Training for Anatolian Shepherd Dogs - Lesson 1

This first lesson features the command “no” and the controlled walk. You will need to form a work routine and be sure to work your dog with repetition. Everyone learns to do jobs by repetition. Dogs learn the same way. First, you give a command and then show a response for the command. You must use consistency in your training. Decide what word(s) you will use for each command and don’t change. Do things in the same way.

When you first put a lead on your puppy, let them explore the limitation of the lead... don’t make any corrections or pull him . . . just let him get used to being connected. Then, gently encourage him to walk in the same direction as you do. Showing him a treat and walking away will generally cause your pup to follow. As he begins to follow, reward him with a small piece of a treat. There is no correction at this stage. Your puppy has to learn the communication clues. As your puppy learns to follow you and not fight the lead, you can start putting him at your left side. Whenever you begin to walk, lead off with your left foot. Do not deviate. This will begin to condition your dog for the stay command. Keep it simple and keep it fun. Once the pup is walking at your left side, reinforce this with the command heel as you begin to walk - leading off with your left foot! Pat the side of your leg to keep his attention on you. As he catches on, add turns, stops and starts. Talk to your dog while you are walking - let him know how good his is and that your are proud of him. Keep your voice happy. This whole process is rarely accomplished in a week, don’t give up. Remember repetition and consistency are key!

The command “no” must be given in a firm, authoritative (deep) voice. “NO” When your puppy is doing something he isn’t supposed to, tell him no firmly and either remove him from the situation and/or give him one of his toys to distract him from the object of his affection! Be consistent. If he is chewing on the edge of a carpet, don’t allow it one time and stop it another. You must make the correction as soon as possible and consistency is key. Anatolians don’t like repetition, they get bored, so consistency in your response will elicit the desired response.

Be sure you work on the command and exercise throughout the week - at least 10-15 minutes per day.