GENERIC ANALYTIC RUBRIC 8-9 For those essays that are well-organized, demonstrate a command of the elements of composition, and display evidence of stylistic maturity. These essays explain with some precision the effect of the literature on the reader and they convincingly analyze the specific means by which that effect is achieved. 6-7 For essays that are somewhat less well-written: they may show occasional lapses in syntax, diction, or organization. these essays explain the effect of the literary passage and include details which support that explanation, though they may analyze with less clarity or precision the means by which that effect is achieved. These essays sometimes concentrate on only one of the author's stylistic techniques. 4-5 For essays that are adequately written, though they do not demonstrate stylistic maturity or confident control over the elements of composition. These essays display an understanding of the passage, but they treat it only in generalities, inadequately explaining its effects or analyzing the techniques by which those effects are achieved. They may simply cite stylistic techniques, or concentrate on an inappropriate aspect of the passage, or show a lack of the facility of language needed to analyze the details they mention. 2-3 For essays that are poorly written and show consistent errors in diction, spelling, or syntax. These essays provide little explanation of the effects of the passage and no explicit analysis of the techniques by which that effect is achieved. They may use the passage merely as a springboard for an essay on a general topic. 1 For essays that contain no analysis of the passage.