupacabres. New Olympians visit Hybrid. Dryad tries to start a riot. Antiope and Helios break up
Semptember Alex starts PreK at Pembleton academy.
October Proteus frees shadow children and the Cubus. Shadow Children attack New York until they were convinced to let go of their hate.
November Rebecca and Rowen Maza are born
January Clan celebrates first Friendship Night
March Arthur and Merlin find Morgana's diary and Morrey. Morrey becomes Merlin's student. Dr. Callahan begins to create clonesof the cold duo.
April Othello and Desdemona's clone bodies have been created. Redemption Squad forced down onto Imbri. The Watcher awakens
June Arthur and his team track down the Questing Beast
August Thailog's clan assaults the Wyvern Clan. Houston, Vlad, and Oscelot are killed. Reggie, Ursa and Felicia escape. Momar, and Winter are prisoned. The remains of Coldsteel take Thailog to Imbri. The Watcher seals Thailog into a cocoon. Gawain leaves Manhattan and joins up with the Redemption Squad in Avalon, New Jersey.
October Chi Lin and Ursa are captured. Wyvern clan places Chi Lin's egg into the rookery. Spring is reunited with Fang.
January Jason behaves strangely, becomes possesed by the Cubus. Jon, Fox, and the Clan free Jaon from the Cubus. The demon takes his spawn to Isle Imbri
February Mercutio courts Ceclia. Jason recieves a new clamp
March Aboah's poaching gargoyles had been discovered. Sanctuary clan is reunited.
Renard dies, Ronnie Burnet is born. Renepep is reaakened briefly. Dr. Blake Edwards is transformed into aservant of Renepep. Egyptian clan returns to Nigeria.
August Wyvern clan has their breeding season.
September Arthur, Rory and Merlin seek Arthur's spear in Germany. Arthur meets Lance Dulac of the Alliance.
December Scherezade's clan is reawakened. Gawain and Vahril become mates.
January First Gathering of the Clans. The Gargoyles Network has been official set up.
February Calliste and Rinaldo to 2003 New York via the Phoenix Gate. Banquo is killed. Wyvern clan females have laid their eggs.
ayM Deidre Shumaker and Holly Blustone Destine hatch. Tony Dracon and Thomas Brode join forces and start a legit company. Glasses is killed
June Marle disowns her mother.
August Bluestones vacation in Sout Carolina.Xanatos's finalize Network with the St Augustine Clan
Semptember Goblins make an appearance in Manhattan. Jodi is crowned Ms Autum Queen.
November Melusine warns Wyvern clan of the unseelie.
January Elisa, Peter, and Beth solve the mystery around Amanda Ramuirez's death.
February The Cubus and Raven free Mab, Loki, Kali, Huitz, and Set. They recruit other members of the Unseelie. Free and the Gargoyle Sidhe and Gwynhana Sidhe.
March The Sidhe "Sidnay" sisters arrive in North America. Ambrosia Leahs's party is ruined. Margot Yale is turned into a gargoyle. Clan seeks out other victims of the Gargoyle Sidhe.
April Emergency Clan Gathering held. Taro steals "The Eyes of the Waking Dead" and invokes it. Rory and Ryoma learn each other's secrets.
May H.A.M. Establishes New York Head Quarters. Gwenny and Seneca Sevarius become friends and Reggie and Gara come to an understanding.
June The Five Join the New Olympus Embassy. Helios and Antiope rejin. Edwards meets Ekidna
August Nuklavee attacks New York, Jaberwok attacks London. Tarasque attacks Ishimura.
September Demona summons two human spirit and two spirits from the Wyvern Massacre. Marsha, Scott nad the Cold Duo relocate to New Hampshire
October Hecate is relased and makes a surprise appearance at Osprey's concert
November Guwynhana Sidhe kidnaps several people from the Labyrinth to be used as experiments for Seneca. Annie realises she is a clone.
December Angelica visits the Canmore family and shows them the Past, Present, and Future.
January Cubus recruits several demons. Hecate reawakens Xyl. Quarrymen cosnider H.A.M as their enemies. Mr. Jaffe is killed
January Cubus recruits several demons. Hecate reawakens Xyl. Quarrymen cosnider H.A.M as their enemies. Mr. Jaffe is killed
Feburary Goliath shortens the length of patrols
March The Nightangel movie begins production.
April Alex accidentaly summons "Projections"
May Thailog reawakens. The demons and the Unseelie begin their takover of the world. Albus Mystic recieves power, Mystic. Wyrd Sisters and humans kill Huitz. Cubus murders Melusine. Cubus severly injurs Talon, kills Natalie. Xyl slays demons. Goliath defeats Thailog. Thailog becomes Tai.
Semptember After months of dreams, Goliath starts a quest to learn more about the Dragon.