The first group of villins in SMR are the Aliens Anne and Allan. They came to Earth to revive their DoomTree. The Doomtree feed them special energy drops and if the tree dies then they die.They disgusied themeselve as Students and used Cardains Negmonsters that are in Cards. Allen was Anne's lover but he formed a crush on Serena/Usagi wich made Anne jealous. Allen was friendly to everyone and called a cardian forth with his flute.
Anne Formed a crush on Darien/Mamaru. She was more mean than Allen and always wanted to be the center of atention.
The two had a battle with the Senshi. The Tree didnt like it and attacked the two. Sailormoon felt there was some good in them and convinced the tree. the Tree told them her sad story and gave birth to a sampling that Anne and Allen promised to raise with love.