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Welcome to my little corner.
This is where I sit and do alot of thinking.
I like to listen to the music and reflect.
They are thoughts put to words,
reflections of my soul in a way.
Maybe you will find them as interesting as I do.
I hope so.

Each of us has a hidden place.
Somewhere deep within ourselves;
a place where we go to get away,
To think things through,to be alone,to be ourselves.
This unique place,where we comfort our deepest
feelings becomes a storehouse of all our hopes,
all our needs,all our dreams.
And even our unspoken fears.
It encompasses the essence of who we are and
what we want to be
But now and then,whether by chance or design,
Someone discovers a way into that place we
thought was ours alone.
And we allow that person to see,to feel and to
share all the reason,all the uncertainty and
all the emotion we've stored up there.
That person adds new perspective to our corner of
our special place,
Where a bit of themselves will stay forever.
And we call that person a


A soulmate is someone who has the locks to fit our keys,
and the keys to fit our locks.
When we feel safe enough to open the locks,
our truest selves step out and we can be
completely and honestly who we are;
we can be loved for who we are and not for
who we're pretending to be.

Each of us unveils the best part of one another.
No matter what else goes wrong around us,
with that one person were safe in our paradise.
Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings,
our sense of direction.
When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up,
chances are we've found the right person.
Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.

Soul mates are
friends before they meet.
Struggle through life apart
to greet each other from the heart.

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool;
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental;
To reach out for another is to risk involvement;
To expose feelings is to risk exposing our true self;
To place your ideas, your dreams, before the crowd is to risk loss;
To love is to risk not being loved in return;
To live is to risk dying;
To hope is to risk despair;
To try at all is to risk failure;
But to risk we must, because the greatest hazard in life
The man, the woman, who risks nothing; does nothing,
has nothing, is nothing.

A good friend is someone to do nothing much with
and find "nothing much" so much fun.
A good friend is talking and talking
about everything under the sun.
A good friend is someone who really is glad
when you've worked for and won a success,
Someone you don't have to be on your guard with
or be what you aren't to impress.
A good friend is so many wonderful someones
all mixed in a marvelous blend
Of memory making, of giving and taking,
a "now and forever" Good Friend.~

Friendship is a PRICELESS GIFT
that cannot be bought or sold, But its value is far greater
than a mountain made of GOLD. For gold is cold and lifeless,
it can neither see nor hear . AND in the time of trouble
it is powerless to cheer. it has no ears to listen
Nor heart to understand, It cannot bring you comfort
or reach out a helping hand So when you ask
Be thankful if HE sends

is the heart's own way of holding loved ones close
And keeping us in constant touch
With those who mean the most.
is the heart's own way of sending loving thoughts today!
A FRIEND is someone we turn to
When our spirits need a lift,
A FRIEND is someone we treasure
For true friendship is a gift.
A FRIEND is someone we laugh
with over little personal things,
A FRIEND is someone we're serious with
In facing whatever life brings.
A FRIEND is someone who fills our lives
With beauty and joy and grace
And makes the world that we live in
....A better and happier place!....

Every day, the minute I wake up...
I miss you.
Every song on the radio seems to be about love...
And I miss you.
Every time my phone rings and I hear someone else's voice...
I miss you.
Every couple I see holding hands or kissing
makes me miss you more.
And every night while I lie there..
thinking of your touch...
your kiss, your love...
I can't imagine anyone has ever missed someone...
the way that I Miss You~

I live for the night
I know when I sleep
I will dream of you
Your are always there with me
Our hearts joined together
Though we're apart
I can feel your love with me
And I know our love will never end
No matter if you are near or far
Your presence is always here
I can feel you with every breath I take
.....with every move I make
You will alway have my love
That will never die
You are the only true love
I have ever had
The days have no meaning
I only exist when I am with you

...........The Kiss...................
Two angels met one day in Heaven above
Two kindred souls, attuned to perfect bliss,
Attracted by subtle powers of love,
Lips greeted lips, and thus was born a kiss
And since that time, on Earth as in Heaven
whenever faithful lovers meet or part,
Fond lips touch lips, a fervent kiss is given
That seals the vows of each devoted heart

The most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or touched.
It must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller


Don't run through life so fast that you forget..
Not only where you've been, but also where you are going.
Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.

Yesterday is History
Tomorrow is a Mystery
Today is a gift
that's why we call it
The Present

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