Chapter 6 - Ending and Beginnings

“You have to be kidding me!” Justin exclaimed under his breath as he watched the girl that they had play basketball with the day before, walk across the stage in the amphitheater in Tampa. But she wasn’t just some girl that they had been shooting hoops with. It was his sister.

After the game the day before they had all talked and laughed. Eventually they parted ways. Justin had called Justine later that night. They talked and made final arrangements for the meeting.

The morning of the graduation, they had all got up and ready for the ceremony.

Now, as he had heard her name called, he looked at her and almost passed out. She was tall for a girl. At lease 5-9, with dirty blond hair.

After she received her diploma, she let her eyes sweep the crowd. She saw Paige sitting in the third row, Nick, Brian, AJ, Kevin and Howie, all sitting in the middle of the crowd. Her eyes continued to move over the faces in the crowd. She saw JC and Lance. ‘OK, he’s around there somewhere. He has to be.” She thought as she looked in the area that JC was sitting in.

Then, she saw him.

The eyes. The twin, bright, electric blue eyes. When they met there was no doubt; they had known each other since long before either of them could remember.

JC watched his friend, grinning from ear to ear. When the twins finally broke eye contact, due to the fact that Justine had to watch where she was going, Justin looked at the older man.

"You knew about this?” he whispered.


“You....” Justin started, but cut himself off. “Actually, now that I think about it, I was blind not to see it.”

“Go on...” JC promted.

“Well, the way she kept looking at you every time someone asked her a question, and she used her middle name, Renae.”

“Good job Curly!”

“Shut up! People are gonna start telling us to shut up if we don’t take it upon ourselves.”

“OK OK!” The two sat in silence the rest of the ceremony

* * * * * * * *

After the rest of the ceremony....

As soon as she was allowed to, Justine ran to find Justin. She began looking through the crowd of people, looking for any one that was in the group.

“Hey, J!” She heard someone yell.

“Hey, Devin!”

“Come here!”

“I can’t I gotta find my brother.”


“Never mind I’ll explain later!”

“OK...” Devin was another one of her friends. She hadn’t told anyone but Serina about Justin though, and she knew that there was gonna be a lot of explaining to do when she did decide to let the cat out of the bag.

“Teens!” It was another voice. It was one that she knew, but wasn’t sure who it belonged to. She turned towards it and found Chris motioning for her to come with him. She smiled and walked over to him.

“Hey Chris! How’s it going?”

“Pretty good. How does it feel to have graduated?”


He laughed. “Well, are you ready to go meet your brother, officially. I mean, since he didn’t know it was you yesterday.”

“I’m as ready as ready can be.”

“I’m not gonna waste time trying to figure out what it was you just said. Follow me.” He grabbed her hand and led her over to where Justin and the rest of the group were waiting. Justin had his back to her.

She saw the perfect opportunity. She walked in front of Chris, and motioning to the others too keep quiet, she put her hands over Justin's eyes.