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The Bsb Consert!

I went to a BSB consert! It was was being opened by Jimmy Ray , S.O.A.P, and the cute little Aaron Carter! for some reason Jimmy Ray and S.O.A.P never came out but Aaron came out! First the speaker said THERE IS AN INTRUDER PLEASE STAY CALM and their were lights and it was cool! Then Aaron came out and sang some songs. He sang Crush on you. After that he stoped and looked around and said "WOW, I've never seen so many people in my life!"(there were ALOT of us!) Then he said "Well my name is Aaron carter and in case you didnt know my big brother is Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys!". Everyone screamed! He sang some other songs and stuff then he ran off stage and his dancers (daryl and Kieth) came on stage and taught us how to "SHAKE IT" then we ahd to get Aaron to come back on stage by screaming "GO AARON ......... GO AARON" and after enternity he came out! Then lights flashed and he kept asking "what's going on?" Then his Dansers cam on stage picked him up and pulled him offstage and he said "GOODBYE................!" (thats alot of writing!) After another 30 minuets BSB FINALLY CAME OUT AND I COULD BARLEY HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thay sang some song that got them thier Record Label and then each sang their own song! then they sang some more song s and made us scream "HO ,HO ,HO!" like Santa Clause! Than they sang some of their of their hits (EXSEPT 4 Everybody!). Thay sang I'll nevr break your heart and then they made us sing the end of the song! They sang some more songs then erybody sat down and they showed part of the Everybody music video and the crowed would sing the OOH OOH parts! Then the curtans opened again and thier were coffins with them ni awsome outfits the stood with thier arms crossed exept 4 Nick he was balled up in the bottom of his coffin 'cause he was just 2 POOPED!(I would be to!) then they did an AWSOME dance! (thay were doing an awsome dances the whole Consert!) Then it ended! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

The next day they flew to CA to do the MTV music awards!

If You are Aaron or BSB PLEEEEEEASE E-mail me at Thanx, Boo (jessi)
