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What are you going to do when they come for you?

“without prejudice” per UCC 1-207

Just my view. "what are you going to do when they come for you" ?

One should ask, WHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS ? Not how will they hit Gold next?

One should look to "Sovereign Immunity" (ABOVE THE LAW), being claimed by the International Bankers and governments.

THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS goal is to have a "One World System" to keep power and control the people. Always has been and will continue; if the people "Dream, whine and cry" but do nothing to stop it.

The use of Fundamentals, Charts and TA are useless in a manipulated market, they only show a trend of passed action. The need is for "True Transparentency" in government, banking, markets and business.

It seems that some forget that there is only so much "Physcial Gold" on the planet. International Bankers only have a small amount compared to the people. But they have all sorts of "PAPER". Paper controls because people play the bankers games because of greed and possible profits with paper leverage. Thats find wiith me, that's "Freedom of Choice". Some get lucky in their gamble, most get sheared in a manipulated market. If the market breaks, the holders of paper will be the holders of paper not physical gold. The US, banks and markets will default on physical metals.

One can look to the Unregulated Paper Derivatives, Swaps, "round trip trades" used by the Federal Reserve, ESF, BIS, IMF, World Bank, Bullion banks, centeral banks, treasury, registered "dealers" and corporations; they will CONTROL Gold until the people take "Individual Responsibility" and buy "PHYSCIAL GOLD" and hold it.

One should look to Sir Mirror, Mirror on the wall Greenspan; as he fights the "REGULATION" of the 160 Trillion (an growing) Unregulated Paper Derivatives for a reason.

I believe thats because he sold or leased the US peoples gold and thats why it's in "Deep Storage" and there are no "Audits". The US Inc and the Federal Reserve are "Bankrupt" but staying afloat by deceit.

One should look to the "Individual Responsibility".

A Hint: This is the "REPUBLIC" of the united States of America!

It is not the "Democracy" of the united States of America as most of the stupid socalist politicans, media, educators and the uneducated say or think. The Founders made it that way, to protect the "People" and restrain the government so it wouldn't turn into what it has at present. The "People" have failed just like the government failed to protect the people against 911; from reports and questions, they knew and let it happen away. (Those questions must be answered.)

Hence, alot of People need to think hard on the following statements:

1) You - "The People" are the "Master" in this "REPUBLIC".

2) The elected or appointed or hired government worker is the servant of the People.

3) The servant is NOT above his Master.

4) The servant is NOT above the law and has no claim to sovereign immunity to protect them from the transgressions against the people.

5) It is YOUR Individual Responsibility, YOUR Individual Sovereignity and YOUR Natural God Given Right to Life, Liberty, Freedom and Property and to protect it and to keep your servant in it's place.

One should look to "The Law of Necessity"

All governments use it. They use UNCONSTITUTIONAL "DEFACTO LAWS" to control the people; because it is a "Necessity" to retain their power by deceit, war and enforcement by a bigger gun. So has it been through out history.

One should look to "The Law of Necessity" as the basis of "Natural Rights" of the "People" and question themselves; as to WHO they have freely given or have not given, their Sovereign Power too. You have the Natural Right to "Freedom of Choice". Without the "truth" your "Freedom of Choice" is at best 50/50. Reason and logic will tell you Why and Who Profits.

One should look at "Who are those responsible for the suppression of gold, silver, devaluation of your standard of living, inflation and poverty in the world, the corporate, the consumer and the official debt bubbles, mortgage, bonds and equity bubbles, the unpayable derivatives, unfunded pensions and the outrages budget deficits which are causing confiscatory and punitive taxation, pilfering of Social Security, pensions and other entitlements "that they hide just like Enron hid it's debts", and the deliberate breach of sacred trust and honor vested in the priviliged duty of civil service to the "PEOPLE"?

The "They" that are to be blamed are - " you and I "

By letting Alan Greenspan, The Private Federal Reserve, the International Bankers, the International Corporations, the NGOs, the government, CFR and Socialists in Congress and the courts usurp our "POWER" and our country.

In my opinion. All of the above people are all bought and paid for; either with paper fait, power, hand outs or propaganda; to push the UN Globalish agenda to make the US a 3rd world country to bring the people under their control and do away with the National Sovereignity of America and the Sovereignity of the American People. by any means available. Have the American People failed again?

"Power, control and mite", bred greed, intolerance and arrogance; by the self-serving hypercrites for the control of the wealth of the weak minded, (by social engineering, and propaganda), who are waiting for some form of handout, hope, protection or security.

Its' result is a monstrous tyrannical, a consuming beast; that demands its' own way; like a spoiled 3 year old. It imposes its' own will on it's blind brainwashed believers, who think the "WE" includes them and the weak, uneducated and unthinking of the world. But their goal is slavery.

Even in the name of security, protection, peace and liberty; it lies of its' motives and uses claims national security as a base for treason against it's people, and their "Natural Rights", in violation of the Constitution that restricts their usurpsion of the "Natural Rights".

Putting the servant above its master; is a scam of the so called elite, for the the transfer of wealth from the many for the profit of a few.

The "Bill of Rights" and the "Constitution" were written as an impediment to the government of what they must not even attempt to transgress. Hence, alot of People need to think hard on the following statements:

1) The servant is NOT above his master.

2) The People are the Master; the elected government is the servant of the People. Until you understand this and speak up you'll be their slave.

One should look to the Natural Right of "Freedom of Choice".

If you buy the "Physcial" gold and silver instead of playing games in a "LONDON " or "COMEX" "FIXED" paper markets; You would control and gold and silver would be FREE.

Until the American people and the people of the world "wake up" and realize that their governments are the "PEOPLE" and the "People are the "Masters" and that their Governments are only there as their "SERVANT" and "Proptector" and use their "POWER" to enforce the compliance, ( to the Constitution in the US ) and demand "transparentency" in government, banking, courts and business; the "People" will get what they deserve. "NOTHING"!

"Transparentency" would force the useage of "Cooking the Books" to "STOP" in Government, Banking and Corporate Accounting; (with the use of Unregulated and Non-Reportable Derivatives, Special Purpose Entities, off-balance-sheet accounting and entities, swap agreements, "prepay" deals, "round trip trades, inside trading, neckid hedge contracts, neckid COMEX trades, forward sales, leasing and re-leasing the commodities like oil, gas, gold and silver, etc, using worthless paper and keeping accounts on the books or using words like "Deep Storage"). It would force the use of "National Security" by the government practice of hidding "Treason" against the "People" to stop.

"True Transparentency"; without the "spin" and "morally bankrupt" motivated mismanagement by the politicans and greedy powers behind the curtains of manipulation; could stop the manipulation and fraud. Until then, there will NEVER be "Utopia" except in your dreams of a Free Market, a Free and Honest money, Free Gold or Free Silver or a Free World.

In the END, the unpayable deriveratives will free gold and silver and "COLLAPSE" all systems. Only time will tell.

I would suggest, that if there is a "COLLAPSE", be it's cause the dollar, derivatives or a NWO/UN take over or what ever; that all people except their "Individual Responsibility". By this I mean, following "Natural Laws" and using your "Natural Rights" as we begin again as a free sovereign nation. The government to maintain it's power and their 35 million jobs and bennies will cry "CHAOS" and "Antarchy " and use the force of the gun against their "Masters" the "People". "CHAOS" and Disorder may come but antarchy will be free self-government, power to the people and "Individual Responsibility".


"The Law of Necessity" for the people is "Individual Responsibility".

From the beginning of time, "The Law of Necessity" has played the most important part of any government or power figure to control and maintain power over the "Natural Rights" of the people. Brute Force has always backed up their wishes until the people got fed-up and reclaimed their "Natural Rights".

•"Men honestly engaged in attempting to establish justice in the world, have no occasion thus to act in secret; or to appoint agents to do acts for which they (the principals) are not willing to be responsible. " Lysander Spooner

As in America today and in the past, under the Federal and State governments your birthrights have been stolen (in other words the government owns you and uses you as property for their debt). Whats worse is that you probably never even knew what it was due to the brainwashing that passes for education in the public schools you attended as a youngster. I believe they call it social engineering and propaganda of the State; to maintain control and power over the people of their own equal, that they serve; as has been done in the past as history shows.

•"The country is headed toward a single and splendid government of an aristocracy founded on banking institutions and monied incorporations and if this tendency continues it will be the end of freedom and democracy"--Thomas Jefferson

Government Examples of deceit:

According to : "12 CFR - 31 CFR For persons other than an individual, ``U.S. person'' means an entity established or organized under the laws of a State or the United States Inc. Section 326 Definitions - A non-U.S. person is defined in Sec. 103.121(a)(7) as a person who does not satisfy these criteria."

Hence the necessity of the Defacto Laws like: Trading with the enemy act of 1917 as revised as of march 9th 1933. Makes the people an "enemy of the State" (and is still in effect); so you can see the desperation of the US government to maintain control as "Master" even thou it is the ""Servant" of the people.

•"Within the framework of the Sovereign Immunities Act, the de jure people, Citizens of the state republics, are states in fact where the geographical United States is concerned."

It is said, that for YOU to have "rights" you have to "Claim" them which is udder "BS" and a form of social engineering, and propaganda by the government to "usurp" the "Natural Rights" of the people. No person or government has the Right to enslave another.

The COURTS and others have stated:

•"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." -Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)

•"No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it.” Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S.Ct. 1401 (1958).

•"It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error."- U.S. Supreme Court -339 U.S. 382, 447

• Hepburn vs Griswold 8 Wall 513: The Court held that:"we are obliged to conclude that an act making mere promises to pay dollars a legal tender in payment of debts previously contracted is not a means appropriate plainly adopted and really calculated to carry into effect any express power vested in Congress and such an act is inconsistent with the spirit of the Constitution and that it is prohibited by the Constitution"

•``If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same [...] They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section [...] they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.'' -The US Code, Title 18, §241, "Conspiracy against rights"

•"No agreement with a foreign nation can confer power on Congress, or on any other branch of government, which is free from the restraints of the Constitution. . . .It would be manifestly contrary to the objectives of those who created the Constitution, as well as those who were responsible for the Bill of Rights, let alone alien to our entire constitutional history and tradition to construe Article VI as permitting the United States to exercise power under an international agreement without observing constitutional prohibitions."

•"The right of absolute and irresponsible dominion is the right of property, and the right of property is the right of absolute, irresponsible dominion. The two are identical; the one necessarily implies the other. Neither can exist without the other. If, therefore, Congress have that absolute and irresponsible law-making power, which the Constitution -- according to their interpretation of it -- gives them, it can only be because they own us as property. If they own us as property, they are our masters, and their will is our law. If they do not own us as property, they are not our masters, and their will, as such, is of no authority over us. " Lysander Spooner

Any "LIMITED" power or control given to the government by the people is for the protection of the people. But the ideas of power, control and the needs of those elected or appointed in government; today, have been borned of the arrogance of self-serving, greedy, narrow-minded bigots and hypercrites. Whos' intolerance to the people and the laws of the "Republic of the continental united States " under the Constitution, have become so paranoid that they seek to destory all "Natural Rights" of the people and "National Sovereignity" from the very people who give them "Limited Power".

But as humans, we forget that the according to the first attempts to form a soceity the "seven orginal sins were: lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, anger, envy and pride." Today, you could add "lack of individual responsibility" to the list. Because, the morally backrupt, that hold the power, feel the power and the weak of mind; non-thinking bow down because of their lack of individual responsibility to themselves, their faimly and the "Republic"

•``the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed'' -The Constitution of the United States

•"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952

Even in the name of security, protection, peace and liberty; they lie in their motives and uses or claims national security as a base for treason against it's people, and their "Natural Rights", in their war against the Constitution that restricts their usurpsion of the same. Even while enriching themselves and offering no protection to the people. "Putting the servant is above its master; for the the transfer of wealth from the many for the profit of a few."

The "preface to" and the "Bill of Rights" was written along time ago as an impediment to the government of what they must not even attempt to transgress against the people "Natural Rights".

Remember and think hard on the following statements:

1) You - "The People" are the Master! in this "REPUBLIC".

2) The elected or appointed or hired government worker is the servant of the People.

3) The servant is NOT above his Master.

4) The servant is NOT above the law and has no claim to sovereign immunity to protect them from the transgressions against the people.

5) It is YOUR Individual Responsibility, YOUR Individual Sovereignity and YOUR Natural God Given Right to Life, Liberty, Freedom and Property to keep your servant in it's place.

•``All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.'' -Thomas Jefferson

Until people understand these 5 basics above and use their own power and speak up - you'll be their slave - with no redress.

•``As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there's a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such twilight that we must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.'' - Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

Just a reminder - Executive Orders = LAW without any approval

These are some of Clintons Executive Orders waiting to be enforced during some time of crisis (technically now, according to all of the current states of emergency) by Bush.:

#10995 - Seizure of all communications media in the United States.

#10997 - Seizure of all electric power, fuels, and minerals, both public and private.

#10998 - Seizure of all food supplies and resources,public, and private, all farms and farm equipment.

#10999 - Seizure of all means of transportation,including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and waterways.

#11000 - Seizure of all American population for work forces under federal supervision, including dividing families as necessary according to government plans.

#11001 - Seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private.

#11002 - Empowers the Postmaster General to register all men, women and children in the U.S.

#11003 - Seizure of all airports and aircraft.

#11004 - Seizure of all housing and finance authorities, to establish Forced Relocation. Designates areas to be abandoned as "unsafe," establishes new locations for populations, relocates communications, builds new housing with public funds.

#11005 - Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, public and private.

#11051 - Provides the Office of Emergency Planning complete authorization to put the above orders into effect in times of increased international tension or economic or financial crisis.

#11490 - Combines Executive Orders #11001 to#11005 and #11051 into a single Executive Order.

#11921 - F.E.M.A. is authorised to develop plans to control energy, prices and wages, credit and the money supply to U.S. banks in the event of a 'National Emergency.' Congress may not review a President's decision to enforce a 'National Emergency' for six months.

#12656 - The National Security Council given authority to determine requisite emergency powers (increased domestic surveillance, isolation of communites, restriction of movement for groups and individuals in the USA, control of airspace, use of the national guard to enforce laws and seal borders).

#12919 - Signed June 3, 1994, by President Clinton. "National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness" delegates authorities, responsibilities and allocations of F.E.M.A.'s Executive Orders for the confiscation of all property from the American people, and their re-location to labor camps. This Executive Order also supersedes or revokes eleven (11) previous Executive Orders [from 1939 through 1991] and amends Executive Order #10789 and #11790. The declaration of a 'National Emergency' by the President may immediately lead to the implementation of martial law, thus suspending the Constitution.

They have everything in place. So, is the question! "what are you going to do when they come for you" ?

•“The world is too dangerous to live in - not because of the people who do evil, but because of the people who sit and let it happen.” - Albert Einstein

Some sections Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine of international copyright law.

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