Aliens and the Darkmoon family

the Villians of SailormoonR


The first group of villins in SMR are the Aliens Anne and Allan. They came to Earth to revive their DoomTree. The Doomtree feed them special energy drops and if the tree dies then they die.They disgusied themeselve as Students and used Cardains Negmonsters that are in Cards. Allen was Anne's lover but he formed a crush on Serena/Usagi wich made Anne jealous. Allen was friendly to everyone and called a cardian forth with his flute.

Anne Formed a crush on Darien/Mamaru. She was more mean than Allen and always wanted to be the center of atention.
The two had a battle with the Senshi. The Tree didnt like it and attacked the two. Sailormoon felt there was some good in them and convinced the tree. the Tree told them her sad story and gave birth to a sampling that Anne and Allen promised to raise with love.

The Four Sisters Came with Rubeous to Tokyo from the Future. their mission was to find the princess Serena and the Silver imperium crystal. Their home was on the Dark moon Nemesis. The four sisters had powers that were nearly equal to Mercury,Venus,Mars,and Jupiter.

Catsy/Cooan was the oldest/youngest and had the most ridicoulous outfit.She loved to shop the most and was a bit irritating. Her powers were pitted against Mars. She had cold Fire.

Bertie/Berthier was the youngest/second youngest and I think is also the prettiest. She wasn't as agressive as her sisters were and prefred to let her droids do all of the fighting. She was pitted against Mercury. She would attack by spinning and an icy whip would form from her hair. She was the second to be cured

Avery/Calveras and Prisma/Petz usually worked together since they were the middle/eldest sisters. Avery was the most spoiled and would rather shop and had high standerds on where she shopped. She was pitted against Venus and had a weapon of a whips. Prisma was the most agressive of them all. She was the most eager to take assignments. When they had the final showdown with the Senshi Prisma used a strobe to attack, suddenly she turned on Avery who was shocked. The strobe alterd Prisma into being even more powerful, finaly the Senshi covinced Prisma to let go she and Avery were cured at the same time.

Rubeous was in charge of the four sisters. They all had crushes on them. He would find a point in tokyo and order a sister to send a droid there. The droids were these robotic cronies in bad makeup. Whenever they would get destroyd they turn to dust and their jewl would turn black. Rubeous let the sister believe he liked them but one by one they saw the truth. After losing them Rubeous had a final battle where set his ship to self destruct. The Senshi teleported back home and Rubeous died.

Emerald took over shortly after Rubeous was destroyed. she has green hair and an annoying laugh. She has a crush on Prince Diamond. Emerald went around town puting statues at points. The first point showed her weakness to cake.Emerald was destroyed in the future when Wiseman tricked her.

Sapphire was prince Diamonds younger brother he had dark blue hair wand was rather attracitve. He looked up to Diamond hoping that they would reclaim Earth as home. He didn't trust Wiseman and found out that he was using Diamond, he stole a chip and went back in time. There he rekindled an old flame with Prisma who took care of his wounds. Sadly Saphire died trying to warn his brother.

PrinceDiamond Was the leader of the Dark Moon Family. He wanteed to punish those who sent him and his people to Nemesis He was guided by the Wiseman. When the heros travelled to the future Diamond fell for sailormoon. he tried to hypnotise her into falling for him but her love for tux was to strong. Soon he learned the truth about wiseman and Saphire but then it was too late he defended Sailormoon and was killed.

Rini/Chibiusa was brainwashed by the mean Wiseman into believeing no one loved her. She was changed into WickedLady Wickedlady was very powerfull and used her LunaP toy to call on all sorts of items into fighting the Senshi. She helped the Wiseman by bulding this huge Crystal thing and started to call forth the Doom Phantom. Finaly NeoQueen Serenity revealed the truth and that Rini was loved. She changed back into being her old self.

Wiseman. This guy looks like a combination of the Reaper and a Sith Lord He floats around waving his hands on a crystal ball. Diamond though he was a trusted adviser but He was really tricking the Darkmoon Family into doing his dirty work He wanted them to call forth the doom Phantom and destroy the universe. When he tired of a member of if they figured out his plans He would destroy them. He turned my best friend into WickedLady but she was truned back to her old self and with the crystal inside her as well as her mother and the power of the Senshi they Destroyed him and the Doom Phantom.