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Articles to Consider





Archive (Feb 1 to 28 -02

Current Events Current Events Archives 9-11 to Jan 31-02

YOU HAVE TO BE INFORMED TO MAKE A DECISION, KEEP AN OPEN MIND! I CAN ONLY FIND IT & POST IT - YOU HAVE TO READ IT *******************************************************************





What if an attack at home was easier to set up?

The purpose of this composition is to bring the fruit of the best research into focus, and construct a reasonably comprehensive picture of the macabre scheme that undermines sovereignty and solvency of the nation.

`I can think of no faster way to unite the American people behind George W. Bush than a terrorist attack on an American target overseas. And I believe George W. Bush will quickly unite the American people through his foreign policy.''-Henry Kissinger, appearing on CNBC, 2000-Dec-13

J.E. Stewart Educational Reports on who you vote for, who they are and what they HAVE DONE and want to do to the US


CFR Membership
What they say at the CFR
Modern Political Power

The tendency of our government to withhold potential threat information on what they believe to be a need to know basis never does seem to change. Therefore, question every thing that your tax dollar pays for.

Interesting Sites with the Latestest Reports on Whats Happening Without Government Spin - Use Below Links

911 What Really Happened
surfing the apocalypse
Info Wars.Com
My Links


"If humanity is to pass safely through its present crisis on earth, it will be because a majority of individuals are now doing their own thinking" - Buckminster Fuller


"Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We'll build a solid state, without an ounce of gold behind it. Anyone who sells above the set prices, let him be marched off to a concentration camp. That's the bastion of money. "(Alolf Hitler 1889-1945)


"The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been." -Alan Ashley-Pitt

5 - 9

Only in America - To Boycott Israel = Up To10 Years Prison - so much for the free markets

It's a tale only the best conspiracy theorist could dream up. BUT....Now the question, is the CIA or CFR planning to use Bio weapons on Americans?
Socialist Waxman vs Jefferson; a real American
Countries Move Troops In Anticipation Of US Attack On Iraq

US walks away from world court! Is it because it's against the Constitution like the UN or Is it because to many US Elite would be charged in the court?

signs of repression.

Actually his time table is off, the CFR/UN started a long time agoAre we on the road to war? "It will happen because more than a decade ago a small cabal of political heavyweights in the administration of George Bush the First sat down and drew up a blueprint to rule the world.

Waste from US nuclear and chemical weapons plants starts to leak into the environment.

The Elite are always ABOVE THE LAWUS Passes Law Authorizing Invasion of the Netherlands if World Court Attempts to try US Personnel.

Bush Warns Cuba on Bioweapons? Is this a pretext for the next invasion?
link found

5 - 8

Bush Choosing 'Gun Control Over Terrorist Control'
your tax dollar at work
housing bubble
Destruction of the Civilian Infrastructure - SOP for America & IDF
A Danish member of the European parliament said that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon should be tried for war crimes against the Palestinians.
Rep. Dick Armey bought & paid for politican Calls for Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestinians, What rock do these people hide under?
'Hate Speech' And The Massive Israeli US Spying
Doctors Forbidden By IDF To Help Palestinians
IDF Admits 'Ugly Vandalism' Against Palestinian Property
OOOPS! Which of the "Palestinian Terrorists" in this Reutersphotograph is wearing a Star of David....?

5 - 7

Emergency Health Powers Act Railroaded Through In Wisconsin
Axis Of Incompetence
If you want a chance to keep your freedon in America read Congressman Ron Paul's Truth's

911? Who done it We have to look back only 40 years to find that the answer.

US Army Offers Bio-War Patents
Flash Net Update

The FIX IS IN AT CNNBecause information to be discussed is sensitive and proprietary, this meeting will be closed to the public.

Crossbow Technology - Smart Dust
Camera software, dubbed Cromatica - Surveillance Cameras Predict Behavior
Homeland security encompasses many subjects

5 - 6

Stock Market, Equity Markets, Bond Markets, Dollar Devaluation and then theres real wealth
Trust me I'm from the government - Gross Mismanagement from your elected officals - again !
Gross Mismanagement from your elected officals - again

Race riot in Cincinnati. As usual, mainstream media downplays violence by blacks targeted at whites.
Ala judge says to hell with thee Constitution
Waco expert advising on Church of the Nativity standoff ?
The New War On Freedom
Great Leaders of the Future Will NOT Be From America!
'Translation Services' To Welfare Recipients - If they are Americans let them learn english, if not take them off welfair
Indications of US/Israel treachery on 9-11.
US Physicians Oppose Emergency Health Powers Act

5 - 5

If you want a chance to keep your freedon in America read Congressman Ron Paul's Truth's

Will The Real Paranoids Please Raise Their Hands
Is the U.S. seeking to impose an international dictatorship on all countries?

Reed Slatkin, the investment advisor who provided start-up funds for Internet service provider EarthLink Inc. , pleaded guilty on Monday to 15 charges of fraud and conspiracy for bilking almost 800 clients out of nearly $600 million.

Proof Of Anthrax Frame-Up To Blame Arabs
Even after being told to "Kiss-Off"; Congress OKs More Support For Israel
Who's Who In The Pro-GM Food Campaign

What would you do if after months the Bankers would not let you withdraw your money from your bank account? Argentina Bankers refuse to let a woman withdraw her money, so she set herself ablaze inside the bank lobby.

Economic Slump or crash of the dollar & markets?
California Oracle Software Scandal Explodes Massive shredding stopped by the Highway Patrol, Davis' eGovernment chief resigns, kickbacks to campaign committees, in other words business as usual in the halls of the government.

5 - 4

Dollar slides after US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill testifies that government intervention doesn't actually protect currencies. That piece of paper you are holding that claims to be a dollar is worth only what the US Government itself is worth. That government is trillions in debt.Think about It! The US Government, Congress declared bankrupt in 1993 - What's left for the US? Agrentina 2

ENRON investigation ignored 600+ subsidiaries in the Caymans - Wonder Why?
US Government using anti-terror as excuse to withhold public documents about its own chemical and biological weapons research.
Bush Refuses INS Appeal for Money
Illegals Aliens Pour Into Upper Midwest
Court finds ADL kept extensive computer files on thousands of US citizens, using information illegally obtained from police and FBI files.
September 11: The circumstantial case ?
Former Afghan Leader doesn't believe Bin Ladden was connected to 911
Russia fears US bases in Central Asia for conquest of Iraq will remain to take control of Caspian Sea oil fields. They're catching on slowly.

5 - 3

Oh just give them more money


Are we next?

Foreign press picks up story that US Government has not found any evidence linking al Qaeda to 9-11.
Here is just how weak the US Government's case is. From the above article.... scroll down right side

5 - 2

Was 9/11 a sham on the American People?Global search on Bin Ladden & his group has produced virtually nothing in the way of hard evidence about the terrorists’ planning.

"The European Union is demanding that foreign companies be allowed to compete with the U.S. Postal Service as part of World Trade Organization talks that began last year."

Word Tricks And Propaganda
"Gold Wars" - book review
WWIII Coming 'Whether They Like It Or Not' -Top Sharon Aide
A one man band - he has no membership

One More in the HUNTApril 24, Peter Tatchell ( a British human rights activist ) attempted to have Henry Kissinger arrested for committing war crimes under the Geneva Conventions Act.

Treasury set to borrow as budget deficit worsens
Hidden Tax Scam? or propaganda?
Protect the value of your money
Message From A South African
Euro Classifies Vitamins As Drugs is the US NEXT?

5 - 1

EPA Coverup Of Ground Zero WTC Toxics
Seattle Supermarket First To Allow Payment By Fingerprint

The Caspian Sea: The Next Middle East Takeover DEALWHAT REALLY HAPPENED.COM told the world last September that the war in Afghanistan,planned long before 9-11, was all about the Caspian Sea oil

The decision, the first of its kind, upheld the right of tens of thousands of health care workers to refuse to comply with a mandatory flu shot as a condition of employment.

International Monetary Fund to Argentina, change yyour laws to protect bankers from jail & let us take your courntys assets and we'll give you paper bondssee what it's like in Argentina - guess what, impotence in the face of governmentaland banking mismanagement may bring down the US soon.

German shooting a look-alike to Port Arthur Killing Staged events to further the anti-gun agenda?UN will do anything to disarm the people, what are a few dead here & there?

The real Wal-Mart
New Law Claims to Protect Your Privacy But Actually Gives Green Light to More Intrusive Spyware
"Corporate-Owned Life Insurance"- a policies gamble on workers life
Feds Sneak Privacy Review Past Public

4 - 30

Keep Your Eye on the Target: by Congressman Ron Paul

Ron Paul on C=SPAN tells it like it is & gets called names

"Congressman Too Truthful" (Congressman Ron Paul)

Why? - An Extraordinary Series Of 911 Questions

Serendipity The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism911EssentialFinal Questions

EPA Moves To Permit Dumping Mining Waste In Rivers, Streams
Today's inflation is being neutralized by deflation.
ATF Annual Explosives List
The CDC proposal allows governors to unilaterally declare a public health emergency, stripping individuals and families of their rights and liberties for 60 days.
UPDATES - Eyeballing Everything from ANL to WMD

4 - 29

Congressman Ron Paul on the Federals Reserve Funny Money

Of note is the Precious Metals derivatives exposure of JP Morgan. In the last quarter of 2001 their notional exposure climbed from approx 30 billion up to just under 42 billion.

During this period they have stopped reporting the exposure of Morgan Guarantee so presumedly they are pooling the gold derivatives under one house. Is it to cover their short position on the higher gold prices or to take posssion of the gold as the dollar fail?JP Morgan now controls approx 63% (up from 33% a year earlier) of all notional derivatives (funny paper) on gold. (Now some 41.7 billion out of a total pool of 66 billion)

Whats a dollar really worth?

Some politicans are cheaper to buy then othersTom DeLay ($40,000 from Israeli lobbies) pushes for Congressional resolution of total support for Israel.

Above the Law Ashcroft Tosses Aside States' Rights

Above the Law?Ashcroft continues to play games to do what he wants without regard for the Constitution

Finally one of these so called reporters started doing his homework? Was it written ahead of time? Like the Florida Martial/State of Emergency EO by Jeb Bush? Of course it was Kissinger is CFR, Cheney is CFR, Bush is CFR. Just read about their plans and past statements to bring about the NWO under the UNHenry Kissinger's 9-11 article linking US and Israel in the "War On Terror".

Canadians Wonder What's Happened To Once Brave & Honest Americans? I wonder, too!.
UN accused of "Plundering" Iraq
Bioweapons, Terror, and the US

War on Terror ? Hell they all wanted the OIL and the pipelineRussia will divide up Caspian Sea resources if mutual deal cannot be struck.

4 - 28

U.S. Stock Market Declines

The UN is made up of 100s of leaders of countries that think this way, do you want to be under their rule under the UN?If America had laws like this there would not be an America.

Socialists are winning with UN Agenda 21, dumbing down America's childern in schools nation wideUS Teen Knowledge Of Money And Finance Deteriorating Fast

Too Much TV Linked Directly To Brain Dementia
The Elite "Above the Law" CFR Kissinger: Mistakes were "quite possibly" made (yep he got caught)

HEADLINE: Dollar falls as market eyes investment shift US Dollar falls world wide - Is a crash & devaluation next?

Stock Market breaks all lower limits is this the start of the crash?
Police can search your home without telling you why. "Fourth Amendment? We don' need no stinkin' fourth amendment!"
Police do not need warrant to put tracking device on your car.

More cops busted for framing suspects Authorities accuse members of Plant City's special investigations unit of using false warrants, stealing from suspects and using misleading and illegal tactics to build cases. HONEST COPS ? Right Just give them a gun, what will happen if they pass a gun law that makes you defenseless?

Ever since the CFR decided on the NWO, the US politicians, Presidents, media and NGOs pushed the United NationsNow the same idiots threatened to invade Netherlands if world goes ahead with International Criminal Court. Its your fault, you voted the creeps in, now use your vote to get the US out of the UN before there is NO AMERICA LEFT.

4 - 27

Predictions by Congressman Ron Paul, MD

History of Treason in AmericaTimeline to Global Governance and American Slavery under the UN


I couldn't say it better myself, except the the Commader in Chief, the Socialists Congress, lawyers, bankers and the CFR should be the ffirst in line"Everyone who is for this war to join the military and volunteer to be the first into battle. Otherwise, they're hypocrites"

vote by the end of June on death tax repeal
Homeland defense plan in disarray
The Government's War on Your Freedom

Bush says 'legitimacy is something that is conferred not just by a majority of the voters'." Translation: The US agrees with the voters only if the voters elect someone the US Government/CFR likes!

"The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves." -- Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, justifying the CIA overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Salvadore Allende in 1973. No wonder the world court wants to try Kissinger.

FBI sting for jewel thieves bags cops
Socialists are banning the words Freedom, Liberty, American patriotism and God and replacing the with Indoctrination in to Humanism in your schools.

4 - 26

The Case for Bush Administration Advance Knowledge of 9-11 Attacks As the facts emerge, the conclusion becomes inescapable.

If its not a movie plot and he can really prove this ,"without having a sudden heart attack", the people of the US with raise up & HEADS WILL ROLL! (I'm not buying his newsletter but I'll wait to see if the evedence gets into court) 9-11 "was a US/MOSSAD Op from day one" - does the CFR have the Power?

"The Debt Relief Enhancement Act of 2002"--was sponsored by a bipartisan and bicameral team of legislators including Senators Joseph Biden (D-DE) and Rick Santorum (R-PA), and Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and John LaFalce (D-NY). Anything to bail out the IMF/World Bank and continue to steal from more countries. These elected officals are either dumb as hell, letting the Bankers pull their strings or they want the US to be a third world country !UN/NWO failed to get their Global TAX, so they are trying the back door. Now! It is my understanding that the gold in the IMF,World Bank and the International Stablilation Fund mainly belongs to the US (the gold reserves listed as in "DEEP STORAGE")

The FEMA Official who admitted being sent to New York the night BEFORE the 9/11 attacks.
Rights Group Sues Ashcroft
Argentina's cash crisis deepens The IMF trashes another country.
2004: The Next Great US Depression or sooner
ENRON's financial games were financed with YOUR money!
US Government using biological weapons on YOU It's just a test, really, nothing to worry about. That's why you're not being told when it happens!
WHY DID the State Department ban Iranian Ambassador from Speaking at World Affairs Council ?
WHY is the US is OPPOSE to UN anti-torture measure

4 - 25

There is no law that prohibits
More Clinton Abuses of Power
Venezuela Coup Linked To Bush Team
A major international espionage saga is unfolding across the United States.
hyperinflationary housing bubble
Case For Bush Administration Foreknowledge Of 911 Attacks
GREENSPEAK ON HOUSING - "NO TINDER FOR SPECULATIVE CONFLAGRATION" Translation: "Obfuscation of true financial situation by means of undecipherable utterances"
Army Aerial Spraying Tests Panic, Anger Florida Keys Residents
"The US department of state's defensive response to this inquiry can only raise questions about what Mr Kissinger and the US has to hide"
Chemical Weapons Control Chief Defies US Ouster
The American public is savagely misinformed on the situation in Iraq, according to a former ambassador to Iraq.


A Closer Look at Derivatives - Frank Partnoy
The Argentine central bank on Friday declared a complete and indefinite suspension of all banking activity in the country

Deficiency From Coast To Coast


Here's a list of the countries that the U.S. has bombed since the end of World War II, compiled by historian William Blum:

China 1945-46, Korea1950-53, China 1950-53, Guatemala 1954, Indonesia 1958, Cuba 1959-60, Guatemala 1960, Congo 1964, Peru 1965, Laos 1964-73,Vietnam 1961-73, Cambodia 1969-70, Guatemala 1967-69, Grenada 1983, Libya 1986, El Salvador 1980s, Nicaragua1980s, Panama 1989, Iraq1991-99, Sudan 1998, Afghanistan 1998, Yugoslavia 1999, Afghanistan 2001, Columbia 2002

Here's the quiz: How many of these military interventions actually resulted in the formation of a democratic government respectful of human rights?

(a) 0, (b) zero, (c) none, (d) not a one, (e) zip, (f) a whole number between -1 and +1, (g) zilch, (h)zippo, (i)ALL OF THE ABOVE

Argentina 'risks financial collapse'

Argentina's Daylight Robbery Could this happen in the US again? YEP sure could !

NEVER SAYNEVER - It's happened here before

Dollar hits three-month-low as confidence erodes

Let History Be Your Guide

Recovery?the employment outlook isn't getting much brighter.

Big Media

4 - 23

"The cost to the good people for their indifference to their public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." Plato


Who Was Behind the September Eleventh Attacks?
Bush finds himself in a situation of his own making.
Jury Finds
The propaganda unravels
The announcement of the worst ever contamination of crops by GM varieties was made yesterday
200,000 In DC Protest Bush's 'War Without End'
It is seeking to overthrow 60 years of multilateralism in favour of a global regime built on force.

Results of the investigation have not been made public.

4 - 22

"Secretary O'Neill took his time and remarked that the United States had gone off the gold standard in 1971. He went on to emphasize that our real reserves or currency strength are based on our intellectual capabilities." - Full faith & credit of the US dollar & goverment are "JUST SPIN" (BETTER BUY GOLD & SILVER)

Skolnick - Part 9

There is a estimated 100 TRILLION DOLLARS in PAPER DERIVATIVES in control of the fait system by fraud of the free market systemStorm Watch: The Last Wave - derivatives 101

IS AMERICA NEXT?"Argentina closed banks indefinitely in an effort to block a rising outflow of deposits.

China's Army Operates Over 2000 Front Companies In US

With out the new World Tax, UN goes for the gold, IMF & World Bank are funded & backed with UNITED STATES GOLDUN wants to use IMF/World Bank Gold to fund poor countries

Solid-State Lighting
Clintons Federalist Socialism in America still live & well

"The Farm Security Act"HR 2646Large International Corp own most of the American farm land and production, they want 80 percent increase in conservation, they'll bankrupt the small farmers left and control the food. Anyone for $5 bread, $10 milk & $15 hamburgers?

ONLY IN AMERICAAsk for the TRUTH and be BRANDED by the Powers To Be

Skolnick - Part 10

4 - 21

"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today." Theodore Roosevelt 1906

From: "What Really Happened.Com""September 11: The Circumstantial Case - Part 1 This article errs in accepting at face value Ms. Rosenberg's suggestion that the CIA is behind the Anthrax letters, when in fact the FBI's chief suspect in the case has been documented as having entered the Anthrax storage area without proper authorization.

911 Denial - A French left-wing Critique
Kissinger faces questions on "Condor Plan" of repression.

Kissinger - "If You Want To Kill, Do It Fast"

Does this SMELL?"Carlyle Group Funds TV Station Buy-up Now, along with the problem that all the US media is under the control of just a few people at Carlyle, note those last few paragraphs about how a change in the FCC rules could make the TV stations being purchased worth a lot more. Isn't this a clear conflict of interest where Bush the younger can make Bush the elder much richer with an FCC rule change? "

Dallas Cops used powdered chalk to "manufacture" drug busts , ever wonder WHO has the real stuff?
Traffic stops
John Biewen explores how some groups with vested interests work to influence public policy — helping to keep more people locked up longer.
deflation - done deal (A interesting look - very long)
A War Against the Peacemaker
A move towards a standing Army on US soil

4 - 20

" TODAY'S INTERESTING FACT: According to WRMEA Aipac the Israel Lobby donated a total of $ 2,044,606 to members of Congress in the 1999/2000 election cycle. Senate: 35 democrats 28 Republicans House 142 Democrats 85 Republicans 96 Senators voted the aid package for Israel. Since 1948 Israel has received $94 billion in US Taxpayers' money, four times the entire cost of the Apollo Moon Program."

"We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."-- Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

From "What Really Happened.Com: "Why, it sounds like he's holding the schedule! "Bush predicts more terror attacks in US "I wonder if they'll let him watch on TV again. That there will be more staged terror attacks to try to rebuild support for a war for the oil is a certainty, and tomorrow, April 19th, is in addition to being just one day before the massive nation-wide anti-war protests, a highly symbolic date. April 19th is Patriot's Day (the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord). April 19th is also the anniversary of the gassing of a church full of women and children with a poison gas that is illegal to use in warfare by the US Government down in Waco, Texas. And April 19th is also the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing, an apparent staged terrorist attack infamous for the FBI's withholding and destruction of evidence.

Daschle and the American Communist Party
National Park Service Bans Jet Skis In Five Parks

The young ones who may die in the future say - "Our opposition to the war is no joke. It's based on facts. We want to draw together concerns about globalization issues, the Middle East and NAFTA, to make the connections to the war on terrorism. We don't feel that's been properly done untilnow.On The Front Lines Of A War On Dissent ... Students Prepare To Protest Anti-Terrorism Agenda

The New World Order's Fascist Pedigree
Medals of Honor - Smedley Butler, Marine Corps Legend
Smedley Butler

Hey, it costs MONEY to overthrow someone else's country, you know?

"Pentagon sources gleefully revealed that the United States provided critical military and intelligence support to the Venezuelan military coup against President Hugo Chavez on Friday 12th April."

Things like this are WHY terrorists hate Americans. The world thinks Americans APPROVE of the US government's interfering in their affairs.

Signs of US-backed coup seen months before attempt at overthrow.

4 - 19

Interesting view - New Happy Pastel Colour Money Alternative for When (Not If) the Greenback $$$$ Crashes Down to Earth So what does this portend for the future of the U.S. Dollar? Devaluation! The dollar will be massively devalued because we are approaching unsustainable trade debts of a trillion dollars a year."

US aerospace forces plan to "own the weather" by "capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications."(The Weather as a Force Multiplier, August 1996). In a summary table, under the column "DEGRADE ENEMY FORCES", among all the nasty options we find: "Precipitation Denial - Induce Drought". Barium Sandwiches, Chemtrails & Drought for you - US Government wants to be Mother Nature

US Inmates Refuse To Give DNA, govvernment will get it by any means, welcome to America
concerned parents seeking an end to government-controlled schooling.

About time someone starts it, maybe the ICC will be a good thing if they clean house in the US & Banking systems like the IMF, World Bank and UN

What about the wildlife?
J.P. Morgan structured finance head quits (is the man behind the billions in JPM/C derivatives jumping ship?)
Recovery ooops NO Recovery
Wall Street's Den of Thieves
'Axis Of Evil' is back, Bush must be running out of money again
Morgan Stanley on the U.S. trade deficit

4 - 18


Ashcroft announced that the Justice Department plans to place the names of more than 100,000 Americans onto a database available to law enforcement nationwide.Are you one of the Americans that believe in the Constitution on the List?

The CIA And The Venezuela Coup

If taking the land in America is restricted the government can't take on more debt because they have already hocked evverything they don't own alreadyBush Administration and House Democrats Oppose Bill to Restrict Federal Land Acquisition

Bush Dances To Sharon's TuneIsrael's right-wing Likud party dominates U.S. Mideast policy through a powerful lobby in the American Congress.

Dr. Laura Supports Dr. Dobson: "Take Your Kids Out Of (California) Public Schools"
Stocks Fall even with all the "HYPE"
Look who's making money & who's paying the freight

Only in America"If people don't start fighting stuff,'' Tammy Nicoll said, "we're going to lose every right that we have.''

AOL/Time-Warner — is 80 times worse than the first one —performed by troubled Enron.
"Who will be Mabus?" = GWBush

4 - 17

US Against The WorldAll those countries the US has over throne, sent peace keepers, invaded, bombed or starved are now in process of ratification of the ICC

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan vowed that "those who commit war crimes, genocide or other crimes against humanity will no longer be beyond the reach of justice."What about CBW testing on American citizens, WACO, OKC, WTC, Chemtrails, CIA covert ops and on and on.

citizen and I, along with the rest of this nation's citizens, have a Constitution. That is the legacy of freedom that our founding fathers gave to us, and no group of nations on this planet has a right to tell us we are not a sovereign nation or that there are laws superior to ours that supersede those created by our government.

Bill would restrict federal land acquisitions
President Bush has approved widespread changes at the top of the U.S. military that will put in place a new generation of relatively nonconformist officers who are likely to be more supportive of the administration's goal
Rep McKinney says - The USA - Usurpers Siege Of America

Are the Derivatives going to bring down the system?

Equity players face potential losses on massive collar positions
GE says loss of $890 million on derivatives
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.want cash from bondholders for failed cable company
Bush Plays Pontius Pilate

4 - 16

The right of self-defense isthe very foundation of Freedom, so much so, that one cannot exist without the other.

The anti-federalists opposed the Constitution on the grounds that its checks on federal power would be undermined by expansive interpretations of promoting the "general welfare" leading to a federal government so powerful that its powers were bound to be abused.they were right on the mark

Anti-Federalist Papers
You are SICK we will Help you
drought - is it do to the US Weather control projects or just mother nature?

The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism

"Foreign interventionism is bad for America. Special interests control our policies, while true national security is ignored. Real defense needs, the defense of our borders, are ignored, and the financial interests of corporations, bankers, and the military-industrial complex gain control - and the American people lose. "

paper houses collapse - who's next ?
US WWII Chemical Warfare Drums Unearthed In Alaska

4 -15


Captured Al Qaeda Official Has No Idea Who Was Behind 9-11 - "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on theIsraeli spy ring.

From 1997, BBC article confirms Taleban was in Texas talking to Unocal about an oil pipeline. When the deal fell apart, the US started planning the invasion of Afghanistan

Oil Industry Web Site: UNOCAL/Taleban deal fell apart when Taleban asked for too much money. This article fails to mention how UNOCAL's John Maresca went before Congress and stated that the government of Afghanistan would have to be replaced before the pipeline could be built. This article also fails to mention that both the current President of Afghanistan and the US Envoy to Afghanistan were part of the original UNOCAL working team for the pipeline project. project.

New Yorker article reaffirms US agenda to topple Saddam to get his OIL. Note where the US has been funding covert operations to sabotage Iraq's infrastructure

Police Up Hold the US Constitution & Bill of RightsPolice Searches Without Warrants? Yep. And they don't even have to tell you they were the ones ripped off your laptop!

While We Were Sleeping, Somebody Stole America
Prescription Drugs Contaminating Lakes And Rivers

An economic view, will printing paper fiat & cooking the books work?

4 - 14

Flashnet Update
Rep. McKinney Wants Investigation into Bush Administration, Implies They Had Advance Knowledge Of 911

The Confidence Game

Bundesbank to Dump Dollars Central Bank Policy May Drive US Currency to Depths of Hell

What Next?

Did the US Treasury move government pension fund money into stocks to Manipulate the Stock Market to keep it from crashing? You bet they did, so long government retirement money.

Not In My Backyard!

Perhaps Enron, Arthur Andersen, New York's attorney general's investigation into alleged conflicts of interest by Wall Street analysts,"pro-forma" results, the so-called "Greenspan Put," "seasonal adjustments", trillions in derivatives and interest swaps, Market Manipulations, "hedonic price deflators" etcetera is weighing on their minds?The Brits are not as dumb as the Americans.

Whale Killer or NOT

The Socialists President Clinton claimed to be a World Citizen, here is just one more proof he's anti-american; by giving away the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Sovereignty of the United States of America to a Foriegn Power the United Nations.As late as Monday there were reports that President Bush had sought means to retract the signature of former president Clinton, who signed the treaty on his last day in office..

Lincoln Chafee Advances Bill to Usurp Local Control of Land Use Planning and Zoning

Greenspan has "LOST CONTROL" Feds now Monetizing Corporate Debt to save private banks & the stock marketEventually the usurous economy will destroy the real economy and it will take at least a generation to recover, barring any further move towards US dictatorship, which I believe will happen.

4 - 13

Rep. McKinney Wants Investigation into Bush Administration, Implies They Had Advance Knowledge Of 911

The Confidence Game

Bundesbank to Dump Dollars Central Bank Policy May Drive US Currency to Depths of Hell

What Next?

Did the US Treasury move government pension fund money into stocks to Manipulate the Stock Market to keep it from crashing? You bet they did, so long government retirement money.

Not In My Backyard!

Perhaps Enron, Arthur Andersen, New York's attorney general's investigation into alleged conflicts of interest by Wall Street analysts,"pro-forma" results, the so-called "Greenspan Put," "seasonal adjustments", trillions in derivatives and interest swaps, Market Manipulations, "hedonic price deflators" etcetera is weighing on their minds?The Brits are not as dumb as the Americans.

Whale Killer or NOT

The Socialists President Clinton claimed to be a World Citizen, here is just one more proof he's anti-american; by giving away the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Sovereignty of the United States of America to a Foriegn Power the United Nations.As late as Monday there were reports that President Bush had sought means to retract the signature of former president Clinton, who signed the treaty on his last day in office..

Lincoln Chafee Advances Bill to Usurp Local Control of Land Use Planning and Zoning

Greenspan has "LOST CONTROL" Feds now Monetizing Corporate Debt to save private banks & the stock marketEventually the usurous economy will destroy the real economy and it will take at least a generation to recover, barring any further move towards US dictatorship, which I believe will happen.

4 - 12

"Telecom meltdown...the usual suspects""It should be noted that of the financial institutions that extended credit to the U.S. telecoms, J.P. Morgan led the way. The world's largest derivatives bank, J.P. Morgan made $280 billion in bank loans to telecom companies, and underwrote $48.1 billion in telecom bonds, for a participation of $328.1 billion in credit extension to the sector."

Will Gold Prices Raise, some are saying it's ready to go to unheard of highs.
" Argentina is the same cause at work all over the world today. Argentina's fate is the world's fate"
Colorado Supreme Court Refuses to Order Book Store to Turn Over Sales Records
Report says Dutch & UN Responsible for killings
UN/NWO wants you to pay for Agfhanistan take over
"Let's consider an alternative to secession in response to federal government encroachment on our liberties."
NASA site & Chemtrails
National Socialist Democrat Party = Communists in the American Congress
UN/German Socialists Urge Abolition of American Way of Life by launching a campaign to impose $300 billion in global taxes and radically transform the American way of life.
Socialists Calif at its best
Farmers Groups Demand End To 'Terminator' Seeds

4 - 11

Deflation in a Debt Based Economy
"JUSTICE IS BUT TRUTH IN ACTION." - Gold = Power & Control

Wwhat does this tell you"The entire financial sector - every bank, every securities company every insurance company - is opposed to this amendment'' as are federal market regulators, said Rep. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, who led the efforts against the measure.

Iraq cuts oil exports in protest over Israel Bush and oil executives cheer as fuel prices soar.
news - truth or proaganda

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Federal Judge shreds Constitution, allows use of Secret Evidence in seizure of funds caseLawyers for defense not allowed to see or respond to evidence presented to judge behind closed doors. If you tolerate this abuse because the victims are unpopular, then don't complain when the government seizes YOUR assets with "secret evidence" when it really goes broke.

Are the Israelis Running the US or just Blackmailing it?

From 2001: US using "War On Drugs" to set up clandestine facilities in other nations.

ONLY IN PRESENT DAY AMERICA "Food is power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize. Control the Food and you control the people." Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Program


4 - 10

Actions bordering on treason or TREASONEvidence is mounting that the source of the anthrax was a top secret U.S. Army laboratory in Maryland and that the perpetrators involve high-level officials in the U.S. military, CIA and intelligence infrastructure.

Operation 911 Coverup Data Update

Skolnick - Part 8

Contrary to this reporter's view, Bush WANTS violence in the Mideast. Public support for a war of conquest of the oil, masked as a "War on Terror" has plummeted. Like FDR, George Bush is faced with trying to trick the American people into support of a war few want or even understand. Bush's plan is obvious. Using Sharon, Bush hopes to anger the Arab world into striking back at Israel and the US. Then Bush will have the war he wants, which will not end until the world's oil supplies are under US control.

Historic Precedents Of Globalist Corruption And High Treason

Socialism vs Common Sense There is an ongoing, planned war against common sense. The goal is to displace our loyalties from the God of American liberty to a dark, alien political system, known today as socialism.

Brain Police
Think Tank Study Finds Shortcomings in U.S. Emergency Preparedness
psychopolitics & proaganda

4 - 9

Testimony on unregulated status of derivatives - Note:: if you go bad and read past posts on JP Morgon & Derivatives you'll see the banking system is sitting on the very edge !


The super-secret gang of international financiers and high-powered political leaders will hide out near Washington's Dulles International Airport to hold their annual confabulation. Bilderberg will seal off the Westfields Marriott, just seven miles south of Washington's Dulles International Airport in Chantilly, Va., for its annual meeting of the super-rich and super-famous on the weekend of May 30

Middle East Quiz
Orwell On Nationalism

The Trilateral Commission - long viewed by critics and conspiracy theorists as a secret world-government-in-waiting - will begin its annual meeting today in Washington to discuss the future of the world's three main industrialized continents post-September 11.

Powell Addresses Trilateral Commission and gets his orders, who's running the US Government?

Chemtrails And Barium Toxicity
Chemtrails Over Disney World

"Only six months later, the UN is trying to capitalize on the tragedy by rewriting history-suggesting those lives might have been saved had only the United States paid the price of protection. And what is that price? For starters, $70 billion.

Reign Of The Macho-Minded Morons

4 - 8

Kitchen Table Talk IV
A Deflation in a Debt Based Economy & FUNNY MONEY
"Anti-terror" experts propose using consumer databases to search for potential terrorists. Not a good time to order fertilizer for the Petunias

Tom Beardens Home Page
Dr. Myron Evans
Tom Beardens' page on Selected scientific Correspondence, including the "M.E.G."
The New World Order and their weapons

The Federal Drug Administration has ruled that an implantable microchip used for ID purposes is not a regulated device, paving the way for the chip's immediate sale in the United States

Remember how the US blamed X-CIA Osama for the USS Cole? Well, now they are trying to pin it on Saddam.
Who Shot M. L. King?
Another in Enron-Andersen Travesty Of Justice

4 - 7

Where is the US Gold & Who owns it? What does "Deep Storage" mean?

Devaluation of the US Dollar coming soon - get Gold & Silver Bullion or CoinsThe Coming "Adjustment" to the Current Account Deficit...Morgan Stanley's Roach

Enron investors and former employees have decided to add law firms and as many as eight banks on Monday when they amend their suits, alleging fraud, against the energy trader and its former auditor, Arthur Andersen LLP.

GAO to report findings of investigation into US "Special Virus" program Read NATIONAL SECURITY STUDY MEMORANDUM 200, written in 1974 and declassified in1989, which declared global overpopulation to be a threat to the security interests of the United States and called for drastic reductions in human population by the year 2000.

Russians & Mexicans are talking Silver
Chemtrails And Drought Inducement - What are they after control of the food, water or people?

Anthrax Whodunit May Have Political Subplot

Dallas Morning News: "political considerations may end up protecting the culprit's identity." That's because the prime suspect isn't an Arab and all indications that pointed to Arabs were a deliberate frame-up.frame-up

What the CIA doesn't want you to know

Oil project considerations dominate regional politics It's about the oil, stupid. When the United States notified other nations of the plan to invade Afghanistan a year ago, it was known that oil was the ultimate prize.

Such A Deal - Turkey To Get Iraq Oilfields For Supporting US Attack

4 - 6

The Owners of Private Federal Reserve Banking System that controls the US Treasury and your paper money & you owners, are the ROTHSCHILD banks of London and Berlin; LAZARD BROTHERS Banks of Paris; ISRAEL MOSES SEIF Banks of Italy, WARBURG Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; LEHMAN BROTHERS Bank of New York; and GOLDMAN, Sachs Banks of New York; KUHN, Loeb Bank of New York; JP Morgan/CHASE MANHATTAN Bank of New York. These interests own and operate the Federal Reserve System through approximately three hundred stockholdersVery Interesting READ - World Bankers move to enslave the world - "--first our own country, and then the world!" Rockefeller

Gold, Silver, Commodities, Midas du Metropole Topic du Jour

Bush Runs For Cover

Killing of civilans, women, children and non-combatents is wrong in any war by any sideLooking at todays events - was Goebbels on the mark in his so called hate speach?


Islamic States Warn Of 'All-Out War' In Mid-East

DEPARTMENT OF STATE giving Federal Grants to change the cultures of other countries - your tax dollars at work

Is the USA Patriot Act Unconstitutional?The Most Far-Reaching Gag Order In 1st Amendment History

Western diplomats, intelligence officials as well as congressional sources said the administration has relayed its intention to launch an attack on the regime of President Saddam Hussein by August.

Looking at todays events - was Goebbels on the mark in his so called hate speach?


4 - 5

"The Federal Reserve Chairman kept U.S. markets from collapsing when they reopened six days after the Sept.11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center." - Reuters Politics & Gold - Can they hold gold down or will the banking & stock market system fail like Japan & Argentina ?

Homeland Marketing
Mideast Terror War Adds Urgency To Bush / Carlyle Group Controversy

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State." Joseph M. Goebbels THE CFR & MEN BEHIND BUSH

ADL's Spying Operation
Say Good Bye to what America stands for
911 & Middle East updates
Marines Will 'Invade' Boise In Urban Warfare Training. - Last time a cop shot one, is this another "Stupid is Stupid does" routines? who's next?
Your Homeland Security dollars at work
A globalization of financial markets to the detriment of the real produc(tive- or)ing countries.

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The raging conflict in the Middle East is creating a dilemma in foreign exchange markets over whether the U.S. dollar is the safest harbor for investors worried about the potential economic impact of the crisis.

This document presents a variety of ways to protect building occupants from airborne hazards -- to prevent, protect against, and reduce the effects of outdoor and indoor releases of hazardous materials. It contains guidance for building managers, designers, and security plan-ners on how to minimize the potential effects of hazardous materials released in accidents, malicious acts, or natural phenomena. PROTECTING BUILDINGS AND THEIR OCCUPANTS FROM AIRBORNE HAZARDS

Protecting Buildings From Bomb Damage

4 - 4

"It takes an empire,' say several U.S. thinkers"

A MUST READReg Howe, GATA & the GOLD LAW SUIT - Coverage

"The Bush administration will take steps this week to prevent an unprecedented default on the national debt by moving federal retirement funds into a non-interest-bearing account, freeing up room for more borrowing."

manipulating the markets

"So when the dollar and everything else starts imploding,the PTB will have what they need to stay in control! Creative accounting and the destructive risk "For years the Gold been manipulated at a low price into the Open Arms of the likes of rothschilds and rockerfeller's and those who ARE in control."

NWO Implantable Chip Company Critical Of World Net Daily & the Truth
America’s War Incorporated: Weapons and Wars ‘R’ US
Israeli spying in the US
Implantable gps Tracking Chip

Smallpox VaccinationsPublic health leaders stressed Thursday that discussions of any vaccine campaign are preliminary, and that the decision to get the shots would be voluntary. - Funny thing is States link Florida & others make it a Crime not to take it and can use force!

4 - 3

There is no inflation. There IS no Inflation! THERE IS NO INFLATION!

The Fed's intervention in stocks is, to put it mildly, earth shaking in a free-market economy Recovery? Shams-Scams- Cooked Books & the Private Federal Reserve buying America to keep the Fiat System Afloat another day

"The Kinda Sorta Maybe Forever War"
Did you know that....
Bush Secrets
Putting Israel First (Blackmail?) - Bush Ignores US National Interest

US Budget ignores reality, will fall apart after the 2004 election. Looking good for the election is all that the politicians care about. The US Government is "Far be it from me to question the legitimacy of the conference board's consumer confidence numbers. After all, the conference board surveys 5,000 households of which 'roughly 3,500 typically respond' – is not how confident 3,500 household are an accurate depiction of how confident millions of Americans are?

"Ignorance and Empire"
"Old files contradict U.S. account of war"

Just what did Nostradamus mean when he code named the third and future candidate for one of his three antichrists as the enigmatic ìMabus Is Bush Mabus?

Energy 2002

4 - 2

judicialwatch on Bush/Cheney Energy Papers
bush/Cheney Energy files show gusher of payoffs - so whats new
Documents Show Energy Official Met Only With Industry Leaders Your gas will be $2 shortly

Off INFOWARS.COM A recorded lecture (UC Berkeley 1962) of Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) on the subject of "The Ultimate Revolution." He talks about using terrorism to create willing slaves out of the populationAudio Link


american auto

GM-Free Nations Fall To Monsanto PowerSoon Monsanto & a few other UN/NGOs will control all the food seed & water in the World

Our Very Peculiar American Coup d'etatMeeting of the American Society for Microbiology 98 - "Doomsday Scenario "

Enron asks Bankruptcy Judge for Executive Bonuses

4 - 1


THE United States is considering the unprecedented diplomatic gesture of "unsigning" the treaty that establishes a new International Criminal Court (ICC) in protest against its imminent ratification.Washington insists that the treaty, which could come into force on July 1, does not have adequate safeguards to prevent the political prosecution of US servicemen and officials abroad. In other words Bush is afraid of being charged with war crimes & crimes against humanity

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE & GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT IN TERRORIST ATTACKS - Attack on America: Controlled Chaos for Global Dehumanization! Over 100 Resources
September 911 Surprise
crooked Judges go after the First Amendment
Police State - Man Charged with Talking to Much

RECAP on whats been done since 911
The Lies Leaders Tell When They Want To Go To War
US Airborne Laser SEIS
Military Justice And Other Oxymorons

3 - 31

The UN's Non-Conspiracy for World Government and Global Taxation - Look up the words terrorist SEC.309 DEFINITION"(1) is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion; or to retaliate against government conduct"

Motionless Electromagnetic Generator
GM Chickens Lay Eggs Containing Expensive Human Drugs
"The Balance of Terror and the Red Mercury Nightmare"
Drought Leaves 57 Rivers Across US At All-Time Lows
USDA Plans Severe Gardening Restrictions - Act Now!
What'll It Be...Guns Or Doctors?
Controversy Continues About Those 911 Cell Phone Calls

3 - 30

Goldman Sachs in trouble with SEC overinsider bond trading

World Criminal Court About To Go Into Effect

After spending Billions after 9-11 with air ports still not safe, Bush Asks Spending Boost to Protect Heartland Against Terrorist Attack again, it would be cheaper tp arm the people like other countries

Ohio Nuke Plant - Risk Of Meltdown

Congress' Top Anti-Terror Cop Opposes Extreme New Laws Cyber-policy guru and Congress' chief anti-terror cop said Tuesday he fully expects another terrorist attack on the homeland, but added he opposes knee-jerk security measures that do little real good while infringing greatly on civil liberties.

Bush/Fox deal?

1933 Gold Confiscation today would be like the "lines drawn in the sand" already in America; (Gun Confiscation, Confiscation of anything by Executive Order, FEMA take over by Executive Order or Martial Law by Executive Order) it would bring Anarchy

We The People IRS Challenge

Momentum Growing For Inquiry Into 'Oddities' Of 911 - Americans paid for 9 - 11 let them know the TRUTH !

H. Clinton set a record, getting a 3 percent rating for her 2001 voting record, the lowest score ever for a freshman and lower than any other senator; in her first year in Congress voted for more new government spending than any of her 99 colleagues according to the National Taxpayers Union.

"Space is ... where wars will be fought." Barry Goldwater

3 - 29

The lawsuit against the Bank for International Settlements, the U.S. Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and the bullion banks was white washed and dismissed before discovery took place by Judge Reginald Lindsay in U.S. District Court in BostonGATA hasn't analyzed the decision yet, but with Adobe Acrobat, you can read it on the Internet.

The judge's ruling seems to rely on his statement the plaintiff does not have standing because there were others who suffered more damage them he but they aren't suing. But such a statement assumes there was indeed damage - therefore the plaintiff is justified in bringing suit. The judge can't have it both ways.

I think the only thing the judge accomplished was to widen the scandal by including the judicial branch.

THE RICO ACT, a cizitens tool against government?

CIA and US Government Spend Millions Subverting "Enemies," Stifling Dissent while women and children sleep in the alleys and eat out of the trashbins of America

Urban Myth, my ASS! More evidence surfaces that the United States is shutting down a vast Israeli Spy Ring even as it insists to the American people that it does not exist and had nothing to do with 9-11 even if it did exist.

So much for War on Drugs - They kill the people but the US Military Opposes Spraying Afghan Opium Poppies
NRC Reports Dangerous Corrosion at Nuke Plant
The Elite Endgame:Oil = Extortion = New World Order
Another Top Infectious Disease Scientist Dies - Plane Crash
"Perhaps America will one day go fascist democratically."
Bush signed - NRA sues
WILLIAM CONWAY, managing director and co-founder of the Carlyle Group, was talking recently about the media coverage of his bank and the cast of ex-Presidents and former officials, including George H.W. Bush, James Baker III and Frank Carlucci, on its payroll.
Terrorism fearss bring police state towards Maryland

3 - 28

Greenspan loss control; CFR wanted NWO; Clinton couldn't do it but President Pretzel will do what he's told The "Miracle" stock market of the 90s was a manufactured fraud for political ("It's the economy") gain. That account statement with those impressive looking numbers? That's all it is, a bunch of impressive looking numbers.

Socialist Politicans & the CFR have almost wonThe Government is in deep financial doodoo! Even during the supposed boom economy of the 90s, the US Government looted YOUR Social Security funds to balance its books. Retirees better learn to like mac and cheese and dog food because their "Social Security Crisis" is politik-speak for "They took the money and ran!"

9-11 was a Mossad "False Flag" Operation Excerpt from an online discussion board, Mr. McBride's comments reflect a growing suspicion among most Americans that they may be the victims of the most monstrous hoax in history.

ExxonMobil's Dirty Little War
Pipeline Politics Taints US War

Use of "secret evidence" by government continues even though much of that evidence is discredited.

"THE AMERICAN WAY"Police plant false information in the media Media pretends to be upset.

Media as propaganda ministry More doubts about the official version of 9-11.

Americans as Dumb as they get ! Propaganda, American-style
None Dare Call It Dictatorship
Rumsfeld, White, and ENRON

3 - 27

So much for Equal Rights ! The proposal would deny driver's licenses to California's 18-year-old men who do not consent to Selective Service sign-up.sign up to Die for the politicans or your can't drive at 18 in Calif. What happen to the women in this bill?

911 In Context

Money Dump with needed direction says GAO report

Records Revealed - No Calls To Iraq (Bush/Cheney & CIA Lieing AgainRecords of Osama bin Laden's calls from his satellite phone reveal Britain was at the heart of the terrorist's planning for his worldwide campaign of murder and destruction.

A private corporation or federal corporation to be used as another money dump? AGENCY: Corporation for National and Community Service teleconference, series of five teleconference calls to discuss, and answer questions regarding, the recent Notice of Availability of Funds to Strengthen Communities and Organizations in Using Service and Volunteers to Support Homeland Security,

Lucky Finds or Fabricated Propaganda Plants

STOP 1984

War on Terror? War for US Oil CorporationsPresident of International Oil Corporation of Georgie admits America there to protect a pipeline.

Rumsfeld: 9-11 was only "first salvo" based on evidence found in Afghanistan That wouldn't be the bio-weapons lab evidence that turned out to be a hoax, would it?

Another country: Brazil doubts official story of 9-11 CFR responds by calling Brazil "anti-American", Is the CFR now running America? or did they just plan 9/11?

UN/IMF/World Bank bribing world leaders, deliberately tearing nations apart to loot their resources Is this the real reason the US has to keep the American people out of the "wilderness" areas?

Corruption at the Highest Levels - Grand Juries In NY/DC Expose Ashcroft Major Conflicts Of Interest

3 - 26
CIA's Death Squad - Mossad Death Squad at work around the world

a Coming Global Tax - If the UN gets a tax foot hold, they get the banking, world military force,food, water, medicine to enslave the US
But, by its actions today, the Administration has said that corporate convenience is more important than the people's right to keep personal medical information personal and private.
Globalization Is Main Cause Of Terror - America is making it's enemies itself with "forceful americanization"
US Hilter Act 2002 gets more intrusive
GE Capital Turmoil Poses Warning
'Too Big To Bury'
One In Seven In US Can't Get Healthcare

Will the same thing happen in the United States when people realize that the US Government has been looting the so called Social Security Trust Fund to balance its books? NEVER HAPPEN HERE, IF IT DOES THE SOCIALISTS WILL GIVE YOU TABLE SCRAPS

Socialists Suppression of free speech at US Universities.

3 - 25

WHAT YOUR ELECTED OFFICALS DID NOT TELL YOU, EVER WONDER WHAT THE SECRET GOVERNMENT DOESN'T TELL YOU ? United States Congressional Record - March 17, 1993 - Vol. #33, page H-1303 - Speaker- Rep. James Traficant, Jr.(Ohio) addressing the House:

THE RULE OF LAW IS DEAD just like the Constitution

US Diplomat was CIA spy


Enron, Bush/Cheney, the Taliban, and Afghanistan

Stunning Depths of Government Collaboration with Enron Revealed Enron was built with $7 billion (with a "b") of your tax dollars.
The Day The Money Stopped Smoot/Hawley triggered the Great Depression. Is Bush doing the same with the Steel Tariff

First they wanted to control the money, then the genetic food supply, then the water, now they are after the DNAUN/NWO NGOs going after a deal that will allow a multinational company to control who has access to the complete DNA sequence of the rice genome – the most important food crop in the developing world.

Return to article index Fraudulent Feds Caught Red-handed

UN "progressive taxation systems" will tax every person in the World to fatten their pockets UN Socialist non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have demanded a global tax want to stabilize the international financial fiat paper system instead of a sound money system based on gold & silver.


3 - 24


State-By-State Tracking Emergency Health Powers Act
Wyoming Rejects Emergency Health Powers Act
War On The Constitution
The Enron Ponzi Scheme
US Government preparing to abandon Posse Comitatus?
Denver joins list of cities refusing to enforce "Patriot Act"
Socialists Calif does it again
Widespread Failures Seen Under RENO By FBI In McVeigh Case
US supported al Qaeda during Balkan Wars
Be a snitch for Big Brother

check par14

You show me a "War Declared by Congress for a JUST Purpose and I'll wave a flagReasons NOT to go to war in Iraq We don't need our children to die to make American oil companies richer or a NWO


What does "The Wizzard of Oz" have to do with banking, Gold and your money?
CAMP 12 its existence repeatedly denied
Florida 911 Flight School Owner Changes Story - Again
100,000 Ways To Find The Truth, Online
Oh yea. by the way, on 9/11
Waters & Kraus law firm exposes damaging historical documents from Eli Lilly about Thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines
US military training to beat the crap out of protestors Note how they are training to FIRE INTO CROWDS OF PROTESTORS FROM HELICOPTERS

911 - The Citizens' Investigation Continues

"Model State Emergency Health Powers Act," a bill that critics contend gives state governors unprecedented authority in the event of a terrorist attack or other threat to the public health.

REPEAT OF RUSSIAS' 10 YEARS - Al-Qaeda (Freedom Fighters) Escape US Troops To Fight Another Day
US GOVERNMENT'S TOP LAWYER SAYS US GOVERNMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE I dare anyone to show me where in the Constitution the government is given the explicit authority to lie to the people

Federally funded gun control propaganda
What Part of “No Law” Doesn’t Congress Get?


"To help security researchers develop defenses against D.I.R.T. and similar covert spying tools here is the D.I.R.T. program (not fully operable without a key), installation directions and user guide"CLICK

The War that Destroyed America
the HOPE program
US military computers discovered to have "remote" hacking software installed

The bankrupt energy giant, Enron Corp.,designed and maintained a fake trading floor at its Houston office.

Attack Exposes Bush's Terror Doublespeak

Trying to put a positive spin on the faltering war. Note Pew Polling data showing collapse of public support for US "Going it alone".

Coerced Confessions

A deeper look behind the sceen is needed here The War On Dissent Widens - WHAT WAS AMERICA TO START WITH A BUNCH OF HAPPY CAMPERS? NO THEY WERE PEOPLE LOOKING FOR FREEDOM

We The People Proceed

DENVER — The local government here officially threw its lot in with Portland, Ore. and a handful of other municipalities around the country, passing a resolution Monday night discouraging police from enforcing new anti-terror legislation if doing so would interfere with peoples’ civil rights.

3 - 21

"America's greatest external threat is the United Nations. America's greatest internal threat is the Democratic Party.""The United Nations, supported by anti-American Socialists in Congress, and funded by wealthy tax-exempt foundations and our federal government, has long pursued the despot's dream of world dictatorship. "

"Quite simply, the U.N. wants the ability to tax citizens of the United States and other nations on an individual basis." This is fact. It is happening right now. And Global taxation is the centerpiece of a four-day United Nations conference this week in Monterrey, Mexico.

PricewaterhouseCoopers forecasts that 11,000 companies will file for Chapter 11 protection in 2002, up from a record 10,442 in 2001. Sounds like economic recovery?

Incredible Numbers Of The Great Debt Scam

Covering a U.N. conference is like switching television channels.

How The CIA Used Feminism To Destabilize Society

Has Bush's abortive grab for Iraq's oil united the Arab nations?

Imperial State Power in America
China Becomes World's No. 1

Designations of Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations Pursuant to Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001

Jane's Defense on the Israeli Spy Ring This is the story the US media, Israel, and even the "Hunt The Boeing" crowd want you to forget about

Uncle Sam's Lucky Finds! From passports to Korans to incriminating video tapes, the US Government's record of just stumbling into evidence raises the question, "With luck like that, why aren't they buying lottery tickets?"

3 - 20

"The media is a very controlled operation." Alan Greenspan.

''It's a recognition that we're living in a new age of finance,'' JP Morgan's head of government relations crowed at the time. JP Morgan Chase, it is the largest unsecured creditor of Enron, on the hook for $2 billion and possibly much more. Citigroup, has $3 billion in unsecured loans. Interest floats, derivatives and who knows who else or what else is out there off the books.

"The gold Cartel must succeed since if the gold derivative fails which it is destined to do then all other derivative will come under the scrutiny of the public just like Enron and Arthur Andersen." If they fail at 100 Trillion in value - ITS GAME OVER !goldeagle fourm/ post by richard640 3-18-02 13:39 - other good articles also on that page

US looking for way to reverse Palestinian policy, "discovers" damning documents in CIA files.Remember that phony Osama Tape? Or that stupid CIA animation of TWA 800?" This is more of the same.

Censoring the Internet

A 15-country bloc has had an informal ban on new GM strains since 1998

"Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli considered career suicide. - Again money is more inportant then the TRUTH!

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON 9-11 another look

Skolnick - Arthur Andersen

Eye On Ireland: The puzzle of the passenger lists

More questions about the passenger lists and the 9-11 Hijackers

The King Doesn’t Like Gold, Never Has, Never Will

3 - 19

Anthrax letters a CIA project gone out of control

Turkey, a key NATO ally, urged the United States on Friday not to attack Iraq, saying the country did not pose a threat to its neighbors.

CIA's Internet Presence/CIA Violates Cookie Policy

What did FEMA know about 9-11, their people were in NY the day before, are these covers really FEMAs?

Enron's grab for Florida's water

911 Whistleblower Vreeland - Charges Dropped, Refugee Status Granted to US NAVY OFFICER in fear of death

For the plastic flag waver thats to dumb to read the Constitution-Bush Aerobics

Chemtrails a THREAT - Barium, Aluminum, Titanium CONFIRMED In Rainwater

secret courts, secret searches, private informaion a way of the past under the President Pretzels/NWO

President Pretzel is withholding crucial information from Congress

England moves to decriminalize narcotics

The United States has been secretly sending prisoners with suspected al-Qaeda connections to countries where torture during interrogation is legal, according to US diplomatic and intelligence sources.

3 - 18

"There has been a virtual news blackout concerning the boldest, most dangerous scheme to deprive the United States and all other nations of their sovereign rights, to take over the entire world's financial systems, to tax all energy sources, air transportation, and other aspects of the lives of the world's population,"

President Pretzel vows to deal with Saddam Hussein, he must want the CIA's money back

FBI Special Agent Robert Wright is about to blow the whistle"Judicial Watch said that "based on the evidence, the FBI Special Agent believes that if certain investigations had been allowed to run their course, Osama bin Laden's network might have been prevented from committing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks which resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocents."

Wonder how much money this cost American tax payers?

Polio Vaccine Linked To Cancer- must read if you had your vaccine between 1955 & 1963.

Free Antibiotics

Law-enforcement DIRT Trojan released

D.I.R.T. Reference Guide/Operations Manual - Cryptome offers free info & download to research building defenses

ORLANDO, FLORIDA AIRPORT: SECURITY SYSTEMS THAT SEE THROUGH CLOTHES - "This, of course, is a virtual strip-search," says ACLU

INTERNET PAY FOR PROPAGANDA - CNN looking to make money with their online services will likely begin charging subscriptions for access to their Web sites


3 - 17

A.Greenspan ---- I THINK Economy is picking up!

OPEC ----------- Great, now we can raise oil prices!


President Pretzel SAYS BIN LADEN NO THREAT; but CFR/NWO conquest of the World still on track with All Options open against rogue states ... including nuclear weapons

US Military facts - Keep this list for April 15th.

Cover up unwinding

'Super- El Niño'

The average American could reasonably ask the same question. "I pay my taxes; where's my underground bunker?"

US admits bombing woman & childern


States Investing Their Tobacco Settlements In Tobacco Stocks

Bush/Fox Deal- President Pretzel and GOP sell out America with vote for amnesty

New Super Snooper Spying Device

the American Republic has been replaced with the United States Empire

Israel is Arming its Civilians – Why Aren’t We?

3 - 16

``People only see what they are prepared to see.'' -Ralph Waldo Emerson

INSANE KISSINGER/CFR - BANKERS WANT WW3 just like they wanted Hilter in WW2, this time it's America, not German and "The logic of neoimperialism is too compelling for the President Pretzels Administration to resist"Henry Kissinger, the self-professed British agent/CFR/NWO Calls For 'An Imperial America' - "These utopian madmen cannot succeed in creating their one-world imperium, but they can set events in motion that plunge the planet into a dark age of death and destruction that would last for several generations." Should we ask if CFR planned the WTC now?

CIA trained Osama's terrorists Is this why the INS paperwork was "delayed" for the "terrorists" who trained at the CIA's flight school in Florida? No wonder Bush acted mad, more leaks.

"United Nations never found any proof that Saddam used chemical or biological weapons on the Kurds I know Bush keeps pushing the claim that Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds, but if it's really such a crime, then what can we say of the United States Government, which gassed a church full of innocent women and children to death with a chemical weapon that is illegal to use on enemy troops? Why aren't those used chemical weapons against Americans as evil and guilty as Saddam is supposed to be for the same crime? If so, WACO was a "Crime against Humanity" bring Clinton & Reno to justice!

Rep. Dennis Kucinich's "Crown Thy Good...A Prayer For America" states firmly constitutional rights for human freedom against what appears to be a police state,"Homeland Security" in the making by the current President Pretzels administration's war against global terrorism."People are playing with the apocalypse," said Kucinich, top Democrat on the national security subcommittee. "These are doomsday scenarios ... (and) it needs to be challenged." - Benjamin Franklin once said, "those who would exchange for freedom for safety, deserve neither.'

US will invade Iraq's oil no matter what Saddam does.

Probe or White Wash

Hilters Brown Shirts - coming to a city near you?We don''t know enough about the police dossiers that the ACLU has revealed, but if people are under surveillance for political activity, that''s of deep concern.

China Legalization of Gold Sale and Ownership

OUR WHOLE DAMN GOVERNMENT IS ILLEGAL!! Closing Remarks From "We the People" Congressional hearing concerning the legality of income taxes must be referring to the

FORCED VACCINATIONS Emergency Powers Act Legislation has been passed in TN&FL - It criminalizes 'refusal to vaccinate'!

Billy Graham as an aspirant war criminal, fake Holy Leader

President Pretzel's plan to "Re-brand" the United States is doomed to failure. All the ad budget in the world can't fix a bad product.

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Remember Mr. Goldwater running for President? Someone said he would use Nukes, he lost the election, but he wasn't a CFR insider.

US Will Respond With Nuclear Strike To Attacks - New Policy
The Doomsday Doctrine - New US First Strike Strategy

How To Calculate Nuclear Bomb Damage In Your Town

FBI fails to find an actual al Qaeda terror cell anywhere in the US Mabe they are looking at the wrong people."Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. Does the FBI want the truth out or is this another OK City?

Government seeks to destroy more OK City Bombing evidence after newspaper files FOIA for it.

Was the bombing of USS Cole a "False Flag Operation" to trigger a war?

Pentagon told to be ready to hit Russia; Time to re-read the 25th amendment.

Bush's/CFR's Nuclear Lunacy!

This is the way the world ends The USSR collapsed.Was the War On Terror manufactured to replace it?

Why weren't the hijack suspects listed on the passenger lists? Maybe because they were never on the planes!

Sun Sentinel Opinion

student spies

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A document that confirms people's rights

U.S. government will debut of a new type of Consumer Price Index (CPI), Greenspan lost control just like Enron, so he'll try to cook the books another way to support the fiat paper dollerWhile increases in money supply equal inflation; devaluation of the fiat dollar means loss of buying power = higher prices in consumer goods = inflation and lower standard of living & more debt.

If you want to trade something for nothing just buy the fiat dollars, people in Japan are smatrer they are buying gold & silver$$$THINK

The Orange County, Calif., chapter of the American Red Cross, under question about not giving help after rasing over $400,000, was able to raise $75 months latter after another fire, now the Unamerican SocialistRed Cross Nixes 'God' From 911 Program

It's your tax dollars, WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE?Army slams door on Anthrax research info. Americans no longer have a right to know what bio-weapons our government is working on, or who has access to them.

At the newspaper’s invitation,nearly 400 readers submitted questions to Ridge about terrorism.- You can die as long as the government can keep control, they have their bunkers.

U.S. bypasses law in fight against so called terrorism

"Does he know something that he believes is sufficiently damaging to the United States to make him untouchable by the F.B.I.?Federation of American Scientists - Rosenberg - is the F.B.I. Dragging Its Feet or another cover up


IMF/World Bank,Enron,Bush,Globalists and Argentina

JP Morgan/Chase

3 - 13

MOTHER, YOU'RE ON THE WAY OUT! Say thanks to your NWO socialist government for burning the US CONSTITUTION by joining the UNITED NATIONSThe United Nations has advised countries to combat the assumption that motherhood is a positive influence; that reconciliation of family and work gives the wrong image; and that the state should raise the children and all women should be employed so they can be taxed

Say thanks to your NWO socialist government for burning the US CONSTITUTION by joining the UNITED NATIONS Thank your government, say good bye to the Constitution, America is now a 3rd world country & you can be tried & put in jail by laws of any country in the world

Go back and watch the tv, we will tell you where to send your money. Oh that new toy you wanted, forget it, forget that next vacation tooIn mid-March the United Nations will host a global conference entitled, "Financing For Development" in Monterrey, Mexico, TO TAX EVERY PERSON IN THE WORLD. SAY HELLO TO GLOBAL SLAVERY UNDER THE NWO/UNITED NATIONS. Don't forget to Thank your Federal,State & Local elected officals, Lawyers & Judges for burning the US CONSTITUTION !

The U.N. expects to impose the Tobin Tax ( tax on currency exchange ) , a tax on fossil fuels and about 20 additional taxes.

Technical Survellience Countermeasures Handbook

When the UNITED NATIONS/NWO started talking population control Americans didn't listen, now the NGO Monsanto now controls the majority of the foodOver the past few years, Monsanto, a chemical firm, has positioned itself as an agricultural company through control over seed - the first link in the food chain. Monsanto now wants to control water, the very basis of life.

Just Who's Next After South-East Asia if America consumes 25% of the natural resources?World-famous microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet, the Nobel prize winner revered as Australia's greatest medical research scientist, secretly urged the government to develop biological weapons for use against Indonesia and other "overpopulated" countries of South-East Asia.

The next time some federal agency tells you that you're forbidden to hike, hunt, fish, climb or use land put aside for the use of Americans, get out the torches and start marching! TELL THEM YOU ARE AMERICAIt's not the animals that are endangered; it's our constitutionally protected property rights.

Ike's Final Warning

U.S. attack against Iraq would have catastrophic repercussions? Is Bush trying to raise gas prices or start WW3, He makes money either way.

Oil/gas prices

The Good Ole Boy Network

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The state cannot use post-Sept. 11 calls for stricter “homeland security” as a reason to stop and search people, a district court judge has ruled.

What is the greatest danger facing the movement to restore our Constitutional Liberties today? The answer is simple: Factionism. How much money is your freedom worth?

al Qaeda: US concealing true extent of casualties in war Name one war when the US DIDN'T lie about the casualties.

6 pics of the past, are they the Bush/Cheney/CFR/UN/NWO of the Future?

Welcome to NAZI AMERICAUnlimited Forced Drugging Of Untried Suspects OK'd By Court

Vaccination Tax or Future Population Control?

N.J. homeland security adviser resigns amid questions about his qualifications - He's not even an American

World Backlash Builds Against Bush/Cheney Lies

"The Freedom to Fish Act"

"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it."

New AOL/Netscape
Above the Law

3 - 11

Ashcroft says local officials will get more, but not all, information on security threats. My Question: Is it more important to stop a terrorists act by giving out all the information or letting something happen by keeping the information a secret from the people to maintain control over them?

you want to know just try crypto

Plunge Protection may Plunge the Economy into the - Willett

Table Talk 3

monetary system quotes
Gold Quotes
Quotables on Gold, Market Fixing, and Fiat Paper, your money & the monetary system
911 Connecton Exposed
The Bushonian Agenda: Citizen Profiling & Internal Security
Facism With A Friendly Face

3 - 10

"I hate it when they say, "He gave his life for his country." Nobody gives their life for anything. We steal the lives of these kids. We take it away from them. They don't die for the honor and glory of their country. We kill them." -- Admiral Gene LaRocque

BUSH/CHENEY/CFR & US MILITARY GONE MAD!Military: Administration, in a secret report, calls for a strategy against at least seven nations: China, Russia, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya and Syria.

Ron Paul: Before We Bomb Iraq..

Public response to "Stupid White Men" reveals growing discontent in the United States

Espionage? What espionage It would appear that the FBI are the only ones who don't know there has been a spy ring operating in the United States. This may be because they are too busy creating their own terrorist incidents to actually do any counterintelligence work.

Federal Judge Rules

"What right does the United States have to decide what governments will or will not exist in other countries? None. We have no moral right, no philosophical justification and no right under international law to decide who will govern people in other sovereign countries."Americans Must Stand Firm Against 'War"

get your tickets now for the Surveillance and Control Show

There is no plane in the film in military video hitting the Pentagon.

You really want to know the TRUTH? Read Statements People in PowerQuotes


FBI Statement on Funding for 2003

Thoughts About America

3 - 9

FAA covering up 9-11 gun, whistleblower agent says Claims feds, American Airlines fear lawsuits; Flight 11 victims' families want Hill probe

Illusion of Value, What is your paper money worth?

It gets worse. J.P. Morgan's total derivatives position reportedly now stands at nearly $29 trillion, or three times the U.S. annual gross domestic product.

JPM derivatives bust imminent? or will Greenspan make the taxpayers bail it out?

Interesting aricles of infomationGreenspan will fail discrediting central bankers and ruining the Federal Reserve.
"Wall Street insiders speculate that if the gold market were to rise Morgan Chase could be in serious financial difficulty because of its "short positions" in gold. In other words, if the price of gold were to increase substantially, Morgan Chase and other bullion banks that are highly leveraged in gold would have trouble covering their liabilities."

CIA complicit in 9-11?


I don't see how we can fight a war on terrorism without either a declaration of war or a definition of "terrorism."

"US investigators were concerned by indications that some of the alleged Israeli spies had been based in the same US cities as people suspected of having helped in the logistics of the devastating September 11 attacks..."

Air Traffic Controllers Concerned Over Chemtrails

Raw videos (no reporters talking over them) of the attack on the World Trade Towers

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Congress not informed of activation of underground government bunkers Wouldn't it be lucky for Georgie if the next fake staged "terrorist" incident targeted the Congress, leaving the nation solely in the hands of the executive branch

call 1-888-567-8688, the "Opt out" phone number to keep your privacy

One of the plainest reads on our country and our Constitution I've seen in a while" "And we all have blood on our hands.”

7 Of 19 FBI Identified Hijackers Located Alive After WTC Attacks

Use of a front supports conclusion that Israelis were spies. Art company's officers, Yitzchak Shish and Chava Sagi, were NOT on the list of deportees. This means the core of the spy ring is still operating inside the United States.

Two members of Congress push for new TWA 800 investigation. Let's start with the NTSB's lie in court.

French Say US Has Busted Yet Another Big Israeli Spy Ring

'Death of (Economic) Literacy'

Undermining America! Only YOU can stop it.

Enron - Baxter's Suicide Was Murder Say Top Cops

Over the past few years, Monsanto, a chemical firm, has positioned itself as an agricultural company through control over GM seed - the first link in the food chain. Monsanto now wants to control water, the very basis of life.

Another example of the police state rampant

3 - 7

Yet more psychological preparation for a staged nuclear "terrorist" attack. Remember how hard the media waved "Anthrax" at us in preparation for thosephony letters?

FBI guns down Eagle Scout Who is the real source of terror in the United States?

Bushes Wars & Oil & Drug ties
The Terrorists you DONT hear about

Foreigners Must Learn German Or Be Expelled From Austria; What should be done in the US?
Shades of 1929 in today's economy

Ron Paul vs Greenspan & O'Neill

O'Neill and Greenspan Staring at Checkmate

"we act on emotion, seldom on reason. We live in a world of make believe"

This nonsense of reporting pro forma numbers is widespread. The illusion of profitability that in reality does not exist. What is occurring with the reporting of earnings borders on fraudulent and unfortunately, the practice is so widespread. There are absolutely no checks and balances in the system.

Are you really responsible for that huge National Debt? Did you ever get a chance to say "yes" or "no" to the guys who spent all that money and then stuck you and your children with the bills?

Historic "Truth In Taxation" meeting concludes. This was the meeting the US Government tried to avoid.
Main site Home Link

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Thanks to the Socialist, the UN//NWO Power Grabbers ;" We are faced with legislation passed by a deaf, dumb and blind Congress, and public paranoia and panic fueled by self-serving interests""With the collapse of the American justice system, the United States stands on the precipice of the totalitarian state."

IF AL MARTIN IS RIGHT ( America's foremost whistleblower on government fraud and corruption. A retired US Navy Lt. Commander and former officer in the Office of Naval Intelligence) - THIS IS A MUST READ!

"The only provision, in all of these new acts, regarding foreign troops is the removal of the previous ban on having foreign troops engaged in military activity on US soil at the US Government's request."">"That's why the Neighborhood Watch is being used in this capacity - to begin to establish Citizen Profile sheets. It will essentially be all the usual stuff - name, date of birth, religious affiliation, political party, education, medical history, firearms ownership, memberships in organizations, etc. " - Is BUSH turning the US into NAZI GERMANY? HEADS-UP !!!!

Are Americans The Victim Of a Hoax? Originally written last September, the questions raised remain without answers.

Frank Serpico

Your US/NWO government digs in In the event of nuclear/bio war, the taxpayers who paid for it all will not be allowed in or given any protection.

Here comes 666

A Career In Microbiology Can Be Harmful To Your Health

911 What Really Happened

US/UN NWO starts to assemble puppet regime to replace Saddam


The missing 13th amendment Long before the fraud of the 16th amendment, Congress was breaking the rules.

It was known in 1833 that private corporations threatened the welfare of the nation Does Federal Reserve, IRS, Enron or JP Morgan/Chase mean anything to you?

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where is the debt & who's buying

J.P. Morgan/Chase, Enron,Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Goldman, AIG, Merrill and GECC, among other are likely very large netting counterparties THE BULK OF THE MORE THAN $100 TRILLION IN DERIVATIVES

exposed as a pump and dump artist"...In a soon to be released tell-all tale, former Cramer & Company employee Nicholas Maier accuses's co-founder of using CNBC anchors and his own television appearances to promote stocks that he would promptly sell, making a quick gain on the upswing..."

anything to maintain power

the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 (CAFRA) - a theft is a thief, government or not
Are you a Citizen or a slave? Are you sure about that?


A Positive Account of Property Rights

As good as gold


"You are about to witness the almost total destruction of the financial system accompanied by multiple foreign conflicts all over the world and revolution within the US." - Int. Forecaster

3 - 4

They can cook the books and say recovery all they want but what will happen when the Trillions in derivatives that overhang go under?

a survey by The Business Council of 75 sitting CEOs released on Wednesday, showing three-quarters believed the economy was still in recession.

Smoke and mirrors economyGreenspan - "the ever-increasing proportion of our GDP that represents conceptual as distinct from physical value-added may actually have lessened cyclical volatility." - Meaning services and concepts can't be held in inventory as physical goods can, which means a portion of GDP isn't subject to cyclical supply-demand swings.

Forget about Enron. How about government-sanctioned pyramid schemes?and other interesting views in Thomas Sowell Archives

What & Why on 9 - 11 another view
theft and counterfeiting
Recovery ?
Blame Who?
OSI still in business

3 - 3

A very good analysis of what happened in Argentina and why
Evidence that 9-11 is another such deception mounts every day.(right side scroll down)
Is a Silver Market Corner Underway?
coup d'etat
Manhatten Think Tank Integral To Bush Administration Policies
Sen. Hollings Blames Bush Administration For 911 Attacks
A Stealth Attack On Freedom Of The Press
Democrats Question Bush's Expansion Of War On Terrorism
''Whenever you have a liquidity crisis, the last thing bankers are going to do is warn about a liquidity crisis"

3 - 2

Ron Paul's Question & Greenspan's non answer
Anthrax Cover Up And a short history of US disinformation
World Government by Design
Too much surveillance means too little freedom
Guide To Survival In Post 911 America - Know Your Rights
Do you own yourself?
Bush's National Service - 'Compassion Fascism' By Any Other Name
Primary Issues, Unanswered Questions
Army Offers License for Hantavirus Vaccine
Cuba Accuses US Of Dozens Of 'Biological Attacks'
After the Collapse Of Enron: Next Comes The Cluster-Bust!

Using this list to identify charlatans may be beneficial to your wealth.a collection of popular stock market LIES espoused by the Wall Street shills who want to part you from your hard earned money.

3 - 1

What they teach your kids in school
Congressman Kucinich has second thoughts about the Patriot Act
Lifestyles of the US political elite No wonder we're in such trouble.
Is the US lating the PR groundwork for a staged nuclear terrorist incident?
Carlyle Group Finances US TV/Media - so long Truth!
Agent: FAA buried lapses Checkpoint flaws alleged
How it was & How it is (interesting look)
Sheriff Shoots Soldier
France accuses US of endangering the world
Lies can come back to haunt you The US has been lying all along. The only question is whether to make it official or not, to assuage what little remains of the complicit media's guilt.
Saying What Media Don't Want Us To Hear
Evil is in the eye of the beholder

" The fact that top officials, at a time of extraordinary crisis and public anxiety, lied to protect the president's image has immense implications. If, within 24 hours of the terror attacks, the White House was giving out disinformation to deceive the American public and world opinion, then none of the claims made by the government from September 11 to the present can be taken for good coin. " "This entire episode provides ample grounds for the American people to treat all claims by the government with the utmost suspicion and not accept any of its assertions without independent and verifiable information." USE YOUR BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO MAIN PAGE