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Bio Page of Commander Don J. Williamson

Don J. Williamson
Commander, Medical Service Corps, United States Navy (Retired)
* Spanish American War Buff
* Collector of Spanish American War Relics and Memorabilia
* Collector of old bottles and glass
* Collector of glass and porcelain insulators
* Collector of old books and manuscripts
* Collector of stamps and coins


I was born on June 8, 1947 in Maryville, TN. My father was a Major in the Air Force while I was growing up, so my family home was wherever he was stationed.... England, Germany, Texas and finally Tennessee where he retired. I attended high school and Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN and on graduation, joined the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman.

Subsequently I was chosen by the Navy to attend the Ohio State University to become a registered dietitian. Since that time my assignments have included being stationed at Naval Hospitals in Beaufort, SC, Charleston, SC, Bethesda, MD, Portsmouth, VA and Jacksonville, FL. I also spent a tour of duty at the Naval Military Personnel Command in Washington, DC, as the Nutrition Programs Officer for the Navy.

In addition, I was deployed aboard the USS Iwo Jima in 1988, and was involved in both Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in Southwest Asia in 1990-1. I was also deployed to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in 1995 to assess the immigrant feeding program. I retired from Naval Hospital Jacksonville on Oct. 1,1998 after completing a $3.2 million dollar renovation of the Nutrition Management Department.

As a registered, licensed dietitian, I have also held positions with the Commissioned Corps, U.S. Public Health Service at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and had my own private practice. Currently, I work as nutrition consultant.