All You Never Wanted to Know About ABAJA!

Name: Amy Elizabeth
Sex: Female
Age: 25 (August 31st, 1973)
Location: Deltona, Florida
Height: 5'7"
Eye Color: Dark blue, with sunburst yellow around the pupil (aqua when I get emotional)
What do you remember most about this year?:Going to three funerals, my uncles in January, my grandmas in February and an elderly friends in March
Memory you miss most: Hanging out with my best friend Tammy and cruising the Fort Lauderdale beach every day after school.
What do you think of Ouija boards: A load of malarkey! :o) I don't believe in them at all. I know there are supernatural beings, but they are more spiritual than a board game.
Guys with or without hats: Depends on what kinda guy they are. :o) Some look great in baseball caps, but some definitely don't! I don't like any other kind of hats on guys.
Girls with or without nailpolish: Without. Although I do paint my toenails once in a while, but that's only because I wear sandals year round!
What's on your mousepad: We just got a new one and it is so cute! It's a kitten sleeping wearing cat shaped sunglasses.
In the car..AC or opened windows?: Ha ha, funny question - living in Florida, there is never a day that the air ISN'T on!
Do you believe in yourself: Yes, but it's hard convincing others to!
Fave magazine: Wow, hard question! I read a lot of them, but I guess my favorite is the Reader's Digest. My mom and I have been having competitions with the "Word Power" section in it for years. She still wins every time! :o)
Fave drink: I try to abstain from drinking any alcohol, but if I did have a drink it would be a screwdriver or a fuzzy navel (how do they come up with the names of these things?!?!)
Fave Cigarrette: NONE!! I detest smoking! *cough*
Fave Sound: Our puppy's barking! it's so cute!
Drink, with or without ice: As much ice as will fill the glass - there is nothing worse than having a warm soda. I even put ice in my milk, yes, in my milk! (you don't know how many strange looks I have received in restaurants because of that...)
Worst feeling in the world: Feeling stupid. I hate when I don't know something and I have to ask! LOL
Best feeling in the world: Giving someone what they always wanted, whether it be an emotional or practical gift, it makes me happy!
Fave thing to do on a weekend: READ!! :o) and going to the dollar cinema with my family. Oh, the best is thumbing through the Sunday fliers and then attempting one of those humongous crossword puzzles! LOL, I can only do half of them.
Fave soundtrack: As in from a movie?? It has to be "Grease". I know, sounds lame, but it's one of my favorite movies of all time!!
How do you see yourself in 10 yrs: I hate this kind of question!! I don't know what's going on from one day to the next, less likely 10 years down the road!! Well, I just hope I am finally married with a couple of kiddies around. Maybe I will be an art historian working in the museums of England or somewhere in Europe.
What is the first thing you thought of this morning: I thought.. Is that the puppy I hear? Man, she always wakes me up so early!! LOL
Do you get motion-sickness: Nope, never have and never will. I can even read in the car without feeling the least bit nauseous.
Roller-coasters, deadly or exciting: EXCITING!! The faster the better! The scariest one I have ever been on was in Brighton Beach, England. It's on a pier and while you are flying about, all you can see is WATER! What a tremendous ride!!
Pen or pencil: Pen, fountain if you've got it.
How many rings til you answer the phone: Two, that's about how long it takes to get from the computer to the phone. LOL, we don't have an answering machine.
Future son names: I like them Irish/Scottish names.. Dougal, Fergus, Ian and so forth.
You are a good friend because: I listen! And I will try to do anything within my means to help you in any way I can.
Chocolate cake or vanilla: The best is a mix of the two, vanilla cake with chocolate frosting! YUMMY!
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No, but I sure do collect them! I am a teddy bear freak - I LOVE pooh bear!
Thunderstorms-cool or scary: Just about one of the most fascinating natural phenomenoms in the world! I also live in the lightning capital of the world, so we get some good shows!
If you could meet one person in the world, who would it be: Another impossible question to answer - there are alot of people to admire and respect, I couldn't possibly choose.
What is your zodiac sign: Virgo and although I don't believe in astrology that much, a lot of the Virgo traits fit me to a T!! Practical, stubborn, analytical, etc...
Do you eat the stems of broccoli: Yummy!
If you could streak in front of someone's house, whose would it be: Ha ha! Like I would ever do that! ut uh, no way, forget it!!
If you could have any occupation when young or older, what would it be: Anything that has to do with English history, archeological, historical, teaching, whatever!!
If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be: I love my hair color and would never, ever color it!! :o) (It's strawberry blonde)
If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: NONE!! I can't imagine being 80 years old and having a faded, wrinkled tattoo somewhere on my aged body.. YUCK!
What is your fave brand of gum: Extra - it does last longer!
What is your fave quote: ALL OF THEM!! But I do love the one I put on my ICQ info box: "If instead of a jewel or even a flower, we could cast the the gift of a lovely thought into the heart of another, that would be giving as the angels must give." - Anon.
Have you ever been in love: No, still waiting for my Prince Charming to come...
What's on your walls in your room: Shelves to hold all my stuff! I collect all kinds of things and they are all displayed on my walls: old bottles, ancient artifacts, old books, and so on...
Is the glass half-full or half-empty: Always half full! I am an optimist to the hilt!
Pick a song that best describes yourself or that you can relate to: "Blood On Blood" by Bon Jovi, "Angel Standing By" by Jewel, and anything by the Violent Femmes, they all bring back memories.
What do you prefer- cool ranch or nacho cheese doritos: Nacho, but they must not have too much cheese on them.. I will dig throught the bag to find them if needed!
What is your fave type of Snapple: Ice cold mint tea, but I can't find it anymore!!! :o(
Fave movies: All Shirley Temple movies, any kind of musicals, black and white, Disney, Spielbergs, all of them... LOL, I suppose I could go on forever.
Which one- coke or pepsi: Caffeine Free Pepsi
Which milk is your fave: This is gonna sound weird, but half fat milk from England, it's still creamy and it doesn't taste like water like American half fat milk. I guess because they don't homogonize the milk over there, they just pastuerize it.
If you were to kill someone...which method would you use: ACK! NONE!!
Are you a righty, lefty or ambidextrous: I'm a lefty for writing and eating, but everything else I do right handedly. So, I guess you could say I was ambidextrous. :o)
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Yes, thank God I took typing class in tenth grade!!
What do you collect, if anything: LOL, you probably know the answer to this by now: ANYTHING!
Which movie was better, "When Harry Met Sally..." or "Sleepless in Seattle": Didn't really LOVE either one, but I will say Sleepless In Seattle.
When you meet a person from the opposite sex, what do you notice first: Their eyes, I really believe they are the mirror of the soul. Then it's onto what kind of mind they have... the sexiest thing about a man is his intelligence.
Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: Nope, never!
Do you save your AOL conversations: Nah, I have a pretty good memory and I don't need to save them.
Do you eat chicken with a fork: Sacriliege!! LOL Being from the south, all chicken should be eaten with the fingers, especially barbequed!! (Do I need Emily Post courses?!?! lol)
If you could be a gardening tool, what would you be: LOL, I have no idea!! a HOE?!?! heh, heh, no way! (jesting there... not in any way true!) Maybe a watering can, I'm refreshing!
What kind of shoe would you be if you had the option: Shoes? What are those? I try not to wear any as much as possible, but if I had to choose, some soft squishy slippers.
If you could do anything to the person you hated the most..what would you do?: They're not worth my trouble and ignoring them for the rest of your life works just as well if you were to be mean spirited about the situation.
Which do you prefer-mud wrestling or jello wrestling: I have to pick mud, if you're gonna do it, go HOG (pun intended) wild!
What is under your bed: I have a European style bed, the bottom part is one huge piece and there isn't any floor space underneath it.
What is the best # in the world: my favorite number is 6, I don't know why, I just like it.
What is your dream car: a brand new Volvo - Practical, safe, and nice looking.