Chapter 5

The next day........before meeting Justin at his practice!

Nick, Brian, A.J., and Howie all sat in the large Carter living room together. Well, they were all over for the ever-so-famous Carter B-B-Q. And, of course while they were their, they all met Krista. Surprisingly to all of them, they liked her. She was not at all what Nick had said she was.

"Nick, man, buddy! Krista is Hella cool!" A.J. said while sipping his iced tea.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you mean hella annoying? Hella pain in my ass? Or hella....hella.... annoying!"

"Uh, said that already! Anyway, I think I can speak for all the guys when I say she is very nice, sweet, funny, polite, and HELLA HOT!" AJ said.

"Mmmmm...yeah, she is pretty!" Brian said, agreeing with AJ.

"Pshaw!" Nick said. "Pretty? So, what? Looks never meant anything! I mean, her personality!" Nick said while rolling his eyes, yet again!

"Nick, you can't even criticize her without running out of something to say. Everytime you go to say something bad about her, you stop! Why is that?" Kevin said.

"Yeah, why do you have such a hard time with putting her down?" Howie said sarcastically.

"Guys! Between all of you and myself, I have no problem what-so-ever with putting Krista down, or making fun of her! In fact, dare me to do something right now, and I'll do it! Come on, come on! I'll do it!" Nick said while getting into his competitive mode.

AJ looked at Kevin, Kevin looked at Howie, Howie looked at Brian and Brian looked back at Nick with a guilty look in his eyes.

"Nick, do you have to prove to us that you hate her? I think we already sense it!" Brian said.

"So what! Come on guys, I'll do what ever you want! I'll show you I don't pitty Krista! I'll show you how much I hate her! Come on, give me what ya got!"

The guys all huddled in and made up a plan for something that Nick could do to prove his point. But, to be honest, the guys didn't think he would do it because they thought deep down, he liked her. Boy were they shocked when he did it!


Krista was getting ready to dive into the Carter's pool and do her laps. However, she didn't know that in a few minutes she would be trampled on and forced into the deep end by a massave 6'1, blonde haired giant named Nick. As she walked towards the edge of the pool she took off her shorts, pulled up her shirt and slipped off her sandals. All of the guys watched from the pool room....waiting. She took the tie out of her hair and let her hair loose over her tan back. Nick swallowed hard as he watched her sway her head back and forth, making her thick blonde hair glisten. He watched as she fixed her bikini bottoms and stepped up to the diving board.

Nick was definatly beginning to regret doing this, but he couldn't back down! Not now! He looked over to the guys and then looked back to Krista. He had to do it NOW! Before she dove in.

She stepped right up to the edge of the board and Nick ran as fast as he could. He leaped up onto the board causing it to bounce uncontrollably. Krista's knees locked in place and she grabbed behind her, pulling Nick by his shorts, into the pool. Both of them were under the water, submerged for a few seconds only. Krista came up sputtering.



She looked down at her hands and realized she had pulled them off of him when she grabbed him. "These? You want these?" She said while chucking them up onto the lawn chair.

"Ah! You little...." Nick started.

"Little what? Huh? What am I Nick? Huh? A whore, a slut, what did you call me yesturday! Oh, gee, where did this black eye come from? Hmm...let me see? It didn't just APPEAR!" Krista started raising her voice and splashing water everywhere. "Now, you listen to me...Mr. I'm a cool ass Backstreet Boy who doesn't both to learn about anyone else other then themselves!" The rest of the guys were listening on. "I am NOT, I repeat, NOT putting up with your SHIT! Do you hear me? Sure you can laugh now, but look who's buck ASS naked in his own swimming pool! I can see the front page of the Enquierer now! "BSB NICK CARTER TAKES A DIP IN THE NUDE! Not to mention, in BRODE DAY LIGHT! Yeah, then they'd no you were a smart blonde, huh Nick? Don't even mess with me! Now, If you don't mind, I am going to step out of this pool, fully clothed mined you. And get ready for my date with Justin!" She stepped out of the pool and made sure to splash some water on Nick before leaving the area completely.

The guys all walked out and stared at Nick, who was hiding in the deep end of the pool. Brian threw him his shorts and Nick put them on.

"Well...I guess, she uh, told you, huh?" AJ said while laughing.

"Yeah, guess so!" Nick said while brushing his hair back with his hand.


Alyssa, Krista's bestfriend walked up to the Carter's front door and knocked. Nick was in a much better mood then earlier. He hadn't run into Krista in the house and he had time to cool off. As soon as he opened the door he asked who she was.

"Is Krista here?" Alyssa said.

"! She has friends coming here now? Will the insanity ever end?" Nick said loudly, Krista heard him and walked down stairs, past Nick and to Alyssa.

"Hey, Lyssa. Don't mind him at all! He is just something that takes up space. Come on, Aaron and Angel have been wondering when we are gonna sit for them again."

"Waaaait a minute! You sit for them too! GOD! How can this happen so quickly. You are corrupting my siblings, Krista!" Nick said while getting right in her face.

"CORRUPTING? Good work Nick! Did you learn that on Barney? Cuz that show is way over your educational level. I would have thought Teletubies was more your thang!" She said sarcastically.

Alyssa and Krista left Nick standing their thinking about the insult she had just laid upon him. And he did stand their, and he thought about it....seriously.

"Why is he such an ass? I mean, we never meet him, and he is an ass? They always said he was the nice down to earth one, right?" Alyssa said.

"So, the magazines lie.....hey, what can ya do, right? Who cares! I've learned to just ignore him! Especially after the spectical he pulled out at the pool today!"

"What did he do?"

"Tried to scare me and throw me into the deep end. But with my super duper reflexes I pulled him...and his trunks down with me!"

"That-a-girl, Krista!" Alyssa said.