Serena's room

Hi everyone and welcome to my room where my friends like to visit. Here is where I keep all the awards that I won.
You mean all the awards Spacebabie won?
Whatever but I'm sure that I helped her win.
Serena you didnt help you were too busy wolfing down my cookies. Amy helped her.
::Blushes:: I didnt do too much.she actually knew her stuff.
Anyways besides awards there will be polls
Like a love poll?
of course
there will also be some more information
There better be information about Darien
Of course Rini-chan the meatball head will probably have pictures of him plasterd everywhere
Not a lot of his pics,most of the images are in Nerissas image guide.
thank you Serena but will there be info on our other friends?
Like the better not forget Diana!
and our friends from Kiminoto
Trista means Kakyuu,ChibiChibi, and the starlights Dummy!
don't call me dummy Raye::starts to cry::
Way to go Raye
Argh that crying is annoying
please dont cry Serena I dont think i'll have enough energy to cure Everyone's earaches
::sniffs:: ok, if you want, I'll show you around.

Manga bookcase
Were I display me, er Spacebabie's awards.
Usagi's Desk
Sit down at my desk and take the polls.
Usagi's bed.
isn't it pretty? The quilt is made up of favorite quotes.
Usagi's Calender
Site updates.