
We are located in Manchester New Hampshire area. If you want to book us to play a show, or find out about dates we are playing at the moment, e-mail jhimm or Bill.

Trespassers William is a name is a name that jhimm has used for some time. The band didn't want to use it until they were sure the band would be permanent. The band originally chose Definite Issues because they were having them, but now, well, they are not longer having issues. Well, except with the name. So jhimm offered his old name, they liked it... so they became Trespassers William Trespassers William is a metal/alterna/gothic crossover. Their influence includes everyone from Metallica to B.B. King. Original music is provided by jhimm. He also brings a sound that can only be classified as "aguatic". They are from many towns and cities in the Manchester, New Hampshire area.

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