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Witchy Woman

What does it mean to be a Witch? This is what this page is about. For more than a year now I have been a Witch, and am very pround of my faith, but as I was posting the weekly topic on my Yahoo club, I realized that I had not made this page yet and knew it was important.

I am one of those people who is pretty much a natural Witch, the Magick that I perform is always came easy, I guess that I never gave thought to that side of my life. Now though it seems necassary to finally say what what being a Witch means to me. So here I go.

I lay back on my bed on night, my room, by all apperences is empty is empty. I look up at the ceiling and I see to Faeries flying overhead, they are playfull to night when I hear somthing move I look up to see "My Little Spitit" just knocked over a box. his action however does not desturb me because I m in the safty of a mentally cast cirle performing a simple rite of honor and thanks. The reason my seem trite, but my sales went up at work and I was thanking the Goddes for what she had done. The time that I spend right thre in a Solitary mode it what it means to me, It is stength and courage, The feeling of being at one with everything around you. As I sit in my circle I feel a soft breeze blow over my face and know that it was her hand, it feels good to be close. As I relese all of the energies i lay there in my circle, the faeries have come to rest at my side and I lay there feeling the Freedom, Strengh, and energy that is present around me. The connection that I have with all realms. the feeling of security the that is placed with in me, and the amount of guilt that has been removed. I close my eyes and begin a little visualization, I just let my mind wonder until I begin to see the realm of my existince, not a hyscial place but a place so deep in my mind that it can be felt only by me. There I see where I have been and those who have been at my side along the way, I see troubles that have past and I have overcome. I look further to times when I was closest in my faith and happiest just sitting alone meditationg on a single tarot card. This realm also show me where I can go, that the actions that I have taken in the past have giving me the wisdom to conquer all the challanges that will come my way, but what makes me realize my true gifts are the times that I have been here, "alone" in a circle refection on what my life has been, and realizing that I have not become consumed by the Craft but that I have allowed my life to encompass it fully. I have made the Goddess part of my everyday life. This is what being a witch is, part of you and part of your heart. When I have taken the time to open myself to all of the energies and to all of the possiblites the exist is this realm or other. My is a faith of honer, trust and cherish. A daily walk walk with someone who has always been there. WitchCraft/ Wicca is part of my every day life it is as much a part of me as my skina nd my heart. Being a Witch is being human and Loving all, with
"Perfect Love, and Perfect Peace"

My The Goddess Bless you all,

SkyShadow SpiritSong

That night the Faeries remained long after the circle was closed, they stayed by my side threought the night. The energy that had been created remained in the room for days. It kept away all of the negitivity that can happen, and I can still feel her hand on my face.

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