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Ireland, the land of leprechauns and faeries. A world of magic and mystical beings. And in May of 1996, a country I was lucky enough to explore. My Uncle Tom came to visit us while we were living in England. One of his wishes was to see Ireland so, my dad planned a four day weekend. My uncle, dad, mom, sister and I would be able to see this land of enchantment. What a dream come true! We got tickets to fly out of Gatwick Airport, arriving in Dublin Airport with a rental car waiting for us. The instant we landed I felt like I had arrived in a place where I could call home. The weather was chilly with a slight mist, the wind blowing my hair... HEAVEN!! First on our agenda was to find a Bed and Breakfast to stay in. This is easy enough to do if you go during the off season - just find a place that looks promising, walk in and book rooms right there. We found a lovely little house in a town called Swords. After dropping our luggage off we headed to the capital of the Republic of Ireland, DUBLIN!
After finding a parking spot (nearly impossible to do!!) we found the Tourist Information Centre. Reading through all the pamphlets we got, it was decided the easiest way to see the city would be to board a tour bus. The one we chose was called "Heritage Tour" and it allows you to hop on and off as many times as you like at pre-determined stops. Dublin is a HUGE city that is really busy. Some of my favourite sites were St. Patricks Cathedral and the Guinness Brewery. (Yes, they do give you TWO free samples of Guinness - and you only have to be 18 to drink in Europe! LOL) After taking the bus completely around the city, we all got off and just decided to walk to what caught our eye. We checked out the several gift shops they have, people watched, and just looked around us in complete and utter awe! After the long day, we had dinner at a small Italian restaurant LOL and then went to the O'Neill pub for a drink. O'Neill was the maiden name of my father and uncle's mother, so it couldn't have been a more fitting place! Time in Dublin went far too quickly, but we were on to bigger and better things the next day... NEWGRANGE!!
Newgrange is one of the most mystical places I have ever been - including Stonehenge. Besides being the oldest man made structure in the northern hemisphere(built in 3500b.c. it pre-dates the pyramids by 500 years), it has an amazing feature that only a few lucky people have been able to witness. On the winter solstice of every year, the sun lights up the inner chamber for only a few minutes. Doesn't sound that interesting? Consider the fact that the widest point of the 40ft. pathway is only four feet wide and it has a six foot slope UPWARDS!! The sun hits it just right and the entire chamber is filled with a golden glow. They think the chamber was used as a burial site and the solstice was a very special day for these ancient people. Unfortunately, the waiting list to witness this phenomena is filled for the next ten years, so it's unlikely I will ever be able to see it. :o) After visiting Newgrange, my dad drove until he got tired. That's how we ended up in the tiny village of Mallow. We stayed in a lovely little place called Cortigan House which gave a view of Mallow, it's river and the castle ruins. We walked into town that evening for a meal and some good Irish ale in the local pub. This is where I first encountered the unbelievable friendliness of the Irish people. Just standing on the sidewalk, they would go out of their way to say a cheery Hello and ask how your day was. I was just amazed - after living in England for two years, this was a complete switch. LOL Another day that went by too fast, but the next would be even better.. BLARNEY CASTLE!!
Blarney Castle is most famous for it's STONE. Legend states that those who kiss it are blessed with the "GIFT OF GAB". Sounds easy enough to do, right? Imagine being six stories up in stone castle ruins, having to lay on your back on the parapet, leaning way back nearly upside down to kiss this stone wall... Did I mention that you are hanging over a two foot wide gap with only two iron bars to stop you from falling?? LOL Scary, but fun! Now do you all see why I talk so much? It all stems from my adventure in Blarney... Anyways, Blarney is set in a really picturesque village with lots of trees and a stream running through it. There is a huge shopping center there called the Woolen Mills - built in 1834, they created a place where Irish goods can be sold at decent prices. After tromping around Blarney, we visited Jameson Irish Whiskey Centre. You take a tour of the Whiskey stills and outer buildings and at the end of the tour you get a free sample. ICK!! This stuff is too strong for my tastes, but those who enjoy whiskey say it's really good. :o) This day was our final full day in Ireland, but it was the best!! I really loved Blarney and someday I will go back! The next day we visited AVOCA...
After spending the night in Enniscorthy, on our way back to Dublin, we stopped in the teeny village of Avoca. This is where they film the BBC television show "Ballykissangel". If you're lucky enough, you may be able to catch it on PBS here in the States. We saw the Fitzgerald Pub and the post office, also the weaving mills. They began in 1723, which make them the oldest mills in all of Ireland. We couldn't spend much time here because we had our flight to catch, but everything we saw made a lasting memory.
There you have it.. An American's experience in Ireland. I loved every single moment we were there (well, except for the black pudding...) If any of you ever get a chance, do go. I know you will love it! Here are a couple links... one of which I received from my partner in crime, NUALA - thanks sweetie!! :o) She keeps my dream alive as a fellow anglophile and lover of all things Irish.
A Gaelic Prayer
"As the rain hides the stars, As the Autumn mist hides the hills, As the clouds veil the blue of the sky, So the dark happenings of my lot hide the shining of Thy face from me. Yet if I may hold Thy hand in the darkness It is enough..... Since I know, that though I may stumble in my going Thou dost not fall."


Irish Times
County Cork
All you ever needed to know about Ireland! This site ROCKS!