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Sailor Moon R is done

Sailor Moon R has finally finished after 16 new episodes (The other new was the first episode of Sailor Moon S) so I won't be updating this page anymore unless I get a background change.

Episode#106 Scouts are kidnapped

Rene steals the silver crystal and ends up making all the scouts except for Sailor moon get kidnapped from Rubeius.

Episode#107 Rubeius Strikes Out

Sailor moon saves the sailor scouts and defeats Rubeius.

Episode#108 The Secret of the Luna Sphere

Sailor Scouts and Sailor Moon meet Sailor Pluto who puts them inside Rene's dream to stop the Grim man from destroying Rene.

Episode#109 Emerald Attacks

Emerald creates a plan to make the future evil.

Episode#110 Promises Fullfilled

Serena finds a new way to get Darion.

Episode#111 Dog Day For Artemis

Emerald makes the animals attack the sailor scouts.

Episode#112 Friendship Test

Emerald releases a monster at Albert Einstein school.

Episode#113 Child's Play

One of Emerald's monsters turns Reeny's friend at school against her.

Episode#114 The Time Tunnel

Sailor Pluto takes the Sailor Scouts and Reeny to Crystal Tokyo.

Episode#115 Neo Queen Serenity

Sailormoon finds out about her future.

Episode#116 Dragon Trouble

The wise man turns Emerald into a dragon!

Episode#117 Birth of Wicked Lady

Reeny turns against the Sailor Scouts.

Episode#118 Brotherly Love

Sapphire dies trying to warn diamond of The Wise Man.

Episode#119 Diamond on the Rough

Diamond finally finds out what Wise Man's gonna do but Wise Man kills him.

Episode#120 Final Battle

Reeny turns back to normal and she and Sailor Moon destroy the Death Phantom then Reeny goes back home.

That is the end of Sailor Moon R. Sushidude [' '] -

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