Chapter 17

‘No one will ever hurt you again.’

His words rang in her head. What did he mean by that? She didn’t dare hope to think that the might have the same feelings that she had for him, or at least she thought that’s what it was.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” She called softly. The door opened and Brian appeared in the doorway. “Hey Bri.”

“Hey Kris. What’s up?”

“Nothing much. Nick has confined me to this room and I’m bored out of my mind. You would think that he would be smart enough to know that staring at walls isn’t exactly the best kind of entertainment.”

“This is Nick we are talking about.”

“True. I just wish he would let me out of the room!”

Brian walked over to where she was sitting on her bed. “He only does this cause he cares about you.”

“Yeah, yeah sure. So... what’s happening in the outside world?” She asked referring to the rest of the house.

“Nothing much. We are getting ready to tour, but other then that, nothing. Jane is running around, like a chicken with it’s head cut off, trying to get everything ready, and we still have a month until we go anywhere.”

“Poor woman. I feel so bad, I should be helping her.”

“Not in you condition, you shouldn’t!”

“Brian. You make it sound like I’m pregnant! I won’t break if I leave this room and do something! I promise.”

“Pregnant? Who’s pregnant?” Nick asked, walking into the room.

“Krista is.” Brian said, a mischievous grin on his face.


“Brian!” Krista cut Nick off. She shot him a look. “I’m not pregnant Nick! I’m 17 for god’s sake!”

“Oh my god!” He looked at Brian. “Don’t ever do that again!” He walked over to the bed and sat down next to Krista.

“OK, OK, sorry! I couldn’t help it.”

“Brian, that’s like me punching you right now and saying ‘OK OK, sorry! I couldn’t help it!” Krista mimicked Brian, making Nick laugh and Brian glare.

“I’m glad that the two of you find this so amusing! I’m gonna go downstairs and try to explain to Jane that we aren’t leaving for another month. She’s gonna drive herself crazy trying to get everything ready and it’s all gonna sit here.

“OK, you go do that, have fun.” Nick said rolling his eyes. After Brian had left, closing the door behind him, Nick turned to Krista. “So what’s this about you being pregnant?”

“AHHHHHH! I’m not pregnant! Brian’s an idiot and decided that he was gonna tell you that!”

“OK, just checking!”



“When are you gonna let me out of this room?”

“I just wanna make sure that you’re OK.”

“I know, but I’m not a glass doll. I’m not gonna fall apart if I exert myself a little. Like you know, going down the stairs. Brian says that you are doing this cause you care. But, Nick I’m not gonna break.”

“Brian’s right. I do care. I just want you to stay up here today and then tomorrow we can go out and do some stuff, K?”

“OK.” Krista lay back on her pillows. They had put her in her own room, at Nick’s suggestion, so that she could have some peace. It was one of the guestrooms.

“What do you wanna do tomorrow?”

“I don’t know. I just wanna get out. The only time I was outside this whole week was when you and Brian came to get me, today.”

“I’m sorry.” He lay down next to her. He was tired from all of the worrying he had done about her in the past week. “We’ll do something outside.”

“Thanks Nick.” She didn’t seem to notice that he was so close to her. She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“What was that for?” He was a little surprised, but wasn’t complaining,

“For being you. Thanks, for everything. The only reason I’m here right now is because you and Brian are here, on earth.”

“Anyone else would have done the same thing Krista.” His voice was growing softer.

“Actually most people didn’t even know that I had fallen.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter, what’s important is that you’re OK, and you are right here, right now.” The last words were almost inaudible,

“If that’s what you wanna think....” She looked over at him and smiled. He had fallen asleep. She wasn’t gonna wake him up, he needed the sleep. He had been at the hospital with her everyday since she had been admitted, and he looked really tired.

There wasn’t much she could do. She wasn’t allowed out of the room, and she didn’t have anyone to talk to. So, she decided to follow Nick’s example and closed her eyes. In a matter of minutes she too was sound asleep.

* * * * * * * * *

About an hour later Jane decided she needed to find out where her son was. She automatically went to the room that was now Krista’s. She knocked lightly, and when she got not reply, opened the door, slowly.

She smiled at what she saw. Nick and Krista were both still asleep, but Nick had taken Krista’s pillow, so she was using his chest as a pillow.

She closed the door, and walked back down to the kitchen. Brian walked in soon after. “Where’s Nick?”

“Upstairs. He’s asleep. So is Krista. I think that we should leave both of them alone, they’ve had a tough week.”

Brian, knowing exactly what she was talking about, smiled in agreement.