Chapter 21

Two weeks later...

By now, Krista has gotten used to the schedule the guys followed everyday. Get up at 6:00 in the morning, go do a radio show or a TV show, break for lunch, photo shoot or an interview for a magazine or newspaper, sound check from 2:00 to 4:00, rest until 6:00 and eat dinner, and be backstage at the venue by 6:20. Then at 7:30, when everyone is warmed up and ready to go, Aaron hits the stage and opens up the show. After the other opening acts are done there is a 20 minute intermission, and then it’s the Boys’ turn to hit the stage. Get done at about 11:30, get on the bus and head to the next city, where it starts all over again the next morning.

Lucky for BJ and herself, the two girls didn’t have quite the same schedule. That and the fact that they could go out in public without being mobbed by dozens of hormonal teenage girls, made there trip across the country a little more bearable.

They were now in California, San Francisco, to be exact. It was during the guys’ down time, right before the concert and Krista and BJ were in their room, just hanging out.

There was a knock on the door. “Who is it? We don’t want any!” BJ yelled, knowing it was one of the guys.

“Hey, um, Miss, I got your pizza....” Brian said, imitating the flunky that had delivered the pizza they had for dinner the night before. This caused Krista and BJ to burst into laughter.

“Come in Bri!’ Krista said, still laughing.

“Um... that’s kinda hard considering that the door doesn’t open form the outside without a key...”

“Oh yeah....” Krista got up and opened the door for Brian.

“Jeez! I think you’ve been spending too much time around Nick.”

“I wouldn’t be talking, Rok. You’re the one that’s sharing a room with him. Not to mention the fact that you have to spend all day with him, too. I think you are the one that’s spending too much time around him.” Krista said.

“You know, she has a point.” BJ backed Krista up.

“You are just so helpful today, aren’t you BJ?”

“I’m glad you think so, Brian!” BJ said and turned back to the TV, where they had been watching The Veiw.

“Sooo... What are you girls wearing tomorrow night?”

“Well, I don’t know about you, Bri, but I was kinda planing on wearing clothes.” Krista said. “You might want to consider that option very seriously, although I’m pretty sure that the fans wouldn’t mind if you discarded the idea.”

“Ha, ha. You are just so funny. I was referring to the fact that we have an awards show tomorrow night... and we were planing on bringing the two of you with us.”

“WHAT!?!?!?” Both Krista and BJ exclaimed. “There’s an awards show tomorrow night and you tell us now?! Dude, what’s wrong with you? We have to go shopping tomorrow! I don’t have anything to wear to an awards show! Do you?!” BJ asked Krista. Brain was trying really hard not to laugh.

“Of course NOT!” Krista said. “Brian! I can’t believe you didn’t tell us! Men!!!”

“No kidding!” BJ said.

“Come on you guys. You will have all of tomorrow to shop, and we don’t have anything scheduled, so we can all get some sleep and rest tonight. We are gonna be here for about a week, I think.

“No you don’t, Brian.” BJ said.

“I don’t what?”


“Hey! That wasn’t very nice!”

“It doesn’t have to be nice, it’s the truth!”

“OK, OK! Now, what are you guys going to wear?”

“Well, we need to shop too. We are all going tomorrow. That’s why we don’t have anything planned.”

“What award show is it?”

“I think it’s the Kids Choice. So, you don’t have to be dressed up really fancy, but you should look nice.”

“Duh! You should look nice whenever you go out in public, Brian!”

“OK, I’m going to leave now, cause I just really don’t feel the love in this room.” Brian started towards the door.

“Brian, get your Backstreet butt back here!” Krista said.

“That’s funny, I’ve said that to Nick a few times.” BJ said. Brian turned around, walked over and sat on the bed next to Krista.

“Works every time!”

The next day...

“I love these kinds of awards shows. You don’t have to get really dressed up. The kids don’t care what you have on, they just like seeing you.” AJ said.

“No kidding! I don’t have to wear a tie!” Nick said, in the process spitting toothpaste everywhere. Krista and BJ walked into Nick and Brian’s room, where all six of the guys were getting ready. Aaron was nominated for a few awards himself.

“Hey gir- WHOA!” Kevin said, his jaw dropping.

Krista and BJ laughed. “You OK, Kev? You might want to pick your jaw up off the floor before one of the other guys trips on it.” Krista said.

“Kev, what’s the-” Nick started, coming out of the bathroom after cleaning up the mess he made. “big deal? Wow, you girls look good!”

AJ came around the corner after hearing what Nick said. “Nicky, I think that’s an understatement.”

“What?!” Both BJ and Krista asked.

“Let’s put it this way,” AJ started. “ Someone better call the police, cause it’s gotta be illegal to look that good in those clothes.”

He wasn’t lying either. They did look really good, and their outfits were simple. BJ was wearing denim shorts and a blue tank top that matched her eyes exactly, with a butterfly across the chest. Her long blond hair was pulled back and braided and she had tiny butterfly clips placed strategically in her braid by Krista.

Krista was wearing Khaki cargo shorts and a green Old Navy tank top. Her hair was shorter then BJ’s so she just pulled half of it back and secured it with a Flutterby clip that was almost the exact same color as her shirt. They were both wearing white Jack Percells. But they each had something around their ankles that none of the guys had ever seen before.

“What’s that?!” Nick said, pointing to BJ’s ankle.

“That would be a tattoo.” BJ said. Nick eyes almost popped out of his head.

“A WHAT!?”

“Nick, before you crap your pants..... You should know that 1, I talked her into it and two it’s not permanent. Its called Mendih.” Krista didn’t want Nick to get mad at BJ. It had been her idea to see what the guys would say when they saw it.

“Mendih?” AJ asked, kneeling down in front of Krista to get a closer look. “That stuff is cool! You can make all different kinds of cool designs with it!”

Kevin looked at his watch. “Come one guys, it’s time to go!”

“Where’s Aaron?” Krista asked.

“I’m right here!” The voice came from behind Brian. “I was taking cover for when Nick blew up. That looks real!” He came out from hiding and looked at BJ and Krista’s body art.

“Come on, AC. You can look at it later, we gotta go."