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Poems from the heart are not so much love poems but rather poems that have touched (or twisted) my heart.


What the hell did you expect from life?
You had a kid. You had a wife.
You had a band that was going places.
So, why did you join the basketcases?

I don't understand people like you
Achieving so much with out a clue
Of what this life is really about.
Instead, you took the easy way out

Were you too young to understand
That happiness goes hand in hand
With the pain and wounds of traveling through life?
Can't feel sorry for you, just your kid and your wife.


I was talking to an old friend of mine.
About another place and time.
A time so many years before
In a nightmare know as the Vietnam War.

You see, this old friend and I
Didn't see things eye to eye.
He'd spent a long time over there
While I stayed home and grew my hair

I was learning to get high
While he watched his buddies die
I hardly ever thought of him
While he was risking life and limb

In the generation I belong
There are many who're already gone.
And from the ones that did return
There are many things that I have learned

The most important thing I've found
To my decisions I am bound
So, it's this burden that I bear
That I wasn't over there.

Okay, I could bear to have you leave on a down note, so I will add this to the mix.....


Dedicated to a certain Penny

She comes to me late at night
She make my tv screen shine bright
She tells me things I long to hear
She says she just french kissed my ear

She's my girl on the internet
It doesn't matter that we haven't met
I may never look deep into her eyes
But in our private room we're sharing fries

When we meet for a cyberdate
I amke sure I'm dressed and never late
We fool around, never leave first base
She puts a smile on this old dogs face

We dance all night on a hardwood floor
Hold each other by the oceans shore
She touches my face. I brush back her hair.
I feel her warmth. She knows I care.

Our hearts are tied by a wire so thin
I call her percious. She calls me Grin
She never lets me feel neglected.
That's left to the Web, when we've been disconnected

Yeah, she's my chatroom baby
We'll meet someday, well, maybe
And if I do I'll kiss her
Show her how much I miss her
