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Cynstar is a 16 year old soft rock/punk/romantica/gothic singer/songwriter from near Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. She belts out enchanting vocals which wonderfully accentuate her heartfelt, reminiscent lyrics. She has been compared to the likes of Jewel, Alanis Morrissette, and even Gwen Stefani of No Doubt. In honesty, there is no comparison. One musical moral CynStar will stick to closely if she is signed to a label is, in her own words, "Not to be sold out as a 'kiddie act', no matter what." You can check out her own website at

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Sunshine, Roses, and Unrequited Love

Sometimes I feel so distant from you and what we have's fallin' through the cracks..
Sometimes I feel that I've walked so far away from you there ain't no turnin' back..
Sometimes I feel that the love I have for you will never be revealed...
How could I ever let you know without losing you how I really feel...

Chorus: I thought love was always sunshine and roses...
I never knew love was heartache and rain...
I thought love was something people share, to show one another they care,
Not a heartful of pain...
I thought love was sunshine and roses....

Sometimes I feel so empty I can hear echoes from my cold soul..
Sometimes I feel that if I don't give you everything, I'll lose control...
Sometimes I feel that if I step too far, I'll go right over the edge...
How could put my love for you aside, and try to forget?

Maybe someday you'll come around and you will see
The love that lurks deep, deep in the depths of me
I'd give you the moon and stars for your control
If you'd just open up and let me in your soul...

I love you, I need you, I just want to tell you so,
So you know....

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