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What is amateur rocketry?

What is amatuer rocketry? Amatuer rocketry is dfferent from model and high power rocketry in the fact that you make everything from scratch-including the motor.

Amatuer rocketry is not for everyone. If you are considered smart but not mechanically inclined don't try it. If you are pregnant or have heart problems this shouldn't affect you at all. Also your neighbors may not like your rocket motors Blowing up next to their house. You may also need to check with your local fire marshal about any laws in your area. If you run into any problems with your neghbors or the cops stop doing it. As fun as this may be Its not worth geting arrested over.

If one of your rocket motors CATO's in your yard and your neighobors call the cops you can and most likely will be arrested for having a destructive device. This can carry the same punishment as if you got caught with a pipe bomb. Try convinceing a cop that it was a rocket motor. It's not gonna happen!!!! Also one of these things can hurt you very badly or EVEN KILL YOU. I'm not trying to discourage you but, these are things you should know.

If you decide to not to follow the basic safety rules this is what could happen:

