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The worship of Aset.

Lo, I am with you,Lucius,moved by your prayers, I who am the mother of the Universe, the Mistress of all the elements, the first offspring of time, the highest of Dieties, the Queen of the dead, foremost of heavenly beings, the single form that fuses all Gods and Goddesses, I who order by my will the starry heights of heaven, the health-giving breezes of the sea, and the awful silences of those in the underworld: my single Godhead is adored by the whole world in varied forms, in differing rites and with many diverse names. (Isis to her worshipper Lucius,in Apuleius'Metamorphoses)

The Egyptian Year

(This reference was used with permission from deTraci Regula)

  • Akhet
  • The season of Akhet, the inundation of the Nile.
  • Tahuti---August 1st-30,
  • Paopi---August 31-Sept.29,
  • Hethara-Sept.30---Oct.29,
  • Koiak---Oct.30----Nov.28,
  • Proyet
  • The season of Proyet, the emergence of the land
  • and green growing things.
  • Tybi--Nov.29---Dec.28,
  • Mechir--Dec.29---Jan.27,
  • Panemot--Jan.28---Feb.26,
  • Parmuti--Feb.27---Mar.28,
  • Shomu
  • The season of summer and harvest.
  • Pachons--Mar.29---Apr.27,
  • Payni--Apr.28---May26,
  • Epipi--May27---June 26,
  • Mesore--June 27---July 26,
  • The Birthdays of the Netjeru
  • -------------------------------
  • 1st Epagomenal Day
  • July 27th.
  • Birthday of Osiris,
  • 2nd Epagomenal Day
  • July 28th
  • Birthday of Horus,
  • 3rd Epagomenal Day
  • July 29th
  • Birthday of Set,
  • 4th Epagomenal Day
  • July 30th
  • Birthday of Aset,
  • 5th Epagomenal Day
  • July 31st
  • Birthday of Nephthys,


I am the star that rises from the sea,the twilight sea. I bring men dreams that rule their destiny. I bring the moon-tides to the souls of men, The tides that flow and ebb and flow again; That flow and ebb and flow alternately,These are my secret,these belong to me. I am the eternal Woman,I am She- The tides of all men's souls belong to me. The tides that flow and ebb and flow again; The secret, silent tides that govern men; These are my secret, these belong to me. Out of my hands he takes his destiny; Touch of my hands bestows serenity- These are the moon-tides, these belong to me. Isis in heaven, on earth, Persephone, Diana of the moon and Hecate, Veiled Isis, Aphrodite from the sea, All these am I and they are seen in me. The high full-moon n the mid-heaven shines clear, I hear the invoking words, hear and appear... Shaddai el Chai and Rhea, Binah, Ge, I come unto the priest that calleth me. (Dion Fortune "The Sea Priestess")

I call on the Light of Isis and the Power of Isis to protect me and mine; From all things of darkness, From all manner of unjust attack. Those that mean me harm, You shall not pass this barrier! Those that cause me pain, You cannot pass this barrier! The Light of Isis stops you! The Power of Isis stops you! I Glow with the Light of Isis! I speak with the Power of Isis! No evil shall pass, no evil shall enter! Isis stands by me,She raises the copper harpoon! She is my protector! She battles for me! Isis the ever victorious, She battles for me! Horus stands by me, he raises the copper harpoon! He is my protector! He battles for me! Horus the Great Warrior, he battles for me! You shall halt, you shall cease your attacks, You shall lose this unjust battle against me! Your weapons shall fail you,your weapons will turn against you! Isis is my protector, She battles for me! She of the Ten Thousand Names Protects me in Ten Thousand Ways! Isis is my protector and She shall overcome you! Horus is my protector and he shall overcome you! Be gone! Be Away! (By deTraci Regula,from her book"Mysteries of Isis")

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