Only Time Will Tell

Well, here we are again! (Meg and Jess) Due to the many requests we've gotten, we have come up with a new story. Actually, Meg came up with the plot! (Go Meg!) But, with both of our creative minds, we hope to hold your interests!

Once again, e-mail your comments/suggestions to us at the addy below!


*Chapter 1*

*Chapter 2*

*Chapter 3*

*Chapter 4*

*Chapter 5*

*Chapter 6*

*Chapter 7*

*Chapter 8*

*Chapter 9*

*Chapter 10*

*Chapter 11*

*Chapter 12*

*Chapter 13*

*Chapter 14*

*Chapter 15*

*Chapter 16*

*Chapter 17*

*Chapter 18*

*Chapter 19*

*Chapter 20*

*Chapter 21*

~Last Chapter~*Chapter 22*~Last Chapter~
