Chapter 18

*8:00...girls night begins!*

Tabitha and the girls carried a very tired Kelly into her bedroom. The three of them had done their very best to wear Kelly out and just plain make her eyes close as she hit the pillow. Which thankfully they did!

"Goodnight, Kel!" Tabitha said as she kissed Kelly gently on the forhead.

"Night, Kel!" Jess said as she did the same.

"Later, muchkin!" Meg said.

The three of them exited Kelly's room and went into Tabitha's room to change into more 'comfortable girl's night clothing.' Jess put on a pair of short pastel pink boy cut's, and a matching tank that said 'too cute' on the chest. Meg came out wearing short plaid boxers and a navy blue tank-top, which in the middle read 'Sweet'. Tabitha came out wearing her grey draw-string pants , and her strappy tank top that read 'Angel' in the center.

"Well, I think we are all ready, right?" Meg asked as she pulled her hair up into a messy knot.

"Definatly! Let's go watch Scream. Oh god, we get to see Skeet! YES!" Jess yelled.

"Oh my gosh! Your Skeet obsession kick's in!" Tabitha said jokingly.


*Brian's Jeep....parked convieniantly across from Tabitha's.*

Nick, Brian, and AJ sat in the jeep, mouths hanging open. Why, you ask? Well, it just so happen's that the three of them pulled up, just in time to see the girls changing one at a time in the bathrooms. Tabitha's bathroom window was open, and they had pulled up just as they had begun to change.

"Oh....My....God!" Nick slowly said as he stared at the empty bathroom.

"Tell....Me....About....It!" Brian said just as slowly.

"Holy....Macaroni....Amanda doesn't even look like that!" AJ said as he thought about his girlfriend in comparison to Jess.

"Well! Meg, I mean...she! Wow! What a hot....Oh my god!" Was all Brian could say.

Nick smiled as he thought of what he had seen on Tabitha. None of the guys had actually seen the girls in the buff. But, they saw enough to satisfy them. Nick had such a big smile on his face, that when AJ and Brian were knocked out of their trance, they turned to Nick and laughed.

"Nick? The prank?" Brian said.

"Prank?" Nick said dreamily. "Oh, the prank! Yeah, ok! Come on, let's take the cell-phone and hide in the bushes in her front yard. That way we can see what part of the movie their at and everything."


*Back in the livingroom...the prank begins.*

The three of them sat huddled on the large couch in Tabitha's living room. Jess watched with her hand over her eyes. Meg squinted her eyes. And Tabitha held a large pillow in front of her face.

RING RING RING! "Hello." Drew Barrymore's character said. "Hello....Do you like scarey movies?" "Who is this?" "Just someone....are you making popcorn?" "Yeah, you can't have a movie without popcorn."

The girls watched the screen very intently. Yelling various amounts of things to the TV, as if it could here them and answer them back. Drew Barrymore was finally out on the deck of her house, seeing her boyfriend hanging on his motorcycle and she had just been killed by the murderer.

"Well, anyone want a drink?" Tabitha asked as she nervously turned on the lights in the living room.

"Popcorn sounds good...I'll pause it!" Meg said.

"I'll you both." Jess said as she quickly ran out of the living room.


*Nick and the guys*

"Ok, their in the kitchen! Call, now!" AJ instructed. He positioned himself with Brian by the power breaker.

" goes nothing!" Nick said as he dialed the nubmer. The guys watched through the window the whole time.



Tabitha dropped the pan and jumped as she heard the phone ring. She wiped her hands on the towel and Meg and Jess watched as she walked slowly over to the phone.

"H-hello!" Tabitha said nervously.

Their was a long pause....................

"Tabitha?" A disguised voice said.

"Who the hell is this?"

Meg and Jess threw Tabitha worried glances, not fully understanding who she was talking to.

"Are you making popcorn?" The voice said.

"Y-yeah! How d-did you k-know that? I have caller I.D. you know!" She threatened.

Meg ran over to the I.D. and swallowed hard when she didn't see a trace from the phone call. Nick and the guys knew she had I.D. so they used the cell.

"I know....Do you like scarey movies, Tabs?" The voice said.

"If I did...I wouldn't tell you! How the hell did you know my nickname."

"I know alot about you....I've been watching you for a while now. In fact, I'm watching you right now!"

Tabitha dropped the phone and fell to the floor. She pulled Meg and Jess down with her. She still heard the voice talking to her.

"You an angel....your dark haired friend is oh so sweet....and that other one is too cute!!"

"You ass hole! Leave us alone! I'll call the police."

Just then Brian and AJ cut the power and the girls panicked, not knowing what to do, they screamed.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! SHIT! Is the door locked?" Meg asked.

"I-I...hope so." Tabitha said, close to tears.

Brian, AJ and Nick slipped in through the back door. Holding in their laughter. They stumbled through the dark house in search for the girls. Nick turned on his flashlight and shined it through the house. He pointed as he saw three figures shaking with fear, huddled close together on the kitchen floor. The guys decided to put their acting skills to use.

"TABITHA?!" Nick yelled as he knelt down beside her and held her tight.

"MEG!" Brian yelled and hugged her tight also.

"JESS!" AJ yelled and also hugged her.

The girls clung to the guys like they were attached at the hip. They trembled with fear.

"C-call, the p-police! H-he's after us." Jess cried.

"Who's after you?" AJ said softly, trying to calm her down.

"The scream man! He called us, he knows who I am!" Tabitha said as she held on to Nick and cried.

Brian rubbed Megan's back gently and shot Nick and AJ a glance saying 'their gonna have a heart attack if we don't tell them, now!' Nick nodded and smiled at the guys.

"Shhh......Tabs. It's ok! Meg, Jess, everything's alright! Know one is going to get you!" Nick said sweetly.

"But, he said he could see me! He could see us! He sounded" Tabitha tried to explain it.

Nick held up the voice box to his mouth and laughed as he spoke. "Like this?" He said.

Brian and AJ could no longer hold it in any longer! That had done it to them. They were on the ground (they already were their) laughing hysterically.

"CARTER! YOU ASS!" Tabitha said as she pushed Nick hard making him fall back.

"God, how old are you? 24, now?" Megan said as she put her arm around Tabitha.

"Yeah, really! You 3 are soooo cool! Wow, and your ages range from 19 to what?" Jess said as she huddled with the girls.

"You should have seen your faces!" AJ said as he held onto his stomache.

"Yeah, and the way you looked during the movie." Brian said as he pointed to Meg.

"And the way you puckered your lips in front of the mirror in the bath-" Nick started but then stopped.

Brian and AJ stared at him.

"What did you say?" Tabitha said confused.

"The way your lips puckered when you got all that butter on your tongue..from the...uh...popcorn!" Nick said. (nice save)

The girls left the guys to venge for themselves in the kitchen. The basically were worn out, completely! And a little pissed off. The three of them walked up to their bedroom and left the guys speechless in the kitchen.