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The Florida Citizen Page
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July/August 1998 Edition.    

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Hi, thanks for coming. Here I am!

                                      brian.JPG (113875 bytes)

Just the facts,

Hatched & Raised in Florida.

I currently life here

Founder Florida citizen home page.

                    Want to know more about me?

*****Just ask!!! ICQ me below*****

Don't have ICQ?. Or don't know what it is??? You can reach me anytime day or night..Just enter your name/E-mail address/Message... And I'll get back to you.

The ICQ Online-Message Panel
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Use of the ICQ Online-Message Panel is subject to Terms and Conditions
For those of you who do have ICQ, you can use the panel below to message me!

This Site is Powered by the ICQ Respond-Online Panel
If you have a running ICQ client (you have ICQ)
you can Chat Me, ICQ-Me and/or Add Me to your contact list.
Netscape Users: If you are prompted to Pick App or Save File, select Pick App and browse tothe location of your ICQ.EXE file (usually in C:Program FilesICQICQ.EXE).
Internet Explorer Users: If you are prompted to Open or Save As select Open.

If you do not have an ICQ client
you can press the Page Me button to send me an ICQ message through my Personal Communication Center,the Zoom Me button to view my ICQ Whitepages details and the EmailNotify Me button to send me an e-mail and notify me by ICQ.If I am online, the message will popup on my screen, if I am offline it will be stored and forwarded to me as soon asI connect to the internet.Installing the ICQ client will enable you to know if your peers are online and communicate directly with them.

Use of the ICQ Respond-Online Panel is subject to the Terms and Conditions



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