Things that make you go hmmmmm- Considering how uncordinated Usagi is, she is able to do all those spins in her attacks without falling,(or throwing up)
- I always wonderd how Usagi can eat so much and barley gain wait. I guess being a senshi does wonders for your metabolism.
- How is it possible for two people with blue eyes, one blond the other black haired have a pink haired kid with brownish red eyes?
- Would an x-ray show a heart crystal or a dream mirror?
- Considering all their battles, how come Jupiter and Venus never have to adjust their hair accessories?
- How is it that no one(except a small handful of people) can reconize the senshi in their civilian forms? Not even Naru.
- How come the bad guys keep developing a soft spot for Usagi and the bad girls for Mamarou?
- Why did Luna only have one kitten? Cats usually have litters.
- After seeing everyone collapse after they had their heart crystals taken how was Minako able to cradle it and run off? Yes I know she was drinking energy drinks but she also donated a lot of blood earlier.
- How come only the outers get lipstick when they transform?
- How is it possible for the crystal to stay in place of the crescent moon wand while Sailor Moon performs her attacks?
You know you watch too much Sailormoon when...
- You keep visiting jewlery stores in search of the Silver Imperium Crystal.
- Taking the public bus makes you nervouse.
- You refer to all black cats as "Luna" and all white cats as "Artemis"
- You pick up pens and shout "Luna Disguise Power!"
- You start calling your best friend "Naru"
- You swoon whenver you see a guy with a rose.
- You make your boyfriend wear a tuxedo and a cape.
- You try to use your electronic organizer to detect youmas.
- You try to find pictures of the ruins of the Moon Kindom in Astronamy books.
- A deck of cards cam make you wary
- Your convinced that Angelina Jolie and her brother are really Ail and Anne.
- You freak out whenever you get a twig stuck in your hair.
- You dye your little cousin's hair pink.
- You try to use a toy ball to contact Sailor Pluto.
- You start a key collection in hopes that one of them will take you to Pluto.
- You are very wary of the Avon lady.
- Your excuse for destroying green glass statues was that they were being used by Emerald.
- You crush everything that resembles a seed thinking it might contain a daimon.
- You play racing games at the arcade in hopes of meeting Haruka.
- You look for Michiru's artwork at the museum
- You try to paint and learn the violin.
- You start running in hopes of becoming fast like Haruka.
- Whenever you see someone doubled over in pain.(you try to help them of course) but you also look for a henshin wand to appear.