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Faith, What does it really mean?

A single woman walks home after midnight mass. She strolls the streets alone with only her faith as her guide. She walks those streets because she believes. She has only one thing that keeps her safe on this walk home and that is her faith.

Just after sundown on a Friday night the Sabbath candles are lite, and a Family begins their Sabbat Celebration. As they recite those ancient words they put there faith in these text and in the words of there father.

A Husband and Wife stand silently in the light of the full moon one rasises and a blade to the sky and quote words that are so familiar to him. His wife raises he arms to the sky and invites the Goddess to enter their circle and the same with the God, no person ever came in but they feel their presence there. Their faith allows them to feel the presence.

What does it mean to have Faith? Having faith is somthin that is all of us no matter who we are, even the atheist has faith, faith that there is nothing out there. Faith has nothing to do with religion it has only to with what you believe. Some have strong faith other’s have faith in just a few things.

Faith is not a religion nor is it physical thing it is somthing that is felt with in the heart of the believer. Christian, Jew, or Pagan it doesn’t mater what you believe it only matter how much faith you put in it.

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