
John the Baker is on a solo punk tour of the UsA will play for $50-$100 or free. don't let him get arrested in your town give him a place to stay, eat and sleep and help keep him off the streets. smash apathy! John the Baker, acoustic guitar through an rp6 into a 100 watt marshall with lyrics and a voice that kills. John the Baker is the guy arrested in Woodstock for the lyrical content of his songs. He went to jail then to court. The judge ruled unconstitutional and Woodstock awarded him $20,000! His 1st release, She Hates My Music, is all solo acoustic and his 2nd release, John the Baker with Slimy Penis Breath Live, features John with a full on hardcore band. Both releases on his own label Living Alternatives~records for revolution~see and hear more at or for more info on John the Baker with Slimy Penis Breath Live at . This is the shit!!!!!!!!!

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