Chapter 23

Nick paced back and forth on Brian's livingroom floor. All the guys watched him go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

"Nick?! Calm down. I mean, their girls. Their out to have fun." Howie said.

"Yeah, but it's past midnight. I know Tabs, she would be back by now, and she would have called." Nick said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Well, let's call Amanda! We can see if she knows if they went out after the fact." AJ said.

"Ok!" Nick ran into Brian's office and phoned Amanda.

When he walked back into the room he had a paled look on his face. All the guys noticed this. They ran up to him.

"What did she say?" Brian asked.

"They went out only for ice cream. Two hours ago? Ice cream doesn't take two hours! Then I called Lynn. She said Tabs still hasn't come home yet. Maybe she has her cell with her?" Nick said as he pondered the thought.

"Yeah, do you know the number?" Kevin asked.

"Shit! I left it in the studio! On the desk in the front. Wanna drive me down?" Nick looked over to Kevin.

"Yeah, sure! Come on, we'll all go." Kevin said.

The five of them ran to Kevin's car and headed down to JIVE studios. It was about a 15 minute drive from Brian's house.


Meg, Jess, and Tabitha watched in horror as this man, who still remained nameless bashed and broke the glass in the studio. He broke the buttons, the switchboards, synthesizers, everything you could imagine. All the girls breathed a sigh of relief when he stopped crashing things.

"Well, I'd like to say my works done, but it's not. Not yet." He said.

"Not yet? What do you mean?" Jess said quietly.

"Well, I haven't had all of my fun yet! Let's play my favorite game. Now, I want to be fair, so you'll all get a try. But I am only one man." He said. "But, first, this must go back over your pretty little mouths." He covered their mouths again with duck tape. Both girls were incredibly tired and found it hard to fight him, he was at least 6'5.

"Ennie, Meenie, Miny, Moe. My mother told me to pick the best one and you....are....." He pointed his finger back and forth between the three girls. "IT!" He said as he pointed at Tabitha.

She squealed and tried her best to scream. Meg and Jess began to cry not knowing what was going to happen next. All they could do was watch as he grabbed Tabitha and cuffed her to the metal pole that was at the end of the room.


Nick and the rest of the guys slowly made their way into the studios. When they opened the main door, they wondered why the lights were on.

"Hmm....that's strange?" AJ said as he noticed the lights.

"Where did you leave the number?" Kevin asked Nick.

"Uh, in the recording room. On the desk." He said. They headed up the elevator to the 3rd floor.

When they walked out of the elevator, they got bad vibes right away. Nick hesitantly opened the recording studio's door and noticed it was pitch black. He heard tiny whimpers. But, they sounded muffled. Kevin and Brian followed right behind him, followed by AJ and Howie. Nick flipped on the light.

"SHIT! MEG! JESS!" He said as he ran over to them.

All of the guys ran over and carefully took the duck tape off of their mouths. Both of them were trembling and finding it hard to talk.

"Meg, shhh....what happened?" Brian said calmly.

"Jess? Come on, tell us?" Kevin said.

Nick watched over as Jess looked like she was about to say something. He listend in closely.

"Car...we were in.....he-he-he....was in the he made us c-c-c-come here....because your the b-b-backstreet boys. He p-play a game. H-he said he wouldn't He took T-T-Tabitha....b-b-b-back." Jessica began saying, but before she could finish, Nick and Brian ran in the direction Jess was pointing in.

Tabitha was lying on the cold floor. Her make-up was smudged, her shirt was completely off of her body, revealing only her satin bra. Her skirt was around her knee caps, revealing her bikini underwear. She wasn't injured, or at least it didn't look it. The guy was passed out drunk on the floor next to Tabitha's half naked body. Brian kicked and punched the crap out of him as Nick ran over to Tabitha.