The Deadmoon Circus
The Villians of Sailormoon SuperS
 Queen Neherinia was their leader. She was once the beautiful ruler of her own kingdom. Her people admired her for her beauty and enjoyed her stories. One day she looked in a mirror and asked if she would be young and beautiful forever. The miror showed her future self. Distraugth. She listened to the twisted voice of Zirconia and absorbed the mirrors of her minions changing them into Lemures(Remules) she wanted The golden crystal that was in the
horn of Elios the Pegasus,but Pegasus lived in the land of dreams(Elysion) and to try to find him she needed the dream mirrors that were found inside of people. The Item was to be used to help Neherina to break out of her prison. You see she's trapped in a mirror, but when she did free herself she noticed how old and hideous she was. She waited while her platform rose so she can reseal herself again.
Zircorina was Neherina's foot soldier she recrutied people to help get Elios. She looks like and old woman and always has this looking sphere/eye called Zircon. She'd call on her Amazons and had a wierd stretchy neck. In the ORIGINAL Zirconia was a Woman and sounded like a cranky old woman, but in he dub she was made into a he and sounds like yoda(!)
 The Amazon Trio were the first group that Zirconia recruited
they used to be animals and well you can till wich animal by their names,Hawkeye,Tigereye,and Fisheye. They
dress really wierd and hung in a bar to disguss their plans.They would search for dream mirrors of their crushes.
when they would go after their target while dressed as a human. when they had their target cornerd a piece of cloth unfolds inront of them and they become their true selves. they would count(in english) One(a board with handcuffs appears behind the target)Two(their target is cuffed to the board)Three(the dream mirror pops out). They would then look into the mirror to search for Pegasus
Hawkeye was the oldest, had dark pink hair and dressed in a feathery outfit with what looks like a toga and highheels(!). He liked older women.
Tigereye was the middle one and had long 80's rock video style hair and dressed in stripes.When dressed in regular clothes he looked like a blond Neflyte. He is very vain. he liked younger women.
Fisheye was the youngest and had green scaley hands
He liked men and is supposedly the gay one. he develops a crush on Darien/Mamaru(in the dubbed version Fishy went under the same transformation that Zoisite went (poor Fishy :(). While going after Dariens mirror Fisheye wondered why he and the others didn't have any dreams he searched Tigereseye and found out they the end of their round they wanted to be true humans with dreams. They died while saving Serena, but then Pegasus returned them back to human and gave them beautiful dream mirrors and taken to the land of Dreams.
 he Amazon Quartet was the second group Zirconia recrutied and they did dress like Amazons
They treated old Zirc with disrespect playing with Zircpm and calling her granny/ Or Zirc the jerk in the dub .They would use pool sticks and billiard balls to retrieve mirrors. Like the four sisters each one was paired off with one of the Inners. At the end they were changed into Normal girls. In the manga they became the Asteroid senshi
Junjun was the oldest one and paired of with Jupiter She was the bossy one. She hated to be ordered around. She was the circuss's acrobat and wore arabian style pants she beacme Sailor Juno. Juno/Hera
was the head goddess and wife of Jupiter/Zeus. VesVes/Vesuvesu was the stronge one and paired off with Mars. She tried to fight Zirconia but lost. She had whips and was another animal trainer. she became Sailor Vestia. Vestia/Hestia was the goddess of the Hearth and home.
Cerecere/Celecele was the nature lover of the group. Growning and tending to plants. Some say she was the smartest one and she is as smart as she is elegant. She was the trapieze artist of the circus. She became Sailor Ceres. Ceres/Demeter was the Goddes of the Earth.
Pallapalla/Parapara was the one paired off with Mercury.She was the juggler of the circuss. She is a psychotic and chidlike member who loves to play with her dolls. She would refer herself in the third person. She became Sailor Pallas. Pallas was another name for Minerva/Athena the goddess of wisdom.