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QUIZ ANSWERS!!! 1. Halloween, 2. AJ, 3.Kevin., 4. McDonald's, 5. Nick, 6. Brian, 7.Howie D., 8. Nick and Brian, 9. AJ, 10. Nick
here is how you scored:

1-3: Sheesh! I think you need to bone up on your BSB skillz, cuz i hafta say, it isnt pretty! Well, better luck next time!
4-7: Well, i think you are a PRETTY good BSB fan, tho you COULD do better! Look thru my page to find out the info you need to be a BSB TOTAL Fan!!
8-10: Well, where is the ribbon? Cuz yo certianly deserve one! Goood Job! I consider you a BSB TOTAL fan! Congrats!
